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08-03-15 10:27 AM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1192784 | 1759 Words

| ID: 1192784 | 1759 Words
dark mode
dark mode
Level: 266

POSTS: 14945/28362
POST EXP: 1933289
LVL EXP: 308814424
CP: 158041.0
VIZ: 12945487

POSTS: 14945/28362
POST EXP: 1933289
LVL EXP: 308814424
CP: 158041.0
VIZ: 12945487

Likes: 0 Dislikes: 0
A while ago I was in the Steam store looking at the sales that they were having to see if there was a game that I would try to get and I came across this one. From the looks of the game page, it looked as if the game was perfect. It was more than 90 percent off at the moment for less than a quarter, it had a very good rating, and after reading up on the game and looking at some of the videos, it had looked like the kind of game that I would really want to play. I ended up able to get the game that same day with the help of someone and I gave it a try and within minutes of playing the game for the first time I had fallen in love with it. The game was very simple, and there had been a couple of parts where the game didn't really feel right, but the game play was amazing and it was the kind of game where once I finished a level, I knew right away that I was going to start another one and not even think of quitting.
GRAPHICS 7/10 I would say that the graphics aren't too bad, but they could have used some more work to make the game even better. It does look okay, but I would have to say that the graphics would be the worst aspect of the game, not because they are bad but because everything else about the game is on a higher level. The terrain and monsters look pretty good if you ask me, you have plains, water, ice, mountains, and more, though if you are standing in the water it looks as though you're high up in the sky because all you see is the blue and nothing else. All of the monsters have a small amount of detail to them though a lot of them look the same which isn't really all that great. In fact, there had been a few times where I mistook a few monsters for some others because of the way that they looked and then ended up dying because of that. The only other bad aspect of the game would be the way that the characters look, which for the most part is quite weird actually. The rest of the game though looks pretty smooth and overall the graphics aspect of the game are quite good and for a grade they are going to get a 7 out of 10. SOUND 9/10 I'm going to have to say that the sounds are good, because that's what they are. First off you have the sounds which are pretty decent themselves such as the noises that are heard whenever you scroll over something or click something. There's a noise for practically everything that goes on in this game, you have sounds when you run, when you jump, and when you dash, and then you have noises from each of your attacks and more. That's just the beginning of this aspect because it gets even better once you start talking about the music. The music is one of the best parts of the game because it's so well done. It isn't just one simple track, you have an entire soundtrack of great music. It's the kind of music that I will download and listen to when I'm not playing because a lot of the songs are really good. The songs are all energetic and are really fun to listen to whether you just turned on the game and are looking at the main menu or you are in the middle of a battle. The music will change depending on where you are, but it can only get better since all of songs are at least good. For a grade, it wouldn't be fair to give this aspect a low grade because the music really boosted the category and for that, the grade is going to be a 9 out of 10. ADDICTIVENESS 10/10 I really have no idea what this is really, but I love it. The game play itself is a lot of fun to work with and in my opinion, it's quite unique as well. For the most part, you are running around and jumping, but that's one of the things that makes the game so much fun because once you upgrade your abilities, you can dash super fast and jump hundreds of feet. So basically that makes the game a mash up of action and parkour which makes it so much fun. Who doesn't like running around at top speed while sending out various attacks at monsters and trees, and doing all sorts of tricks while jumping up mountains and whatnot? That's just the beginning of what the game has to offer because the map has fully customizable terrain which means that with each attack you can either destroy a little bit or add a little bit to the world which is a lot of fun and means that you can change the world however you want either for your own entertainment or as a way to attack the monsters. When I first started playing the game I knew it was going to be fun but I didn't really feel that it was going to be so cool, I found myself playing the same level over and over just so I could run around as fast as I could and do all sorts of cool tricks in the air or to attack the monsters over and over and I didn't mind playing it over because it was so exciting. The game was too much fun to give a bad grade, so my grade for this aspect is going to be a perfect 10 out of 10. STORY 7/10 There's a pretty decent story here but there isn't really that much to work with and all of the levels are just about the same if you think about it. With each level you are either collecting all of the little energy orbs or you need to kill all of the monsters and that's what each level is about until you get later on into the game where you find out about this thing called a nega orb but even after that even though you are dealing with that, the objectives still stay the same and all you need to do now is either destroy the nega orb, kill all the monsters or get the regular orbs. There aren't that many levels but in terms of a story, there's a solid foundation there and it's pretty good and for a grade, it's going to get a 7 out of 10. DEPTH 8/10 The game does have a good amount of depth, but that's mainly for the size of the worlds because when it comes to the amount of levels that you can choose from, there aren't really that many to begin with. There was probably less than 2 levels in total and when I first played the game, I was able to beat it in less than a day so that doesn't really help with the depth but each level was huge. Each level has a giant map for you to explore, even if you don't have to be in there. There are literally some levels where the objectives only take up about 20 percent of the map which means that there's so much more for you to explore. Even if you are dashing at full speed, it will probably take you at least a couple of minutes just to run around some of the levels without doing anything else. On top of that, you have various upgrades that you can buy and level up which add a little to the depth and in general thanks to the size of the maps, the game has a lot to offer. The game could have had so much if there were just a few more levels, but the way it is now still offers a lot and for a grade, depth is going to get an 8 out of 10. DIFFICULTY 4 I didn't try any of the harder game modes, just easy and I found it to be really easy to play. When it comes to attacking, it's really easy to not get hit because you can run around and jump as fast as you can to avoid all of the monsters which makes evading then really easy, but if you do stop, even for just a second, you could find yourself getting hit by something, but for the most part it's really easy to not die. On the other hand, attacking and controls might be a bit hard. I tried to use a controller to make the game play better but I couldn't seem to get the controls to match up correctly so I had to use the keyboard which can be quite difficult at times. Sometimes it's hard to attack, sometimes it's hard to turn, and sometimes there's some other small issue but for the most part, the game is easy, unless of course you try one of the harder game modes. Even if you do that, the same thing still applies, all you need to do is avoid getting hit. For the most part, the game is easy and for a grade, difficulty is going to get a 4. OVERALL 8.5/10 Overall, this game is a blast and it's worth every penny, especially when it's on sale for less than a quarter, but even if it's at full price, you should still be able to get your monies' worth out of playing it. If you are the kind of person that likes these kinds of games, such as parkour ones, then this should be the one for you. Even if you are a fan of just plain action games, then I still suggest that you give this one a try because you could really end up liking the game play. For me, if you took this style of game play and the music our of the game, it would have been the sane as any other game and I probably would have quickly gotten bored of it, but because of those two aspects it has made this game really exciting and a lot of fun to play. I loved it and I'm pretty sure that you will too and for an overall grade, I'm going to give this game an 8.5 out of 10. GRAPHICS 7/10 I would say that the graphics aren't too bad, but they could have used some more work to make the game even better. It does look okay, but I would have to say that the graphics would be the worst aspect of the game, not because they are bad but because everything else about the game is on a higher level. The terrain and monsters look pretty good if you ask me, you have plains, water, ice, mountains, and more, though if you are standing in the water it looks as though you're high up in the sky because all you see is the blue and nothing else. All of the monsters have a small amount of detail to them though a lot of them look the same which isn't really all that great. In fact, there had been a few times where I mistook a few monsters for some others because of the way that they looked and then ended up dying because of that. The only other bad aspect of the game would be the way that the characters look, which for the most part is quite weird actually. The rest of the game though looks pretty smooth and overall the graphics aspect of the game are quite good and for a grade they are going to get a 7 out of 10. SOUND 9/10 I'm going to have to say that the sounds are good, because that's what they are. First off you have the sounds which are pretty decent themselves such as the noises that are heard whenever you scroll over something or click something. There's a noise for practically everything that goes on in this game, you have sounds when you run, when you jump, and when you dash, and then you have noises from each of your attacks and more. That's just the beginning of this aspect because it gets even better once you start talking about the music. The music is one of the best parts of the game because it's so well done. It isn't just one simple track, you have an entire soundtrack of great music. It's the kind of music that I will download and listen to when I'm not playing because a lot of the songs are really good. The songs are all energetic and are really fun to listen to whether you just turned on the game and are looking at the main menu or you are in the middle of a battle. The music will change depending on where you are, but it can only get better since all of songs are at least good. For a grade, it wouldn't be fair to give this aspect a low grade because the music really boosted the category and for that, the grade is going to be a 9 out of 10. ADDICTIVENESS 10/10 I really have no idea what this is really, but I love it. The game play itself is a lot of fun to work with and in my opinion, it's quite unique as well. For the most part, you are running around and jumping, but that's one of the things that makes the game so much fun because once you upgrade your abilities, you can dash super fast and jump hundreds of feet. So basically that makes the game a mash up of action and parkour which makes it so much fun. Who doesn't like running around at top speed while sending out various attacks at monsters and trees, and doing all sorts of tricks while jumping up mountains and whatnot? That's just the beginning of what the game has to offer because the map has fully customizable terrain which means that with each attack you can either destroy a little bit or add a little bit to the world which is a lot of fun and means that you can change the world however you want either for your own entertainment or as a way to attack the monsters. When I first started playing the game I knew it was going to be fun but I didn't really feel that it was going to be so cool, I found myself playing the same level over and over just so I could run around as fast as I could and do all sorts of cool tricks in the air or to attack the monsters over and over and I didn't mind playing it over because it was so exciting. The game was too much fun to give a bad grade, so my grade for this aspect is going to be a perfect 10 out of 10. STORY 7/10 There's a pretty decent story here but there isn't really that much to work with and all of the levels are just about the same if you think about it. With each level you are either collecting all of the little energy orbs or you need to kill all of the monsters and that's what each level is about until you get later on into the game where you find out about this thing called a nega orb but even after that even though you are dealing with that, the objectives still stay the same and all you need to do now is either destroy the nega orb, kill all the monsters or get the regular orbs. There aren't that many levels but in terms of a story, there's a solid foundation there and it's pretty good and for a grade, it's going to get a 7 out of 10. DEPTH 8/10 The game does have a good amount of depth, but that's mainly for the size of the worlds because when it comes to the amount of levels that you can choose from, there aren't really that many to begin with. There was probably less than 2 levels in total and when I first played the game, I was able to beat it in less than a day so that doesn't really help with the depth but each level was huge. Each level has a giant map for you to explore, even if you don't have to be in there. There are literally some levels where the objectives only take up about 20 percent of the map which means that there's so much more for you to explore. Even if you are dashing at full speed, it will probably take you at least a couple of minutes just to run around some of the levels without doing anything else. On top of that, you have various upgrades that you can buy and level up which add a little to the depth and in general thanks to the size of the maps, the game has a lot to offer. The game could have had so much if there were just a few more levels, but the way it is now still offers a lot and for a grade, depth is going to get an 8 out of 10. DIFFICULTY 4 I didn't try any of the harder game modes, just easy and I found it to be really easy to play. When it comes to attacking, it's really easy to not get hit because you can run around and jump as fast as you can to avoid all of the monsters which makes evading then really easy, but if you do stop, even for just a second, you could find yourself getting hit by something, but for the most part it's really easy to not die. On the other hand, attacking and controls might be a bit hard. I tried to use a controller to make the game play better but I couldn't seem to get the controls to match up correctly so I had to use the keyboard which can be quite difficult at times. Sometimes it's hard to attack, sometimes it's hard to turn, and sometimes there's some other small issue but for the most part, the game is easy, unless of course you try one of the harder game modes. Even if you do that, the same thing still applies, all you need to do is avoid getting hit. For the most part, the game is easy and for a grade, difficulty is going to get a 4. OVERALL 8.5/10 Overall, this game is a blast and it's worth every penny, especially when it's on sale for less than a quarter, but even if it's at full price, you should still be able to get your monies' worth out of playing it. If you are the kind of person that likes these kinds of games, such as parkour ones, then this should be the one for you. Even if you are a fan of just plain action games, then I still suggest that you give this one a try because you could really end up liking the game play. For me, if you took this style of game play and the music our of the game, it would have been the sane as any other game and I probably would have quickly gotten bored of it, but because of those two aspects it has made this game really exciting and a lot of fun to play. I loved it and I'm pretty sure that you will too and for an overall grade, I'm going to give this game an 8.5 out of 10. |
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Sergei's Mustache |
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