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The Five Sheets Of Paper That Saved My Life


07-17-15 10:58 AM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1187461 | 277 Words

dark mode
Level: 265

POSTS: 14492/28356
POST EXP: 1933022
LVL EXP: 306449348
CP: 157646.2
VIZ: 12902403

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Some of you might know the story of the paper that I had to do for my English class last semester. For Essay 2 of the semester I did so well on the first draft that I didn't have to do the others, and I got an A- on that paper, and then for the final paper we had to add like 4 more pages to that and I got another A- on that but the paper stretches far more than that.

In total, the paper was about 5 sheets, 8 pages long, and I ended up using that in my Sports Sociology class. The professor for that class said we could write up a little something for extra class, and I talked about giving that paper in and she said yes so I gave in the final paper for the extra credit, and that REALLY helped me.

I got an A for that class too, but I didn't actually do any good in the class, most users know that I did so bad on the midterm that she gave it back to me without even grading it so that paper really saved me there. But wait. There's more!

Using the paper for those two classes were what helped my GPA which in turn is what got me invited to the Honors School and I have a chance to re write that paper and submit it for approval to be published, not in any old school paper, but in the Honors Academic Journal, and since the GPA went up and I was invited to the Honors School, I have so many opportunities for different certifications and whatnot.
Some of you might know the story of the paper that I had to do for my English class last semester. For Essay 2 of the semester I did so well on the first draft that I didn't have to do the others, and I got an A- on that paper, and then for the final paper we had to add like 4 more pages to that and I got another A- on that but the paper stretches far more than that.

In total, the paper was about 5 sheets, 8 pages long, and I ended up using that in my Sports Sociology class. The professor for that class said we could write up a little something for extra class, and I talked about giving that paper in and she said yes so I gave in the final paper for the extra credit, and that REALLY helped me.

I got an A for that class too, but I didn't actually do any good in the class, most users know that I did so bad on the midterm that she gave it back to me without even grading it so that paper really saved me there. But wait. There's more!

Using the paper for those two classes were what helped my GPA which in turn is what got me invited to the Honors School and I have a chance to re write that paper and submit it for approval to be published, not in any old school paper, but in the Honors Academic Journal, and since the GPA went up and I was invited to the Honors School, I have so many opportunities for different certifications and whatnot.
Vizzed Elite
Sergei's Mustache

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-25-13
Location: Inaba
Last Post: 1 day
Last Active: 3 hours

07-18-15 04:25 PM
Pacman+Mariofan is Offline
| ID: 1187787 | 35 Words

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VIZ: 1567578

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That's amazing! Now I know why you were invited to Honors School. This proves that it's a great idea to save your school assignments somewhere safe until the end of the school year, or later.
That's amazing! Now I know why you were invited to Honors School. This proves that it's a great idea to save your school assignments somewhere safe until the end of the school year, or later.
Vizzed Elite
2-Time VCS Winner
Philippians 4:6-7

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-22-12
Location: The Milky Way (not the candy)
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07-18-15 07:58 PM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1187855 | 27 Words

dark mode
Level: 265

POSTS: 14527/28356
POST EXP: 1933022
LVL EXP: 306449348
CP: 157646.2
VIZ: 12902403

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PacmanandMariofan : The very first piece of extra credit I gave in before this one happened to be a paper that I did in my old college too.
PacmanandMariofan : The very first piece of extra credit I gave in before this one happened to be a paper that I did in my old college too.
Vizzed Elite
Sergei's Mustache

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-25-13
Location: Inaba
Last Post: 1 day
Last Active: 3 hours


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