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My Theory on How Mononucleosis is Spread
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My Theory on How Mononucleosis is Spread


05-18-15 06:26 AM
DeltaPlayz is Offline
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     Many refer to mono as "the kissing disease". It can be spread via kissing if either of the parties lick their lips, spreading the disease onto their mouth. If the lips are dry, then the risk is decreased a good bit.

    But the main reason it is spread is interaction of the skin or blood. If, let's say, a nurse tries to put a bandage on an open wound dealt on a person with mono and misses, touching the blood. If he/she does not wash her hands or sanitize them and accidentally (or possibly, on purpose) puts that finger or hand with 'mono blood' on it, she is at great risk of getting the sickness.

    And just, plain out sometimes, you just sort of get it. It's in the air. I've had mono once before (a month or 1 1/2 months ago) and it's still clinging on pretty good. Still have the throat pain and all that. There is no cure for mono! Once you get it, your nervous system just starts fighting it naturally.

   ** Again, this is JUST A THEORY. There was little recent studying in the making of this theory, but I've learned some about it in the past that I remember.

You guys can post your experiences if you have had the sickness, and you can add on to anything that I may have left out in this. This is an open thread, just say your experience and criticize it if you like.

Thanks for reading.

     Many refer to mono as "the kissing disease". It can be spread via kissing if either of the parties lick their lips, spreading the disease onto their mouth. If the lips are dry, then the risk is decreased a good bit.

    But the main reason it is spread is interaction of the skin or blood. If, let's say, a nurse tries to put a bandage on an open wound dealt on a person with mono and misses, touching the blood. If he/she does not wash her hands or sanitize them and accidentally (or possibly, on purpose) puts that finger or hand with 'mono blood' on it, she is at great risk of getting the sickness.

    And just, plain out sometimes, you just sort of get it. It's in the air. I've had mono once before (a month or 1 1/2 months ago) and it's still clinging on pretty good. Still have the throat pain and all that. There is no cure for mono! Once you get it, your nervous system just starts fighting it naturally.

   ** Again, this is JUST A THEORY. There was little recent studying in the making of this theory, but I've learned some about it in the past that I remember.

You guys can post your experiences if you have had the sickness, and you can add on to anything that I may have left out in this. This is an open thread, just say your experience and criticize it if you like.

Thanks for reading.

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05-18-15 09:52 AM
Jordanv78 is Offline
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GamingN00B : There is no "theory" on how mono is spread. There is direct science behind it. Mono is spread by person to person contract primarily through saliva.

It's found here, and many other places on the web -

You might want to create a thread that refers to peoples experience with mono, rather than have people make up their "Theories" Just a thought.

GamingN00B : There is no "theory" on how mono is spread. There is direct science behind it. Mono is spread by person to person contract primarily through saliva.

It's found here, and many other places on the web -

You might want to create a thread that refers to peoples experience with mono, rather than have people make up their "Theories" Just a thought.

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