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03-17-15 07:33 PM
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Losing over 23,000 Viz for no reason?


03-17-15 07:33 PM
Boured is Offline
| ID: 1148013 | 93 Words

Level: 89

POSTS: 136/2179
POST EXP: 104277
LVL EXP: 6905646
CP: 9315.3
VIZ: 1382228

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Hello I have a question I was adding games to my game collection and when I was halfway through doing it almost all my Viz leaving me with 15. I heard that you lose Viz if you break rules but I don't think I broke any did I? Is this a glitch or did I break a rule without knowing if so I'm sorry please someone help me

Accually it is kinda Ironic considering it is St. Patrick's Day and it is supposed to be the luckiest day of the year XD
Hello I have a question I was adding games to my game collection and when I was halfway through doing it almost all my Viz leaving me with 15. I heard that you lose Viz if you break rules but I don't think I broke any did I? Is this a glitch or did I break a rule without knowing if so I'm sorry please someone help me

Accually it is kinda Ironic considering it is St. Patrick's Day and it is supposed to be the luckiest day of the year XD
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(edited by 18mlivingston on 03-17-15 07:46 PM)    

03-17-15 07:36 PM
Patrick Star is Offline
| ID: 1148016 | 27 Words

Patrick Star
Level: 83

POSTS: 1493/1910
POST EXP: 84574
LVL EXP: 5362119
CP: 8553.4
VIZ: 200946

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
   Ya, I lost almost all of my Viz too. It is not your fault that you lost it. This was probably some sort of group thing.
   Ya, I lost almost all of my Viz too. It is not your fault that you lost it. This was probably some sort of group thing.
Vizzed Elite

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(edited by tRIUNE on 03-26-15 05:54 PM)    

03-17-15 07:44 PM
IgorBird122 is Offline
| ID: 1148021 | 29 Words

Level: 141

POSTS: 4528/6414
POST EXP: 526201
LVL EXP: 34116483
CP: 40926.3
VIZ: 780148

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 1
Davideo7 :
play4fun : Apparently, we got some kind of glitch with the Viz system that does need checked out, these 2 users (and maybe more) lost Viz without buying anything.
Davideo7 :
play4fun : Apparently, we got some kind of glitch with the Viz system that does need checked out, these 2 users (and maybe more) lost Viz without buying anything.
Vizzed Elite
The Shadow King

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-07-13
Location: The Big Easy
Last Post: 1764 days
Last Active: 1749 days

03-17-15 08:57 PM
play4fun is Offline
| ID: 1148049 | 23 Words

Level: 115

POSTS: 3187/3661
POST EXP: 459253
LVL EXP: 16689141
CP: 21510.8
VIZ: 782317

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Currently looking into this. I am closing this since it is an isolated issue and I am currently in contact with those affected.
Currently looking into this. I am closing this since it is an isolated issue and I am currently in contact with those affected.
Vizzed Elite
I wanna live like there's no tomorrow/Love, like I'm on borrowed time/It's good to be alive

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Location: Quincy, MA
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03-20-15 10:21 PM
Pacman+Mariofan is Offline
| ID: 1148645 | 36 Words

Level: 167

POSTS: 4544/9337
POST EXP: 662200
LVL EXP: 60444310
CP: 38459.3
VIZ: 1567735

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I'm pretty sure that this was the result of the site being hacked. It's all over now and the site is almost completely normal.

Local Mods : play4fun wanted this closed and he forgot to close it
I'm pretty sure that this was the result of the site being hacked. It's all over now and the site is almost completely normal.

Local Mods : play4fun wanted this closed and he forgot to close it
Vizzed Elite
2-Time VCS Winner
Philippians 4:6-7

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Registered: 10-22-12
Location: The Milky Way (not the candy)
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Last Active: 1241 days

03-20-15 10:51 PM
Boured is Offline
| ID: 1148651 | 16 Words

Level: 89

POSTS: 151/2179
POST EXP: 104277
LVL EXP: 6905646
CP: 9315.3
VIZ: 1382228

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
PacmanandMariofan : Actually person he did close it but someone opened it again his name was geeogree.
PacmanandMariofan : Actually person he did close it but someone opened it again his name was geeogree.
Vizzed Elite
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03-21-15 12:33 AM
Vanelan is Offline
| ID: 1148668 | 17 Words

Level: 154

POSTS: 2501/7903
POST EXP: 297207
LVL EXP: 46034837
CP: 55439.7
VIZ: 10079

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
geeogree : Are you keeping this thread open for some reason?
Otherwise, I would like to close it.
geeogree : Are you keeping this thread open for some reason?
Otherwise, I would like to close it.
Vizzed Elite
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03-21-15 11:15 AM
geeogree is Offline
| ID: 1148777 | 33 Words

Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
Level: 292

POSTS: 22791/29312
POST EXP: 1956619
LVL EXP: 429866923
CP: 52867.2
VIZ: 571526

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
vanelan : sorry, I did re-open it because I needed to look at the code in some of the layouts because of the hacking that happened. I got distracted and didn't close it afterwards.
vanelan : sorry, I did re-open it because I needed to look at the code in some of the layouts because of the hacking that happened. I got distracted and didn't close it afterwards.
Vizzed Elite
Former Admin

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-03-05
Last Post: 26 days
Last Active: 3 hours

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Pacman+Mariofan,


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