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What did you learn today?


01-23-15 10:45 AM
Totts is Offline
| ID: 1128450 | 87 Words

Level: 95

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LVL EXP: 8661614
CP: 16126.8
VIZ: 1527528

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What did you learn today?

Everyday my friend's children at school come home and tell them what they learnt at school today.

I am just curious, what do schools actually teach these days.

I don't just mean subject content, oh I learnt math or history,

but what did you actually LEARN?

Most of what I learnt in school is that bullies suck and ruined my enjoyment of it and I really liked being appreciated by authority figures.

Oh and about Shakespear in England writing some cool plays.
What did you learn today?

Everyday my friend's children at school come home and tell them what they learnt at school today.

I am just curious, what do schools actually teach these days.

I don't just mean subject content, oh I learnt math or history,

but what did you actually LEARN?

Most of what I learnt in school is that bullies suck and ruined my enjoyment of it and I really liked being appreciated by authority figures.

Oh and about Shakespear in England writing some cool plays.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 08-23-10
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01-23-15 08:31 PM
supernerd117 is Offline
| ID: 1128619 | 149 Words

Level: 143

POSTS: 4094/6187
POST EXP: 404633
LVL EXP: 35770779
CP: 17935.2
VIZ: 13353

Likes: 2  Dislikes: 0
Yesterday I learned that I really shouldn't judge someone by what others say about them. I really need to get to meet them. A neighbor helped to catch my dog the other day by whistling when he ran off. Yesterday, he asked for my help moving an electric fireplace. By talking with him and his wife, and through the experience I had, I realized these people were very kind-hearted individuals. They even paid me, and paid me more than they agreed, even though I offered to do the work for free. I really want to get to know them more personally, and maybe help them out more. I am still a very shy person. But when I get to know people, I can really talk.

I'm really excited that God opened this opportunity for me, and I'm looking forward to getting to know people more personally in the future!
Yesterday I learned that I really shouldn't judge someone by what others say about them. I really need to get to meet them. A neighbor helped to catch my dog the other day by whistling when he ran off. Yesterday, he asked for my help moving an electric fireplace. By talking with him and his wife, and through the experience I had, I realized these people were very kind-hearted individuals. They even paid me, and paid me more than they agreed, even though I offered to do the work for free. I really want to get to know them more personally, and maybe help them out more. I am still a very shy person. But when I get to know people, I can really talk.

I'm really excited that God opened this opportunity for me, and I'm looking forward to getting to know people more personally in the future!
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

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Post Rating: 2   Liked By: Pacman+Mariofan, Totts,

03-07-15 08:22 PM
Collapz3 is Offline
| ID: 1145004 | 149 Words

Level: 29

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LVL EXP: 132668
CP: 550.4
VIZ: 10683

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Today I learned how to improve my underwater pull when doing Breast Stroke while on Swim Practice. I learned that Karthus is an OP champion when it is in the hands of a professional LCS player in league of legends. I started learning some more HTML and CSS in order to manage a website for one of my school clubs; I am learning these two codes in a self-taught manner. I also learned how to breathe in butterfly stroke to the side without slowing down more than you would if you were to breathe the normal butterfly way. I learned how to make a twitch overlay at least for the league of legends portion of the overlay section. I also learned that the University of Chicago has a really low acceptance rate, which might make me want to consider that as an option when applying to colleges next year.
Today I learned how to improve my underwater pull when doing Breast Stroke while on Swim Practice. I learned that Karthus is an OP champion when it is in the hands of a professional LCS player in league of legends. I started learning some more HTML and CSS in order to manage a website for one of my school clubs; I am learning these two codes in a self-taught manner. I also learned how to breathe in butterfly stroke to the side without slowing down more than you would if you were to breathe the normal butterfly way. I learned how to make a twitch overlay at least for the league of legends portion of the overlay section. I also learned that the University of Chicago has a really low acceptance rate, which might make me want to consider that as an option when applying to colleges next year.
Mighty Potato

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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Totts,

03-08-15 10:40 PM
ghostfishy is Offline
| ID: 1145390 | 78 Words

Level: 82

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LVL EXP: 5112182
CP: 5798.2
VIZ: 127024

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What I learned today:
  • It is International Women's Day
  • It feels great to talk to a friend after a few months especially when the strong bond and connection are still there
  • There is always a next time to see someone and catch up on news despite of being busy
  • Endurance can go a long way whether it would be mentally or physically
We all learn something new everyday whether it would be a small fact or a sudden realization.
What I learned today:
  • It is International Women's Day
  • It feels great to talk to a friend after a few months especially when the strong bond and connection are still there
  • There is always a next time to see someone and catch up on news despite of being busy
  • Endurance can go a long way whether it would be mentally or physically
We all learn something new everyday whether it would be a small fact or a sudden realization.
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Master of Fishes

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Registered: 01-06-14
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04-16-15 07:05 PM
SacredShadow is Online
| ID: 1159247 | 108 Words

Level: 155

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POST EXP: 976665
LVL EXP: 46867078
CP: 35212.7
VIZ: 1045511

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Today I had an in depth learning session of the many aspects of developmental psychology. Right now, I’m reading about how psychologists believed that childhood sets our traits and the way we perceive the world. A lot of the material I’m covering now deals with adolescence and puberty and what occurs as a result of maturation. Overall it is pretty straightforward material, the majority of which you can learn in a health, or sexual education class.  Altogether it is fairly interesting, I’m really looking forward to the personality unit next week because I find it to be a lot more in depth and enthralling than this current one.
Today I had an in depth learning session of the many aspects of developmental psychology. Right now, I’m reading about how psychologists believed that childhood sets our traits and the way we perceive the world. A lot of the material I’m covering now deals with adolescence and puberty and what occurs as a result of maturation. Overall it is pretty straightforward material, the majority of which you can learn in a health, or sexual education class.  Altogether it is fairly interesting, I’m really looking forward to the personality unit next week because I find it to be a lot more in depth and enthralling than this current one.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Trooperness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-14-13
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Last Active: 10 min.

05-13-15 01:48 PM
Light Knight is Offline
| ID: 1167766 | 73 Words

Light Knight
Level: 122

POSTS: 3140/3819
POST EXP: 276083
LVL EXP: 20208975
CP: 11326.1
VIZ: 1054364

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Today I learned there is a new browser called "Waterfox". I don't know a whole lot about it, but I am curious, and will probably ask the expert (Juliet) what she can tell me about it.

I know it's 64bit, but I'm not sure if that will have a significant impact on my browsing. It's based on Mozilla's Firefox, but supposed to be faster.

You can learn lots of things here on Vizzed.
Today I learned there is a new browser called "Waterfox". I don't know a whole lot about it, but I am curious, and will probably ask the expert (Juliet) what she can tell me about it.

I know it's 64bit, but I'm not sure if that will have a significant impact on my browsing. It's based on Mozilla's Firefox, but supposed to be faster.

You can learn lots of things here on Vizzed.
Vizzed Elite
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Loyal Knight of Vizzed

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 12-08-04
Location: The Internet
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