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Vizzed a franchise?
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Vizzed a franchise?


01-11-15 02:00 PM
Director Freeman is Offline
| ID: 1124226 | 67 Words

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Imagine if Vi zed became a big franchise. It'll be awesome, that vi zed console could become a real thing and people would use it to buy and play all those classic games. Yes, I would buy the console too if it was real, I be buying all those classic games and play them for hours. Yes, Vi zed would really be a big thing for sure.
Imagine if Vi zed became a big franchise. It'll be awesome, that vi zed console could become a real thing and people would use it to buy and play all those classic games. Yes, I would buy the console too if it was real, I be buying all those classic games and play them for hours. Yes, Vi zed would really be a big thing for sure.

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01-11-15 02:04 PM
darthyoda is Offline
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Sadly, I don't think this will ever happen. Vizzed is meant to be free, and it couldn't be a franchise, as that would require it to release games from a specific series exclusively... 

Cool idea, but it goes against what vizzed is meant to be... 
Sadly, I don't think this will ever happen. Vizzed is meant to be free, and it couldn't be a franchise, as that would require it to release games from a specific series exclusively... 

Cool idea, but it goes against what vizzed is meant to be... 
Vizzed Elite
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01-11-15 02:07 PM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1124231 | 27 Words

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Being a franchise means it releases it's own game series, what you are talking about would be more of a publishing company, and even that wouldn't happen.
Being a franchise means it releases it's own game series, what you are talking about would be more of a publishing company, and even that wouldn't happen.
Vizzed Elite
Sergei's Mustache

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01-23-15 08:25 AM
NintendoFanDrew is Offline
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The users would be characters xD! David would be the primary protagonist, all of us would be good guys, too, and the bad guys, I guess, would be slow internet xD. I can actually imagine this happening... *Visualizes Tour de Vizzed as a race*.
The users would be characters xD! David would be the primary protagonist, all of us would be good guys, too, and the bad guys, I guess, would be slow internet xD. I can actually imagine this happening... *Visualizes Tour de Vizzed as a race*.
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01-23-15 12:30 PM
greenluigi is Offline
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If it could happen, it would be... TOTALLY AWESOME! All the users would be, you know, the characters, and president David raises the green flag with a huge letter 'V' on it. The 'Profiles' would be houses. I imagine it as Super Smash Bros. Vizzed almost xD. The Chat Room would be a big place, and many users would go there if they're bored, so there's people to talk with. There has yet to be a franchise of it and a wiki page.
If it could happen, it would be... TOTALLY AWESOME! All the users would be, you know, the characters, and president David raises the green flag with a huge letter 'V' on it. The 'Profiles' would be houses. I imagine it as Super Smash Bros. Vizzed almost xD. The Chat Room would be a big place, and many users would go there if they're bored, so there's people to talk with. There has yet to be a franchise of it and a wiki page.
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01-24-15 10:28 PM
IgorBird122 is Offline
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I highly doubt that Vizzed will ever be a franchise because I don't think David wants it to go that way, I think David wants to keep this site known by Vizzed users for Vizzed users most likely. It would be neat though

greenluigi : Imagine with the mythical IB122 in the mix, looking in the shadows of the land.
I highly doubt that Vizzed will ever be a franchise because I don't think David wants it to go that way, I think David wants to keep this site known by Vizzed users for Vizzed users most likely. It would be neat though

greenluigi : Imagine with the mythical IB122 in the mix, looking in the shadows of the land.
Vizzed Elite
The Shadow King

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01-24-15 10:34 PM
Ainstrings is Offline
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   What would the product be?  I mean its a cool thing to think about, but I also want to be famous, doing what I don't know, just want to be.  Now if Vizzed was like its own game series, I could almost be all for it, I mean the chemistry here, is most certainly worthy of being its own game...probably.
   What would the product be?  I mean its a cool thing to think about, but I also want to be famous, doing what I don't know, just want to be.  Now if Vizzed was like its own game series, I could almost be all for it, I mean the chemistry here, is most certainly worthy of being its own game...probably.

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01-30-15 12:17 AM
Eirinn is Offline
| ID: 1131355 | 110 Words

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I'm a sucker for a good light-hearted "what if" thread.

Alright, I'll bite. lol
The big unveil at E3 2016: The VMachine! We could have our own first party games and carry third party titles.

Our launch titles would be:
Vizzedeo brothers: a game about two fire breathing turtle creatures who fight evil plumbers that kidnap a princess named Tomato.
V raider: a game about raiding...V's...I don't know, I'm winging it here.
And last but not least...
David the hedgehog: a game about a toony little golden hedgehog who fights other animals that enslave scientists and force them to run evil robots! :O

Then sell it for $399. Monies!!!
I'm a sucker for a good light-hearted "what if" thread.

Alright, I'll bite. lol
The big unveil at E3 2016: The VMachine! We could have our own first party games and carry third party titles.

Our launch titles would be:
Vizzedeo brothers: a game about two fire breathing turtle creatures who fight evil plumbers that kidnap a princess named Tomato.
V raider: a game about raiding...V's...I don't know, I'm winging it here.
And last but not least...
David the hedgehog: a game about a toony little golden hedgehog who fights other animals that enslave scientists and force them to run evil robots! :O

Then sell it for $399. Monies!!!
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-18-12
Last Post: 2324 days
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