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Dark sword Z
01-02-15 01:07 PM
Dark sword Z
01-02-15 01:07 PM
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Chaos Seed (amazing but not well know)

Game's Ratings
Average User Score
Dark sword Z's Score

01-02-15 01:07 PM
Dark sword Z is Offline
| ID: 1118978 | 343 Words

Dark sword Z
Level: 41

POSTS: 87/376
POST EXP: 25754
LVL EXP: 445471
CP: 1476.4
VIZ: 54396

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Hi Vizzed users and guest, 
today I'm going to review a really hidden Snes jewel is a game unrepeatable, with out lie this is the best title that I ever played
I'm talking about Chaos Seed is a game that never sales out of Japan, is an a last of the Snes time games or the Super Famicon
because it never sales out of Japan, Is a game that make a perfect combine of 3 genders and I think there's nothing same than this
title, is a game that never was repeated and Inspiration has few is a very genuine game it mix the Action RPG, Strategy and
the building.

Graphics 9 : at the graphic level this game is excellent is something Best of the Snes close to the 32 bit
it don't have any type of slowdown's or graphics bugs, every sprites are amazing worked
like many of the last Snes titles but unlucky many of then never sales out of Japan

Sound 9 : Excellent sound, is really enjoyable the sound effects are really good done

Addictiveness 10: this title is a lot addictive you can't stop playing it is that type of game that you're playing and you say "Ok leave it now"
and you level up and is something like that  "Yes one more level, only 5 minutes more"

Story 7 :The game story we control a character that need to build an series of caves or wells to save some sort of Magic
to destroy the enemies monsters 

Depth 9:  a long game is really a big map and you can loose easy, there's a lot of items to obtain

Difficulty 9 :This game is a lot hard, is impossible beat it with out a guide, you need to think everything decision
 where to go, what use, how many material you need ?
is hard you take hours even day's beat it

Final words
At last I'm going to say don't miss out this title is a lot of hours of  fun but don't get to addict
Hi Vizzed users and guest, 
today I'm going to review a really hidden Snes jewel is a game unrepeatable, with out lie this is the best title that I ever played
I'm talking about Chaos Seed is a game that never sales out of Japan, is an a last of the Snes time games or the Super Famicon
because it never sales out of Japan, Is a game that make a perfect combine of 3 genders and I think there's nothing same than this
title, is a game that never was repeated and Inspiration has few is a very genuine game it mix the Action RPG, Strategy and
the building.

Graphics 9 : at the graphic level this game is excellent is something Best of the Snes close to the 32 bit
it don't have any type of slowdown's or graphics bugs, every sprites are amazing worked
like many of the last Snes titles but unlucky many of then never sales out of Japan

Sound 9 : Excellent sound, is really enjoyable the sound effects are really good done

Addictiveness 10: this title is a lot addictive you can't stop playing it is that type of game that you're playing and you say "Ok leave it now"
and you level up and is something like that  "Yes one more level, only 5 minutes more"

Story 7 :The game story we control a character that need to build an series of caves or wells to save some sort of Magic
to destroy the enemies monsters 

Depth 9:  a long game is really a big map and you can loose easy, there's a lot of items to obtain

Difficulty 9 :This game is a lot hard, is impossible beat it with out a guide, you need to think everything decision
 where to go, what use, how many material you need ?
is hard you take hours even day's beat it

Final words
At last I'm going to say don't miss out this title is a lot of hours of  fun but don't get to addict
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