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The Interview
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The Interview


12-28-14 07:35 PM
janus is Offline
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So, The Interview has finally been released. After much controversy and (supposed) North Korean piracy, it's finally been released in theaters and online.

Quite frankly, I now understand why Sony created so much controversy around that movie. In one word: awful. The humor in this movie makes Adam Sandler look like a very subtle and refined humorist (he's not my type of humor, but he doesn't sink THAT low). Sexual references in that movie are so obviously exposed it gets embarrassing after the 50th one. The actor playing Kim Jog-un doesn't have the same appeal as his puppet father in Team America.

However vulgar THAT movie was, at least it was real political humor making fun of everyone left AND right. In The Interview, humor is exclusively below the belt - apparently, Sony censor a gay orgy scene - without any attempt to pass a real message. Oh, it DOES try to make people aware of the terrible conditions of North Koreans (concentration camps, starvation)... for two minutes. The rest of the movie is just so unrealistic that you laugh nervously at the idiocies you see in the movie (people biting their fingers, putting vital things in unexpected places, suddenly becoming expert spies/USSR-era tan drivers).

In short, don't waste your money on that movie. Instead, try to find scenes online like the very beginning with Eminem. That was probably the only really interesting part of the movie.

So, The Interview has finally been released. After much controversy and (supposed) North Korean piracy, it's finally been released in theaters and online.

Quite frankly, I now understand why Sony created so much controversy around that movie. In one word: awful. The humor in this movie makes Adam Sandler look like a very subtle and refined humorist (he's not my type of humor, but he doesn't sink THAT low). Sexual references in that movie are so obviously exposed it gets embarrassing after the 50th one. The actor playing Kim Jog-un doesn't have the same appeal as his puppet father in Team America.

However vulgar THAT movie was, at least it was real political humor making fun of everyone left AND right. In The Interview, humor is exclusively below the belt - apparently, Sony censor a gay orgy scene - without any attempt to pass a real message. Oh, it DOES try to make people aware of the terrible conditions of North Koreans (concentration camps, starvation)... for two minutes. The rest of the movie is just so unrealistic that you laugh nervously at the idiocies you see in the movie (people biting their fingers, putting vital things in unexpected places, suddenly becoming expert spies/USSR-era tan drivers).

In short, don't waste your money on that movie. Instead, try to find scenes online like the very beginning with Eminem. That was probably the only really interesting part of the movie.

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01-01-15 02:11 PM
gamerforlifeforever is Offline
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Wow I was wanting to see this movie so bad, but after hearing this I think I may pass on it. Man there just haven't been any good movies this year...
Wow I was wanting to see this movie so bad, but after hearing this I think I may pass on it. Man there just haven't been any good movies this year...
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01-01-15 04:28 PM
rcarter2 is Offline
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gamerforlifeforever2 : Into The Woods was pretty amazing. Although, I admit that is a very specific taste, as it is a movie version of a very successful Broadway Musical. Not as good as the actual Broadway show, but still really good.
gamerforlifeforever2 : Into The Woods was pretty amazing. Although, I admit that is a very specific taste, as it is a movie version of a very successful Broadway Musical. Not as good as the actual Broadway show, but still really good.
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01-05-15 07:58 PM
Barathemos is Online
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No.. Into the woods was pretty bad. I really do want to see this, so I'll eventually watch it online. But I'm afraid I'll get bombed...
No.. Into the woods was pretty bad. I really do want to see this, so I'll eventually watch it online. But I'm afraid I'll get bombed...
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01-23-15 08:26 AM
Buga-the-Knut is Offline
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i thought it was funny don't get me wrong it wasn't the funniest movie ever but i still enjoyed it i do agree with you though it was in no way worth all the hype and controversy that went along with it
i thought it was funny don't get me wrong it wasn't the funniest movie ever but i still enjoyed it i do agree with you though it was in no way worth all the hype and controversy that went along with it
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