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Are you new to viz?


11-29-14 07:33 PM
chryoyo is Offline
| ID: 1109428 | 54 Words

Level: 25

POSTS: 48/124
POST EXP: 6821
LVL EXP: 84715
CP: 378.2
VIZ: 24321

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Hello! I'm Chris. Reply to my thread, and You'll get viz! Viz is sort of like money on this site. For more info click here.
Anyways... If you have questions just ask, and I will reply when I can. You'll know I've replied when you see a yellow number by the "notifications" button.
Hello! I'm Chris. Reply to my thread, and You'll get viz! Viz is sort of like money on this site. For more info click here.
Anyways... If you have questions just ask, and I will reply when I can. You'll know I've replied when you see a yellow number by the "notifications" button.
The lonely outcast

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-13-14
Location: USA
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11-29-14 09:54 PM
marianne26 is Offline
| ID: 1109486 | 13 Words

Level: 52

POSTS: 364/638
POST EXP: 8569
LVL EXP: 1061334
CP: 709.1
VIZ: 84973

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welcome to vizzed board play post and even more!
chryoyo : yay!
welcome to vizzed board play post and even more!
chryoyo : yay!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-17-13
Location: pokemon world
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Last Active: 3374 days

11-30-14 08:09 AM
Itachi_4_ever is Offline
| ID: 1109551 | 91 Words

Level: 21

POSTS: 29/87
POST EXP: 15161
LVL EXP: 49335
CP: 659.4
VIZ: 33308

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Sort of still new and looking around, trying to take all the information and wonderful wealth of retro-games in : ) I think I've been a member for a week and a half now, I'm not entirely sure. But definitely not longer than two weeks. Since it says in the info you'll show newlings around, could you please tell me how to tag a person? I've been trying to figure it out, but so far it hasn't worked... I use @ in front of the username, but no succes with that.
Sort of still new and looking around, trying to take all the information and wonderful wealth of retro-games in : ) I think I've been a member for a week and a half now, I'm not entirely sure. But definitely not longer than two weeks. Since it says in the info you'll show newlings around, could you please tell me how to tag a person? I've been trying to figure it out, but so far it hasn't worked... I use @ in front of the username, but no succes with that.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-20-14
Last Post: 3350 days
Last Active: 1684 days

11-30-14 08:36 AM
darthyoda is Offline
| ID: 1109557 | 151 Words

Level: 113

POSTS: 2110/3729
POST EXP: 217130
LVL EXP: 15440397
CP: 14145.0
VIZ: 423135

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
This thread is really not necessary... This is an idea, which is currently in use as the official Viz generosity thread. Davideo has also made a guide on how to make viz, the definition etc. So you know what thread I mean:

For those of you who need Viz go here:

Local Mods : Isn't this a dupe of these two, and not necessary... It's your choice.

chryoyo : Did you check to see if there was a guide already in existence? This really is just a link, to something that is easily found. Sorry, I don't want to be mean, but it's not really something unique, or anything that isn't already taken care of. Don't take offense, I love that you are trying to help newbies, but just go and find some, and just give viz, that would be more helpful. (My personal opinion, which is no where near law.)
This thread is really not necessary... This is an idea, which is currently in use as the official Viz generosity thread. Davideo has also made a guide on how to make viz, the definition etc. So you know what thread I mean:

For those of you who need Viz go here:

Local Mods : Isn't this a dupe of these two, and not necessary... It's your choice.

chryoyo : Did you check to see if there was a guide already in existence? This really is just a link, to something that is easily found. Sorry, I don't want to be mean, but it's not really something unique, or anything that isn't already taken care of. Don't take offense, I love that you are trying to help newbies, but just go and find some, and just give viz, that would be more helpful. (My personal opinion, which is no where near law.)
Vizzed Elite
The most active Sith on Vizzed!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-02-12
Location: Texas
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Last Active: 2357 days

11-30-14 10:30 AM
EideticMemory is Offline
| ID: 1109579 | 57 Words

Level: 139

POSTS: 4711/6326
POST EXP: 427597
LVL EXP: 31904290
CP: 26390.3
VIZ: 1210568

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
The best way to help others is be proactive and seek newbie threads with the questions, versus trying to make them come to you.

Most of the time they don't know their way around the boards to reach a thread like this to begin with.

So unfortunately, this is unnecessary.

PM me if you're confused.

Thread closed.
The best way to help others is be proactive and seek newbie threads with the questions, versus trying to make them come to you.

Most of the time they don't know their way around the boards to reach a thread like this to begin with.

So unfortunately, this is unnecessary.

PM me if you're confused.

Thread closed.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 12-30-13
Location: North Carolina, USA
Last Post: 435 days
Last Active: 435 days


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