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11-20-14 09:43 PM
thecrzyguy is Offline
| ID: 1106392 | 215 Words

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I'm a freshmen in High School.

My teacher was in the hospital, and we have a substitute teacher. As a result, the assignment is due at the of the school day.

 So you know when you have an assignment, and you wait awhile to do it? Well go up two steps.

An important project, and wait until the day it's due. I had an assignment that was due today, and it was an essay that we've been working on for the past month.

For us to pass the class, we have to pass this assignment, this essay. Yet I only had about half of the rough draft complete as of eleven hours ago.

I worked on bits and pieces of it here and there throughout my earlier classes, and by the time the class this is due in, I've managed to complete my draft as well as make some modifications to it.

I ended up with my essay typed up, all finished and turned in before the end of the day.

Moral of this, is that I'm a big procrastinator, and I shouldn't have procrastinated on such an important assignment.

Has anyone recently gone through a similar scenario, or knows anyone that has gone through a similar scenario where they've waited until the last minute?
I'm a freshmen in High School.

My teacher was in the hospital, and we have a substitute teacher. As a result, the assignment is due at the of the school day.

 So you know when you have an assignment, and you wait awhile to do it? Well go up two steps.

An important project, and wait until the day it's due. I had an assignment that was due today, and it was an essay that we've been working on for the past month.

For us to pass the class, we have to pass this assignment, this essay. Yet I only had about half of the rough draft complete as of eleven hours ago.

I worked on bits and pieces of it here and there throughout my earlier classes, and by the time the class this is due in, I've managed to complete my draft as well as make some modifications to it.

I ended up with my essay typed up, all finished and turned in before the end of the day.

Moral of this, is that I'm a big procrastinator, and I shouldn't have procrastinated on such an important assignment.

Has anyone recently gone through a similar scenario, or knows anyone that has gone through a similar scenario where they've waited until the last minute?

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11-25-14 01:43 AM
EideticMemory is Offline
| ID: 1107822 | 75 Words

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I don't normally wait until the very end, but I start late enough so that I'm motivated to do a lot of work in a little bit of time. For time management, deadlines do work wonders.

But I have regretted putting things off the night before.

Especially when it's actually at night when I start.

It hits me around 4 AM that I could have been asleep if I hadn't put the assignment off. =P
I don't normally wait until the very end, but I start late enough so that I'm motivated to do a lot of work in a little bit of time. For time management, deadlines do work wonders.

But I have regretted putting things off the night before.

Especially when it's actually at night when I start.

It hits me around 4 AM that I could have been asleep if I hadn't put the assignment off. =P
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11-25-14 01:54 AM
merf is Offline
| ID: 1107831 | 77 Words

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EideticMemory : That's stereotypical college life though, don't give up on those 4am regret-filled essay sessions! #badadvice

Seriously though, this is my life. I'm hilariously last minute, and it's an awful habit. I'm the guy who does work here and there on a course for the first 3 weeks (of 4 weeks), takes a break for 5 days of the final week, then does most of the work for the course in the final 2 days.
EideticMemory : That's stereotypical college life though, don't give up on those 4am regret-filled essay sessions! #badadvice

Seriously though, this is my life. I'm hilariously last minute, and it's an awful habit. I'm the guy who does work here and there on a course for the first 3 weeks (of 4 weeks), takes a break for 5 days of the final week, then does most of the work for the course in the final 2 days.
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11-25-14 02:21 AM
EideticMemory is Offline
| ID: 1107844 | 37 Words

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mrfe :

You know that's right. =P

And there's all those times when I tell myself that I'm going to start a little earlier the next time and end up starting even later the next time around.

mrfe :

You know that's right. =P

And there's all those times when I tell myself that I'm going to start a little earlier the next time and end up starting even later the next time around.

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01-16-15 06:13 PM
mario102 is Offline
| ID: 1125895 | 237 Words

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thecrzyguy : I like how you made yourself pretty clear. I'm also a procrastinator. Near the end of the first marking period, we had a Social Studies project. It was to make a poster of an early explorer. My explorer was Sebastian Cabot, a person who we have never even learned about. However, his father, John Cabot, was an early explorer who we did learn about, but my teacher never mentioned anything about his son, Sebastian. I really didn't want to do the project. We had about a week to use the Chromebooks (laptops that run Google Chrome, and if you don't know what Google Chrome is, it's a web browser), and I pretty much had a good chunk of notes on Google Drive, but used only a small fraction of those notes. I ended up working on the poster the day before and the day the project was due. I got something close of an 89, which counted four times in my teacher's grade book. I was planning a much lower grade, because I feel that I didn't put in all the effort that I should have, but I think my Social Studies teacher has low expectations for my grade, or just everyone, but not me. Procrastination doesn't always help me, but I hope my teacher realizes that not everything has to be related to school. But I don't think my teachers actually realize that at all.  
thecrzyguy : I like how you made yourself pretty clear. I'm also a procrastinator. Near the end of the first marking period, we had a Social Studies project. It was to make a poster of an early explorer. My explorer was Sebastian Cabot, a person who we have never even learned about. However, his father, John Cabot, was an early explorer who we did learn about, but my teacher never mentioned anything about his son, Sebastian. I really didn't want to do the project. We had about a week to use the Chromebooks (laptops that run Google Chrome, and if you don't know what Google Chrome is, it's a web browser), and I pretty much had a good chunk of notes on Google Drive, but used only a small fraction of those notes. I ended up working on the poster the day before and the day the project was due. I got something close of an 89, which counted four times in my teacher's grade book. I was planning a much lower grade, because I feel that I didn't put in all the effort that I should have, but I think my Social Studies teacher has low expectations for my grade, or just everyone, but not me. Procrastination doesn't always help me, but I hope my teacher realizes that not everything has to be related to school. But I don't think my teachers actually realize that at all.  
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