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10-22-14 12:37 PM
10-22-14 05:36 PM
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Is it fair that the staff can earn points for all the things that they get to do?


10-22-14 12:37 PM
FaithFighter is Offline
| ID: 1095228 | 13 Words

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Mods: I made a mistake in doing this. Please close and throw away.
Mods: I made a mistake in doing this. Please close and throw away.
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I am the FaithFighter. I stand. I fight. I live. By the Grace of GOD, I live.

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(edited by FaithFighter on 10-22-14 12:56 PM)    

10-22-14 05:36 PM
EideticMemory is Offline
| ID: 1095343 | 169 Words

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Unfortunately you can't summon through an edit.

Local Mods : OP wants thread closed.

But there's no harm in asking this sort of thing. Bringing up what you think is unfair is the best way to get change, or find out why things are they way they are. We'd rather you ask and understand the system, and then choose to like/dislike it, than to silently resent it.

It's good that our points are kept track of, so that the global+ can make sure that we're not slacking off. At the same time, we are, in fact, doing work for the site, which is why our work deserves Contribution Points. Thus, it is only fair that staff get points for what they do.

Perhaps what you really want is more non-staff actions, or something similar. Those would be good suggestions to bring up if they are in fact what you're looking for. But as far as this concerns staff earning points, why the system works this way is pretty reasonable.
Unfortunately you can't summon through an edit.

Local Mods : OP wants thread closed.

But there's no harm in asking this sort of thing. Bringing up what you think is unfair is the best way to get change, or find out why things are they way they are. We'd rather you ask and understand the system, and then choose to like/dislike it, than to silently resent it.

It's good that our points are kept track of, so that the global+ can make sure that we're not slacking off. At the same time, we are, in fact, doing work for the site, which is why our work deserves Contribution Points. Thus, it is only fair that staff get points for what they do.

Perhaps what you really want is more non-staff actions, or something similar. Those would be good suggestions to bring up if they are in fact what you're looking for. But as far as this concerns staff earning points, why the system works this way is pretty reasonable.
Vizzed Elite

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(edited by EideticMemory on 10-22-14 05:38 PM)     Post Rating: 3   Liked By: Pacman+Mariofan, Singelli, TornadoMudkip,


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