Battle your way as Samus, the legendary Bounty Hunter, through the planet Zebes. Fight mini-boses to get to Mother Brain, the evil brain of Zebes. You go through deep caverns, upgrade your weapons, fight odd creatures, and even get to struggle with Metroids... But, what makes this retro game so revolutionary? It's graphics, no. Not its story, and also not how much you can do. It is one of the first games you could go back and forth through the levels... You have to start in an unconventional direction to even get past the first door. This makes it a game all true retro fans should play!
Graphics, the graphics are relatively average for NES, I mean they couldn't do much with it back in the 80's... But none the less, this game has good visuals. It isn't a game that focuses too much on this part, as it had other goals, and the programming needed to create more detailed graphics weren't available... Although it has good graphics, it misses many of the things that true Metroid fans have come to love. It doesn't have the grappling hook, nor does it have a map, which makes the game much harder. Considering you have to go back and forth between rooms, and even parts of the level, this makes the game very hard, but I am getting ahead of myself. This game gets an 8/10 because the graphics aren't that stunning. (Normal Graphics for 1980's games.)
Sound, the game has a good soundtrack, but it gets annoying after a while of hearing the same thing over and over. The sounds were very well done, but because of the seemingly uncreative soundtrack, I gave this a low rating. But if you think about it, back in the day, even Mario's theme could get annoying... So really there is little difference between this, and a more popular game... But as you play this for a longer time, it gets a little more repetitive than Mario... Because of the repeating soundtrack I gave this part a 6/10. which is rather low for a game that I enjoyed playing.
Story, this game has little story from what you can tell, but it seems common... I gave it the highest score because of the continuation of it's foundation. It built on the story, and made it a well known game franchise. It laid the foundation for you nemesis, Mother Brain. I won't spend very long here, because of the little story in this game, but if you play the other games, you can get an idea about the story. For the other games which had GREAT story, this gets a 10/10.
Depth, there is much to do in this game, you can find missile "tanks" which gives you more missiles to shoot. You have the freeze ray, and many other things to upgrade. Mostly the stuff in here, has been a common part of the series after this game, although the sequel to this, greatly upgraded the arsenal of Samus. If it weren't for the lack of a map, this game could be much better. You can do much, but it is hard to keep track of what room you were just in. Which kills the exploring mood. Not to mention that there is an invincibility code... Which makes exploring completely useless. Although you have much to do, it doesn't really feel fun to do it, and for those reasons it only gets a 6/10
Difficulty, in and of itself, the game isn't hard. It is because of the limited shooting angles, and the no map part that this game is hard. Both of these problems were addressed in the remake of this that Nintendo made years later. But still the game wasn't actually hard, it was just frustrating. Because of the lack of a map, this game gets a hard rating of 8/10.
Overall, a good game, but it takes time to beat, which makes it a patience test, rather than an enjoyable experiance. It is a good game, but the remake proved the better version. Battle your way as Samus, the legendary Bounty Hunter, through the planet Zebes. Fight mini-boses to get to Mother Brain, the evil brain of Zebes. You go through deep caverns, upgrade your weapons, fight odd creatures, and even get to struggle with Metroids... But, what makes this retro game so revolutionary? It's graphics, no. Not its story, and also not how much you can do. It is one of the first games you could go back and forth through the levels... You have to start in an unconventional direction to even get past the first door. This makes it a game all true retro fans should play!
Graphics, the graphics are relatively average for NES, I mean they couldn't do much with it back in the 80's... But none the less, this game has good visuals. It isn't a game that focuses too much on this part, as it had other goals, and the programming needed to create more detailed graphics weren't available... Although it has good graphics, it misses many of the things that true Metroid fans have come to love. It doesn't have the grappling hook, nor does it have a map, which makes the game much harder. Considering you have to go back and forth between rooms, and even parts of the level, this makes the game very hard, but I am getting ahead of myself. This game gets an 8/10 because the graphics aren't that stunning. (Normal Graphics for 1980's games.)
Sound, the game has a good soundtrack, but it gets annoying after a while of hearing the same thing over and over. The sounds were very well done, but because of the seemingly uncreative soundtrack, I gave this a low rating. But if you think about it, back in the day, even Mario's theme could get annoying... So really there is little difference between this, and a more popular game... But as you play this for a longer time, it gets a little more repetitive than Mario... Because of the repeating soundtrack I gave this part a 6/10. which is rather low for a game that I enjoyed playing.
Story, this game has little story from what you can tell, but it seems common... I gave it the highest score because of the continuation of it's foundation. It built on the story, and made it a well known game franchise. It laid the foundation for you nemesis, Mother Brain. I won't spend very long here, because of the little story in this game, but if you play the other games, you can get an idea about the story. For the other games which had GREAT story, this gets a 10/10.
Depth, there is much to do in this game, you can find missile "tanks" which gives you more missiles to shoot. You have the freeze ray, and many other things to upgrade. Mostly the stuff in here, has been a common part of the series after this game, although the sequel to this, greatly upgraded the arsenal of Samus. If it weren't for the lack of a map, this game could be much better. You can do much, but it is hard to keep track of what room you were just in. Which kills the exploring mood. Not to mention that there is an invincibility code... Which makes exploring completely useless. Although you have much to do, it doesn't really feel fun to do it, and for those reasons it only gets a 6/10
Difficulty, in and of itself, the game isn't hard. It is because of the limited shooting angles, and the no map part that this game is hard. Both of these problems were addressed in the remake of this that Nintendo made years later. But still the game wasn't actually hard, it was just frustrating. Because of the lack of a map, this game gets a hard rating of 8/10.
Overall, a good game, but it takes time to beat, which makes it a patience test, rather than an enjoyable experiance. It is a good game, but the remake proved the better version. |