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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare


10-01-14 01:39 AM
PokeMaster7193 is Offline
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? ?So with the release date a mere month away I figured as a die hard Call of Duty fan I figured it's almost my duty to ask what the Vizzed community would like to see, what they wouldn't like to see, and based on what footage we have seen so far your honest opinion on Advanced Warfare set to be released on November 4th of this year. I personally am too excited for words and have been following this game since it's E3 reveal. With the game coming out on current-gen and the new-gen consoles I would hope to see better character customization, expanding on what Ghosts did (selecting your sex and outfit customization) as well as improving the fluidity and clarity of what you see on your HUD (team mate/character movements, environment, etc.). As far as what I don't want, the server decay that tends to happen when it comes to Call of Duty games (Modern Warfare hacked lobbies anyone?), as well the lag/connectivity resolution problems. What I mean by that is I'm sure everyone has noticed before but you're in a lobby and as soon as that one guy on your team red-bars the lag that follows almost always results in a host switch which brings me to my next point. When the host of a match kicks out or decides to leave there, by now at least, should be a much more seamless way of resolving the new host, instead of sending everyone to a loading screen to fix it (which I may add has led to many a rage quit due to players being killed and losing a score streak because they unintentionally get knocked out of their groove by a host switch). As for my opinion of the game based on what I've seen again too excited for words, especially with the idea of motion capture being applied for game characters (ahem Kevin Spacey). The Exo-suit looks like it's going to revolutionize Multi-player as well as aggravate the crap out of people (Halo-jumpers ?you know who you are). I personally already have the game on pre-order and cannot wait to get this game!
? ?So with the release date a mere month away I figured as a die hard Call of Duty fan I figured it's almost my duty to ask what the Vizzed community would like to see, what they wouldn't like to see, and based on what footage we have seen so far your honest opinion on Advanced Warfare set to be released on November 4th of this year. I personally am too excited for words and have been following this game since it's E3 reveal. With the game coming out on current-gen and the new-gen consoles I would hope to see better character customization, expanding on what Ghosts did (selecting your sex and outfit customization) as well as improving the fluidity and clarity of what you see on your HUD (team mate/character movements, environment, etc.). As far as what I don't want, the server decay that tends to happen when it comes to Call of Duty games (Modern Warfare hacked lobbies anyone?), as well the lag/connectivity resolution problems. What I mean by that is I'm sure everyone has noticed before but you're in a lobby and as soon as that one guy on your team red-bars the lag that follows almost always results in a host switch which brings me to my next point. When the host of a match kicks out or decides to leave there, by now at least, should be a much more seamless way of resolving the new host, instead of sending everyone to a loading screen to fix it (which I may add has led to many a rage quit due to players being killed and losing a score streak because they unintentionally get knocked out of their groove by a host switch). As for my opinion of the game based on what I've seen again too excited for words, especially with the idea of motion capture being applied for game characters (ahem Kevin Spacey). The Exo-suit looks like it's going to revolutionize Multi-player as well as aggravate the crap out of people (Halo-jumpers ?you know who you are). I personally already have the game on pre-order and cannot wait to get this game!
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(edited by PokeMaster7193 on 10-01-14 02:05 AM)     Post Rating: 1   Liked By: jnisol,

10-02-14 08:48 PM
thing1 is Offline
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I am kind of torn. One the one hand, it looks cool, so I want to play it. But, on the other hand, it looks extremely unrealistic, and since I am an Army Veteran, that just does not appeal me, personally. 

So yeah, I am a bit torn. I probably won't buy it right away. If I do ever get it, I will wait until it's like... maybe $20 at GameStop, or I get in a trade with somebody. 
I am kind of torn. One the one hand, it looks cool, so I want to play it. But, on the other hand, it looks extremely unrealistic, and since I am an Army Veteran, that just does not appeal me, personally. 

So yeah, I am a bit torn. I probably won't buy it right away. If I do ever get it, I will wait until it's like... maybe $20 at GameStop, or I get in a trade with somebody. 
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10-02-14 10:31 PM
PokeMaster7193 is Offline
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   That's understandable I will admit Call of Duty has strayed far from its roots getting into more unrealistic future warfare so I can see how someone who has been through the real deal would be torn about playing a game like Advanced Warfare. On the other hand though, in my opinion, I think it's kind of a plus that Call of Duty is getting more unrealistic just for the sheer fact that you can only do so much with realistic warfare without getting proper government approval, as well as keeping the fans interested. As a fan personally I want to go out and play through a fictional story or scenario and not have a virtual history lesson in front of me. Now that's not to say I don't know and appreciate the history lessons and the people who fought those wars. I wouldn't have the freedoms I do now if they didn't, but as a gamer I don't want to play through those wars. But kudos to you for at least wanting to give it a try, and thank you for your service!
   That's understandable I will admit Call of Duty has strayed far from its roots getting into more unrealistic future warfare so I can see how someone who has been through the real deal would be torn about playing a game like Advanced Warfare. On the other hand though, in my opinion, I think it's kind of a plus that Call of Duty is getting more unrealistic just for the sheer fact that you can only do so much with realistic warfare without getting proper government approval, as well as keeping the fans interested. As a fan personally I want to go out and play through a fictional story or scenario and not have a virtual history lesson in front of me. Now that's not to say I don't know and appreciate the history lessons and the people who fought those wars. I wouldn't have the freedoms I do now if they didn't, but as a gamer I don't want to play through those wars. But kudos to you for at least wanting to give it a try, and thank you for your service!
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10-02-14 10:39 PM
zanderlex is Offline
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At the moment, I don't plan on getting it, I feel that I'm starting to lose my interest in the newer call of duty games because of the sheer number, but after a year or so if I can find a cheap copy, I might give it a shot. But I'm definenfly not going to get the game when it first comes out.
At the moment, I don't plan on getting it, I feel that I'm starting to lose my interest in the newer call of duty games because of the sheer number, but after a year or so if I can find a cheap copy, I might give it a shot. But I'm definenfly not going to get the game when it first comes out.
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10-02-14 10:46 PM
PokeMaster7193 is Offline
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Another very valid point. I'm sorry to hear that you've lost interest in the series. Some series are meant to be prolonged others are not (Sonic should of died years ago in my opinion). Hopefully when you do decide to get the game you at least enjoy the time spent playing it!
Another very valid point. I'm sorry to hear that you've lost interest in the series. Some series are meant to be prolonged others are not (Sonic should of died years ago in my opinion). Hopefully when you do decide to get the game you at least enjoy the time spent playing it!
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10-11-14 10:23 PM
Barathemos is Offline
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Honestly, I am looking forward to it. I love CoD games, and to one seems to be going to be pretty good. I'll really love it if they do this game right.

If they make this game wrong, I can sure tell you that I won't be very happy.
Honestly, I am looking forward to it. I love CoD games, and to one seems to be going to be pretty good. I'll really love it if they do this game right.

If they make this game wrong, I can sure tell you that I won't be very happy.
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10-13-14 09:22 PM
DrakPokeMaster is Offline
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All I can say is, at least they seem to be trying to do something different for once.
All I can say is, at least they seem to be trying to do something different for once.
Drakkona Darkwynd

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