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08-23-14 10:39 PM
08-23-14 10:39 PM
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bluecat2012's Score

08-23-14 10:39 PM
bluecat2012 is Offline
| ID: 1071015 | 954 Words

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HahaHA! Yes! I am back! Finally! Did you miss me? No? Well SCREW YOU! It's been awhile since I made a review, so I thought I would celebrate doing things I love. And that's shedding some light on over shadowed games. So what's on today's list? Well, I thought I would do a review on mega man. No, not THAT megaman, I'm talking about a megaman port on the game gear. If you don't know what a game gear is, it's basically sega's version of the gameboy. Now megaman has been treated nicely with handheld ports. You have wily's revenge, mega man 2 ect. But those are all gameboy games. Mega man is one of my favorite video game characters of all time, so let's take a look at mega man on the game gear, and see if sega really does, what nintendon't.

Pre thoughts:

Righty, so my main thoughts on this game when I found it were: A mega man game I haven't played? This planted a seed of doubt into my mind. Many times if a game isn't talked much about, it most likely means, it sucks. So, to shed some light on this game, I looked at some of the reviews. That seed of doubt went from a seed to a sprout. Every review said the same thing, had the same complaints and all despised this game. By now the freaking sprout is a blooming flower, but since the same thing happened for the halo2600 hack, (A game that wasn't as bad as everybody said it was) I thought I would try it out. And before I start the next paragraph, I'm first just going to remind you all: this is a handheld game. Meaning that many issues, had to be dealt with in some way. 


DR Wily is being super evil again and has created some new robot masters to help him  take over the world! And it's up to megaman to stop him!...



What? That's it.No really, That's it. Ok so the story of the game is rather mediocre and bland, but it follows the original megman story line. To be honest, it's pretty terrible, but this is megaman. The story isn't a big part of the game. It's more based on the gameplay. I thought I would calls this out, just because so many people complained about this. And, there's really no point. I mean, COME ON. It's megaman. It's not like the past games have had award winning story lines either. This is nothing to really complain about, as it's really the same story as every other megaman game.

Now the gameplay... Looking at other reviews, everybody says it sucks. K so um, what are you guys smoking? The gameplay is megaman, it has that megaman feel to it, the controls are tight and easy to learn, controlling megaman is fun, shooting things are fun, enemy's are creative level design is great. Seriously? What is so terrible about the gameplay? Well, one issue people had while playing is that you can only shoot 2 bullets at a time. Ok, but may I remind you : HAND HELD DEVICES BACK THEN WERE FREAKING LIMITED!? Also, if they hadn't limited the amount of bullets on the screen at once, in would have caused great lag, which in the end would have made for some tedious gameplay. Incase you didn't notice, the game is lag free. even with tons of enemy's on the screen, I got no lag. That's pretty awesome considering the gameboy ports of the game had lag. Also, enemy's take very little hits to kill. This makes the two bullet issue, not an issue at all. It's just people being picky, for the sake of being picky. Speaking of enemy's, robot masters in this game are rather unique. I believe they are a mix between megaman 5 and 3? I may be wrong, but I thought that was kinda cool. Enemy's in this game were creative and macho, and were REALLY satisfying to kill. My only real issue with this game is...:

*Sigh* How did they mess this one up. Well, megaman is known to be really difficult, so I expected nothing less from this game. But... As it turns out this game suffers the same fate as mega man 2. It's pretty easy. I'm sure a young kid could beat it with enough practice. A big reason this is an issue, is because the game is also kinda short, and if it was HARDER, well it would also be longer. But these are the real only complaints I can really give this game.

Well, this is another one I can't bash too hard.  This IS  game gear game, and the game gear ins't too well known for having Mozart type music. The most I can say about this is that the music is fast paced, but feel kinda distorted at times. The sound FX are awesome though. When a robot explodes you get a satisfying KABLOOSH noise that really complements the ears. I truly can't decide on this one, sound and music is half and half.

My thoughts on the game:
AWESOME. JUST AWESOME. Seriously, this game doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as it get's. It's a fun, fast paced side scroller featuring everybody's favorite: blue bomber. It's not a perfect mega man game, but it's one you need to check out.

Closing remarks:
As this was a short review, I'm planning a much bigger one in the future. So keep your eyes peeled for that. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed. If you haven't already, play this game! It's much better than people say. Until next time! -bluecat
HahaHA! Yes! I am back! Finally! Did you miss me? No? Well SCREW YOU! It's been awhile since I made a review, so I thought I would celebrate doing things I love. And that's shedding some light on over shadowed games. So what's on today's list? Well, I thought I would do a review on mega man. No, not THAT megaman, I'm talking about a megaman port on the game gear. If you don't know what a game gear is, it's basically sega's version of the gameboy. Now megaman has been treated nicely with handheld ports. You have wily's revenge, mega man 2 ect. But those are all gameboy games. Mega man is one of my favorite video game characters of all time, so let's take a look at mega man on the game gear, and see if sega really does, what nintendon't.

Pre thoughts:

Righty, so my main thoughts on this game when I found it were: A mega man game I haven't played? This planted a seed of doubt into my mind. Many times if a game isn't talked much about, it most likely means, it sucks. So, to shed some light on this game, I looked at some of the reviews. That seed of doubt went from a seed to a sprout. Every review said the same thing, had the same complaints and all despised this game. By now the freaking sprout is a blooming flower, but since the same thing happened for the halo2600 hack, (A game that wasn't as bad as everybody said it was) I thought I would try it out. And before I start the next paragraph, I'm first just going to remind you all: this is a handheld game. Meaning that many issues, had to be dealt with in some way. 


DR Wily is being super evil again and has created some new robot masters to help him  take over the world! And it's up to megaman to stop him!...



What? That's it.No really, That's it. Ok so the story of the game is rather mediocre and bland, but it follows the original megman story line. To be honest, it's pretty terrible, but this is megaman. The story isn't a big part of the game. It's more based on the gameplay. I thought I would calls this out, just because so many people complained about this. And, there's really no point. I mean, COME ON. It's megaman. It's not like the past games have had award winning story lines either. This is nothing to really complain about, as it's really the same story as every other megaman game.

Now the gameplay... Looking at other reviews, everybody says it sucks. K so um, what are you guys smoking? The gameplay is megaman, it has that megaman feel to it, the controls are tight and easy to learn, controlling megaman is fun, shooting things are fun, enemy's are creative level design is great. Seriously? What is so terrible about the gameplay? Well, one issue people had while playing is that you can only shoot 2 bullets at a time. Ok, but may I remind you : HAND HELD DEVICES BACK THEN WERE FREAKING LIMITED!? Also, if they hadn't limited the amount of bullets on the screen at once, in would have caused great lag, which in the end would have made for some tedious gameplay. Incase you didn't notice, the game is lag free. even with tons of enemy's on the screen, I got no lag. That's pretty awesome considering the gameboy ports of the game had lag. Also, enemy's take very little hits to kill. This makes the two bullet issue, not an issue at all. It's just people being picky, for the sake of being picky. Speaking of enemy's, robot masters in this game are rather unique. I believe they are a mix between megaman 5 and 3? I may be wrong, but I thought that was kinda cool. Enemy's in this game were creative and macho, and were REALLY satisfying to kill. My only real issue with this game is...:

*Sigh* How did they mess this one up. Well, megaman is known to be really difficult, so I expected nothing less from this game. But... As it turns out this game suffers the same fate as mega man 2. It's pretty easy. I'm sure a young kid could beat it with enough practice. A big reason this is an issue, is because the game is also kinda short, and if it was HARDER, well it would also be longer. But these are the real only complaints I can really give this game.

Well, this is another one I can't bash too hard.  This IS  game gear game, and the game gear ins't too well known for having Mozart type music. The most I can say about this is that the music is fast paced, but feel kinda distorted at times. The sound FX are awesome though. When a robot explodes you get a satisfying KABLOOSH noise that really complements the ears. I truly can't decide on this one, sound and music is half and half.

My thoughts on the game:
AWESOME. JUST AWESOME. Seriously, this game doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as it get's. It's a fun, fast paced side scroller featuring everybody's favorite: blue bomber. It's not a perfect mega man game, but it's one you need to check out.

Closing remarks:
As this was a short review, I'm planning a much bigger one in the future. So keep your eyes peeled for that. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed. If you haven't already, play this game! It's much better than people say. Until next time! -bluecat

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-10-12
Last Post: 3745 days
Last Active: 3539 days


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