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".dat" help


08-10-14 06:08 AM
blohis is Offline
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I would like to know what programs do you use to view ".dat" files and where can I find and download it (preferably for free)
I typically encounter them while using an archiver (for reference, I have the 7zip on my computer)
Every time I attempt to open those kind of files it requests me to choose a program to view it...
Also, can you tell me about your experience with ".dat" in general?
Any help appreciated
I would like to know what programs do you use to view ".dat" files and where can I find and download it (preferably for free)
I typically encounter them while using an archiver (for reference, I have the 7zip on my computer)
Every time I attempt to open those kind of files it requests me to choose a program to view it...
Also, can you tell me about your experience with ".dat" in general?
Any help appreciated

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08-10-14 01:56 PM
bigger0gamer is Offline
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Sorry, your outta luck, .dat is so generic, it depends on what program it came from, as every program reads and saves them differently. Asking what program to open .dat files is asking how to open data (.dat does stand for data after all). You'd have to ask for each .dat file you come across with as much relevant info as possible. (The 7zip, lol!)
Sorry, your outta luck, .dat is so generic, it depends on what program it came from, as every program reads and saves them differently. Asking what program to open .dat files is asking how to open data (.dat does stand for data after all). You'd have to ask for each .dat file you come across with as much relevant info as possible. (The 7zip, lol!)
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10-22-14 10:54 PM
Linkums is Offline
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blohis : Sorry to bump this old thread, but sometimes you can open .dat files with notepad and they'll be readable. Usually .dat files are just used by a program though, so depending on what the program uses it for, it'll either be garbled up when you open it with notepad or you'll actually be able to read something.
blohis : Sorry to bump this old thread, but sometimes you can open .dat files with notepad and they'll be readable. Usually .dat files are just used by a program though, so depending on what the program uses it for, it'll either be garbled up when you open it with notepad or you'll actually be able to read something.
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