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Your favorite anime character is now your roomate,what happens?


08-03-14 12:16 PM
relinquish022 is Offline
| ID: 1062931 | 170 Words

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Well..That's a good question to start the day.

Your favorite anime character/characters are now your room mate/room mates.

My 3 favorite anime characters are-

1.Maka Albarn.

2.Seras Victoria.

3.Sasuke Uchiha-As much as i try to hate him..Its impossible.Sasuke was at the start of my anime watching hobby when i was just a little kid,and no matter how much i try to hate him,it will never happen.He is to ingrained into my child hood.

Anyway,Maka would actually be very reliable and helpful,Seras would basically be the same,and Sasuke would...Most likely hate me.I am WAY to happy go lucky for him.I'm basically what Naruto is to him.

Anyhow that's basically it,why don't you tell me your thoughts about what would happen if your favorite character/characters were you room mates?

(Apologies for grammar,as i am indeed an idiot..Or Baka,whatever you prefer.)

My god i cannot hate this man no matter how hard i try.Contradict yourself as much as you want man,you will always have me by your side,whether i want to or not...

Well..That's a good question to start the day.

Your favorite anime character/characters are now your room mate/room mates.

My 3 favorite anime characters are-

1.Maka Albarn.

2.Seras Victoria.

3.Sasuke Uchiha-As much as i try to hate him..Its impossible.Sasuke was at the start of my anime watching hobby when i was just a little kid,and no matter how much i try to hate him,it will never happen.He is to ingrained into my child hood.

Anyway,Maka would actually be very reliable and helpful,Seras would basically be the same,and Sasuke would...Most likely hate me.I am WAY to happy go lucky for him.I'm basically what Naruto is to him.

Anyhow that's basically it,why don't you tell me your thoughts about what would happen if your favorite character/characters were you room mates?

(Apologies for grammar,as i am indeed an idiot..Or Baka,whatever you prefer.)

My god i cannot hate this man no matter how hard i try.Contradict yourself as much as you want man,you will always have me by your side,whether i want to or not...

Proud Otaku.The Waifu Commander.The Revived Pokemon Reviewer

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(edited by relinquish022 on 08-03-14 12:17 PM)    

08-06-14 04:32 PM
sop281 is Offline
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My favorite character is Kurisu Makise. Guess what happens. You know. Sou deshou? 
My favorite character is Kurisu Makise. Guess what happens. You know. Sou deshou? 
Vizzed Elite

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Registered: 04-02-11
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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: mourinhosgum,

08-11-14 08:50 AM
BrandyKoopa is Offline
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I ask him to be my Senpai and teach me his skills 
I ask him to be my Senpai and teach me his skills 

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08-11-14 12:23 PM
woohoo134 is Offline
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He would go Super Saiyan when someone takes his last cookie
He would go Super Saiyan when someone takes his last cookie

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08-11-14 12:35 PM
XxnickcxX is Offline
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I can't really decide if having L as a roommate would be heaven or hell. Either way, I get a lot more sweets.
I can't really decide if having L as a roommate would be heaven or hell. Either way, I get a lot more sweets.

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08-15-14 09:32 AM
scarlot is Offline
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We would go hunt for some hollows to kill.
We would go hunt for some hollows to kill.

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08-15-14 02:25 PM
Chindogu is Offline
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1* Grelle Sutcliff.
I don't know if it would be a good or bad thing having a super flamboyant transgender grim reaper living with you. It's probably a bad thing. At least he wouldn't eat everything, he probably try to keep himself slim for Sebastain

2* L.
This would become very tedious I would imagine, but at least nothing would go missing and there would always be snacks in the house. Just as long as he doesnt hog the bandwidth trying to monitor people when I'm in an online game session.
1* Grelle Sutcliff.
I don't know if it would be a good or bad thing having a super flamboyant transgender grim reaper living with you. It's probably a bad thing. At least he wouldn't eat everything, he probably try to keep himself slim for Sebastain

2* L.
This would become very tedious I would imagine, but at least nothing would go missing and there would always be snacks in the house. Just as long as he doesnt hog the bandwidth trying to monitor people when I'm in an online game session.
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08-16-14 10:18 PM
xxxbluewolf is Offline
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My favorite character is a tie between Lust from Full metal Alchemist and Android 18 from Dragon Ball z.. Lust would most likely tease me to death and 18 would make me pay for all of her clothes....
My favorite character is a tie between Lust from Full metal Alchemist and Android 18 from Dragon Ball z.. Lust would most likely tease me to death and 18 would make me pay for all of her clothes....
Peanut butter jelly time!

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08-16-14 10:32 PM
SacredShadow is Online
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1. Itachi Uchiha-

I kind of like Itachi the way you do sasuke, I have just grown to like his character and also what he did. He was pretty selfless and everything he did was to please or protect someone else, always putting everyone else first. He was a good person at heart and he also made a lot of sacrifices so sasuke could live. 

If he was my roomate, I would be both happy and concerned mainly when I sleep because I'd be weary of him trying to look at my eyes and take them from me to see if they are valuable XD. Even though I am a lot like him and sasuke personality wise, I would still be worried he would pull out Amaterasu or Susanoo on me. Still though, he is my favorite Naruto character. 

Beware of Itachi, this is a genjutsu and he reach out of the computer screen and take your eyes! XD
1. Itachi Uchiha-

I kind of like Itachi the way you do sasuke, I have just grown to like his character and also what he did. He was pretty selfless and everything he did was to please or protect someone else, always putting everyone else first. He was a good person at heart and he also made a lot of sacrifices so sasuke could live. 

If he was my roomate, I would be both happy and concerned mainly when I sleep because I'd be weary of him trying to look at my eyes and take them from me to see if they are valuable XD. Even though I am a lot like him and sasuke personality wise, I would still be worried he would pull out Amaterasu or Susanoo on me. Still though, he is my favorite Naruto character. 

Beware of Itachi, this is a genjutsu and he reach out of the computer screen and take your eyes! XD
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Trooperness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-14-13
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