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Sword Legion
05-24-14 11:17 PM
Sword Legion
05-30-14 09:27 PM
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Why aren't other nations trying to take the Triforce from hyrule?


05-24-14 11:17 PM
Sword Legion is Offline
| ID: 1024732 | 548 Words

Sword Legion
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Just something interesting, and I do have an answer.

We do know that there are civilized peoples outside of Hyrule, or else we wouldn't have the distant travelers that we do have. And while there is evidence of other peoples actually setting up fortifications inside of Hyrule, (forest temple being a castle, same for snow peak ruins.) we really don't see much of other countries.

But why would every country on the planet be trying to get inside Hyrule to steal the triforce?

Or have they actually tried?!

Is that were the bokoblins come from?

It doesn't make sense, other countries. . .whoever outside of Hyrule should be trying to get IN.

Now, there are a lot of options. but I think that it comes down to two:

1 the other countries aren't aware of the triforce, and it has been kept a well guarded secret. . . though I doubt that something like this could remain a secret for long, it seems like a few to many people know of it's existence within Hyrule.

2 The other countries cannot get into Hyrule

Now this theory, I believe. why? because of what the Great Deku tree says at the beginning of OoT.

"Listen to my words, the words of the Deku Tree...
Dost thou sense it?
The climate of evil descending upon this realm...
Malevolent forces even now are
mustering to attack our land
of Hyrule...

For so long, the Kokiri Forest, the
source of life, has stood as a barrier, deterring outsiders and maintaining the order of the world...
But...before this tremendous evil
power, even my power is as nothing..."

What are these malevolent forces? Obviously the Geruado- who are pretty much the only thing even close to another nation near Hyrule.

Now think about this though. The Deku Tree says that the Kokiri Forest
has stood as a barrier deterring outsiders and maintaining order too our world.

And think about the lost woods. . .

What happens when you get lost there?

That's right, you become a stalfos! Unless you have a fairy, then you just get sent back to the beginning.

I would say the the lost woods keeps other countries out, and keeps them from attempting to get the triforce. Probably countries like what ever country Ordan village was once part of (it actually states in the game that Ordan is not part of Hryule, proper!) Which is why they have their own shield design.

Ordan was probably a northern village owned by some southern kingdom, but became part of Hyrule, hence Link is sent to present the king of Hyrule a gift.

But wait! the lost woods only protect the south, right?

Well, for the east, we have death mountain, which may have more of the lost woods beyond it.

And for the West we have the dessert, where, actually, people can get lost in just like the lost woods!

And then north we have more mountains, both from Death Mountain range, and Snowpeak.

So. . it wouldn't surprise at all to find that there are those outside the "barrier deterring outsiders" who know of the Triforce and it's ancient legends. . . but could not get it.

And, I'm going to guess that Hylia or the goddesses put the barriers there.


Just something interesting, and I do have an answer.

We do know that there are civilized peoples outside of Hyrule, or else we wouldn't have the distant travelers that we do have. And while there is evidence of other peoples actually setting up fortifications inside of Hyrule, (forest temple being a castle, same for snow peak ruins.) we really don't see much of other countries.

But why would every country on the planet be trying to get inside Hyrule to steal the triforce?

Or have they actually tried?!

Is that were the bokoblins come from?

It doesn't make sense, other countries. . .whoever outside of Hyrule should be trying to get IN.

Now, there are a lot of options. but I think that it comes down to two:

1 the other countries aren't aware of the triforce, and it has been kept a well guarded secret. . . though I doubt that something like this could remain a secret for long, it seems like a few to many people know of it's existence within Hyrule.

2 The other countries cannot get into Hyrule

Now this theory, I believe. why? because of what the Great Deku tree says at the beginning of OoT.

"Listen to my words, the words of the Deku Tree...
Dost thou sense it?
The climate of evil descending upon this realm...
Malevolent forces even now are
mustering to attack our land
of Hyrule...

For so long, the Kokiri Forest, the
source of life, has stood as a barrier, deterring outsiders and maintaining the order of the world...
But...before this tremendous evil
power, even my power is as nothing..."

What are these malevolent forces? Obviously the Geruado- who are pretty much the only thing even close to another nation near Hyrule.

Now think about this though. The Deku Tree says that the Kokiri Forest
has stood as a barrier deterring outsiders and maintaining order too our world.

And think about the lost woods. . .

What happens when you get lost there?

That's right, you become a stalfos! Unless you have a fairy, then you just get sent back to the beginning.

I would say the the lost woods keeps other countries out, and keeps them from attempting to get the triforce. Probably countries like what ever country Ordan village was once part of (it actually states in the game that Ordan is not part of Hryule, proper!) Which is why they have their own shield design.

Ordan was probably a northern village owned by some southern kingdom, but became part of Hyrule, hence Link is sent to present the king of Hyrule a gift.

But wait! the lost woods only protect the south, right?

Well, for the east, we have death mountain, which may have more of the lost woods beyond it.

And for the West we have the dessert, where, actually, people can get lost in just like the lost woods!

And then north we have more mountains, both from Death Mountain range, and Snowpeak.

So. . it wouldn't surprise at all to find that there are those outside the "barrier deterring outsiders" who know of the Triforce and it's ancient legends. . . but could not get it.

And, I'm going to guess that Hylia or the goddesses put the barriers there.


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Dark knight of the blackened sun. I am Sword Legion, one of many. My mask is thick, and my armor is strong. All the more necessary in a world such as this. . .

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(edited by Sword legion on 05-24-14 11:17 PM)     Post Rating: 4   Liked By: Patrick Star, Snu, thelastrequim, Uzar,

05-25-14 03:50 AM
steel_attacker is Offline
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Nice, and perfectly written. I've never thought about this question before but this thread caught my eye and I began reading. All in all, I'll give an 8.5 over 10.
Nice, and perfectly written. I've never thought about this question before but this thread caught my eye and I began reading. All in all, I'll give an 8.5 over 10.
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05-30-14 03:19 PM
Patrick Star is Offline
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This is a really good question and I think you might be right on why they aren't trying to take it from them.
 Unless Hyrule is just so feared nobody comes to get it. Naaa they rely on a boy who looks like a leprechaun to save their princess.
This is a really good question and I think you might be right on why they aren't trying to take it from them.
 Unless Hyrule is just so feared nobody comes to get it. Naaa they rely on a boy who looks like a leprechaun to save their princess.
Vizzed Elite

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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Sword Legion,

05-30-14 09:27 PM
Sword Legion is Offline
| ID: 1027935 | 38 Words

Sword Legion
Sword legion
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awesomeguy279 :

Ever wonder what kind of nations are like. . outside fo Hyrule?

I mean, maybe the TP darknuats came from outside Hyrule, or the lizafos, who are fairly intelligent- they can apparrently craft armor, swords and more!
awesomeguy279 :

Ever wonder what kind of nations are like. . outside fo Hyrule?

I mean, maybe the TP darknuats came from outside Hyrule, or the lizafos, who are fairly intelligent- they can apparrently craft armor, swords and more!
Trusted Member
Dark knight of the blackened sun. I am Sword Legion, one of many. My mask is thick, and my armor is strong. All the more necessary in a world such as this. . .

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-27-12
Location: Faxanadu
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