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The things i hate the most

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04-14-14 05:52 PM
Demonslayer4200 is Offline
| ID: 1007630 | 67 Words

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The things I hate the most are bullies.   They're so mean and cold hearted , tough but just plain mean to be honest. They prey on the weak but they run from the strong. Bullies have no life just by picking on some1 they know who to rip apart. Its not cool and its dumb for people to act this way. I just wish bullies didn't exist.
The things I hate the most are bullies.   They're so mean and cold hearted , tough but just plain mean to be honest. They prey on the weak but they run from the strong. Bullies have no life just by picking on some1 they know who to rip apart. Its not cool and its dumb for people to act this way. I just wish bullies didn't exist.

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04-14-14 09:49 PM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1007769 | 43 Words

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I agree that some bullies are mean, but I don't agree with the rest of your statement. From what I have seen, some of them could be going through some rough times. The best thing to so is to just not pay attention.

I agree that some bullies are mean, but I don't agree with the rest of your statement. From what I have seen, some of them could be going through some rough times. The best thing to so is to just not pay attention.
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04-14-14 09:52 PM
Benji16 is Offline
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Yes bullies can be very mean and just flat out stupid. There is absolutely no reason to just keep on picking on kids for fun .
Yes bullies can be very mean and just flat out stupid. There is absolutely no reason to just keep on picking on kids for fun .

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04-14-14 10:04 PM
mourinhosgum is Offline
| ID: 1007784 | 36 Words

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Even though I hate them with a passion. They either pick on people because something has happened to them at home or they are being bullied. Also, cause they want attention and want to be "cool"
Even though I hate them with a passion. They either pick on people because something has happened to them at home or they are being bullied. Also, cause they want attention and want to be "cool"
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04-14-14 11:49 PM
Singelli is Offline
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I'm assuming based off your post, that you've had some experiences with bullies?  Are you going through anything with a few bullies right now?  If so, I strongly advise you seek help.  Too many kids are ashamed or afraid to ask for help because they are afraid of looking weak.  Shutting yourself off, however, isn't healthy for you, and it sends the message to the bully that they can go unchallenged.  Besides, as a post mentioned above, if there is a reason behind the bully's antics, they may very well need to seek some aid themself.
I'm assuming based off your post, that you've had some experiences with bullies?  Are you going through anything with a few bullies right now?  If so, I strongly advise you seek help.  Too many kids are ashamed or afraid to ask for help because they are afraid of looking weak.  Shutting yourself off, however, isn't healthy for you, and it sends the message to the bully that they can go unchallenged.  Besides, as a post mentioned above, if there is a reason behind the bully's antics, they may very well need to seek some aid themself.
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04-22-14 05:27 PM
Demonslayer4200 is Offline
| ID: 1011528 | 44 Words

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I've had experienced many of bullies but some of them I just old enough to not let a bully get to me like that!   XD   I graduated yrs ago and wont have to deal with any bully ever again!  hooray no school!!!! FREEDOOOOM!!!!! 
I've had experienced many of bullies but some of them I just old enough to not let a bully get to me like that!   XD   I graduated yrs ago and wont have to deal with any bully ever again!  hooray no school!!!! FREEDOOOOM!!!!! 

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04-27-14 07:32 AM
juuldude is Offline
| ID: 1013854 | 48 Words

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I didn't have real bullies at my school, but the other boys in the class didn't like me that much, so I was always bored on elementary school. But now I'm in middle school and all the boys in my class are nice, and so are the girls.
I didn't have real bullies at my school, but the other boys in the class didn't like me that much, so I was always bored on elementary school. But now I'm in middle school and all the boys in my class are nice, and so are the girls.
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04-27-14 07:49 AM
Elpizo is Offline
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Everyone hates bullies. At least they have died down. But now whenever there is a bully, people find out when something serious happens.
Everyone hates bullies. At least they have died down. But now whenever there is a bully, people find out when something serious happens.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-10-12
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