This is the sequel to Pac-Man vs Greeny. Here is the link to that story: created this story today. Please let me know if there are any grammar and/or spelling errors in it.
The day after the first time Pac-Man battled Greeny, someone knocked on the front door of Pac-Man's house when Pac-Man was preparing to fight Greeny and Shiny.
"Who is it?" Pac-Man asked.
"This is Shiny. Greeny and I came here to battle you," Shiny said.
"Did you know that Greeny told me that he and you were going to come here and battle me today?" Pac-Man asked.
"No," Shiny answered. "GREENY, YOU ARE AN IDIOT!"
"SHUT UP!" Greeny yelled.
"Good luck with your battle," Jr. Pac-Man said to Pac-Man.
"Thank you," Pac-Man said to Jr. Pac-Man.
Pac-Man waved to Jr. Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man and then went outside.
"I spent five hours preparing for this battle!" Greeny told Pac-Man.
"I spent six hours preparing for this battle!" Shiny told Pac-Man.
"I spent seven hours preparing for this battle!" Pac-Man told Shiny and Greeny.
Shiny was to the left of Pac-Man and Greeny was to the right of Pac-Man. They charged toward him. He jumped over Shiny. Shiny crashed into Greeny.
"OUCH!" Greeny and Shiny shouted. They fell face-first onto the ground. Shiny was facing the same way that Greeny was. They rapidly got up and then Greeny crashed into Shiny. They fell face-first onto the ground, and then they got up a little bit slower than they did the last time.
Pac-Man charged toward them, and then he punched Shiny's left side and Greeny's right side simultaneously. Greeny fell to the left and Shiny fell to the right.
Shiny charged toward Pac-Man and then punched his back. He moved forward a little bit and then he stood still as a statue.
"DANG!" Shiny yelled.
Pac-Man quickly turned around and then charged toward Greeny and Shiny. They ducked. Pac-Man ducked and then kicked the top of Greeny. He fell onto the ground face-first.
Pac-Man sprinted toward his electrical fence and then jumped over it. Greeny got up and then he and Shiny looked around Pac-Man's front yard.
"Where did he go?" Greeny asked.
"I do not know," Shiny responded.
"I am in the yard next to mine," Pac-Man told them. "Try to get me!"
Greeny ran toward Pac-Man's electrical fence and then barely jumped over it.
Shiny ran toward Pac-Man's electrical fence and then jumped over it.
Greeny and Shiny charged toward Pac-Man. He charged toward them and then jumped over them. They crashed into Pac-Man's neighbor's house.
Pac-Man's neighbor came out of his house.
"Hello, Pac-Man. What is happening?" he asked.
"I am battling Greeny and Shiny, those ghosts," he replied as he pointed to them.
They charged toward him. He jumped over them and then kicked their backs. They fell onto the ground.
Shiny ran toward Pac-Man's electrical fence and then jumped over it.
Greeny ran toward Pac-Man's electrical fence and then crashed into it.
"OUCH!" he shouted and then he fell onto the ground face-first.
Pac-Man quietly walked toward Greeny.
"Greeny, get up and then look behind you!" Shiny shouted.
Greeny slowly got up and then quickly turned around. Pac-Man punched Greeny's left eye. Greeny fell onto the ground face-first.
Pac-Man stomped on Greeny four times.
Greeny slowly got up and then Pac-Man kicked him to his electrical fence.
"OUCH!" Greeny yelled. He fell onto the ground face-first. He laid there for nine seconds and then he slowly got up.
Pac-Man punched Greeny's back. He fell onto the ground face-first.
"I SURRENDER!" he shouted.
Pac-Man sprinted toward his electrical fence and then jumped over it. He charged toward Shiny and then punched his right eye. Shiny fell onto the ground face-first and then he rapidly got up. He charged toward Pac-Man and then punched the top of him.
Pac-Man barely moved and then he punched Shiny's left eye. Shiny fell onto the ground face-first and then he rapidly got up. He charged toward Pac-Man and then jumped over him.
Pac-Man charged toward Shiny and then kicked his back. Shiny fell onto the ground face-first.
Pac-Man kicked Shiny to his electrical fence.
"OUCH!" Shiny yelled. He fell onto the ground face-first.
"I SURRENDER!" he shouted.
Pac-Man's neighbor clapped loudly.
"Wow, you are a great fighter!" he said to Pac-Man.
"Thank you," Pac-Man responded.
Shiny and Greeny very slowly got up and then very slowly walked away from Pac-Man's house.
Pac-Man ran back inside his house. He looked at Ms. Pac-Man and Jr. Pac-Man, who were looking out of the window of the kitchen.
"Jr. and I saw the whole fight!" Ms. Pac-Man told Pac-Man.
"Greeny said that Shiny is a really good fighter. He was wrong. Ha ha ha!" Pac-Man said.
A few minutes later, Pac-Man's cell phone rang.
"Hello," Pac-Man said.
"Hello," Greeny said. "In a few days, I will get revenge! My friends Shiny and Dark will come over to your house and fight you! Dark is a much better fighter than Shiny! Mua ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
"Thank you for telling me that," Pac-Man said. "Since you told me that, I can prepare for it!"
Greeny was silent for a few seconds.
"DOH!" he yelled.
The end.