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Legend of greenluigi Phantom keyblade chapter 5


03-15-14 05:12 AM
greenluigi is Offline
| ID: 990131 | 283 Words

Level: 101

POSTS: 440/2965
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LVL EXP: 10465319
CP: 9655.8
VIZ: 144774

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The legend of
greenluigi Phantom keyblade chapter 5:
The axem rangers X
Possessed davideo7
had a large huge big shadow sword. The heroes noticed that david doesn’t have a
sword THAT big. Maybe because they have control over him? Kimmy sanded out all
of her pokemon and her toughest pokemon is meganium and Mewtwo. Green prepared
the keyblade because starlow said that if he uses the sword of vizzed against
dark bowser and his minions it won’t have any “affect”. User prepared his
unicorn power against possessed geeogree. User yelled:”TAKE THIS GEEO UNICORN
POWER!!”  a large electricity attacked
geeogree. Geeogree said:”you think this will hit me!? Prepare yourself for MY
ATTACK!” suddenly the heroes heard some laughs. It was not the elephant
bandits. It was five robots. There was a red robot, a black robot, a green
robot, a yellow robot and a pink robot. The red one said:”WE FIGHT FOR EVIL!”
The black robot said:”WE FIGHT FOR INJUSTICE!” the green one said:”WE FIGHT FOR
DARK BOWSER!” the yellow one said:”WE EAT DONUTS!” and the pink one said:”WE
FIGHT FOR FASHION!” every robot said at the same time:”WE ARE THE AXEM RANGERS
X!” green said:”oh okay then you are dark bowser’s minions?! That means you are
responsible for that fog!” frodlex said:”guys let’s just chase them and forget
about those possessed vizzed members! We will fight them later.” Yellow robot
said:”guys can we eat? Im starving!” every rangers said:”YELLOW IT’S NO TIME
heroes chased the axem rangers and the rangers prepared their axes to fight the
vizzed heroes…
The legend of
greenluigi Phantom keyblade chapter 5:
The axem rangers X
Possessed davideo7
had a large huge big shadow sword. The heroes noticed that david doesn’t have a
sword THAT big. Maybe because they have control over him? Kimmy sanded out all
of her pokemon and her toughest pokemon is meganium and Mewtwo. Green prepared
the keyblade because starlow said that if he uses the sword of vizzed against
dark bowser and his minions it won’t have any “affect”. User prepared his
unicorn power against possessed geeogree. User yelled:”TAKE THIS GEEO UNICORN
POWER!!”  a large electricity attacked
geeogree. Geeogree said:”you think this will hit me!? Prepare yourself for MY
ATTACK!” suddenly the heroes heard some laughs. It was not the elephant
bandits. It was five robots. There was a red robot, a black robot, a green
robot, a yellow robot and a pink robot. The red one said:”WE FIGHT FOR EVIL!”
The black robot said:”WE FIGHT FOR INJUSTICE!” the green one said:”WE FIGHT FOR
DARK BOWSER!” the yellow one said:”WE EAT DONUTS!” and the pink one said:”WE
FIGHT FOR FASHION!” every robot said at the same time:”WE ARE THE AXEM RANGERS
X!” green said:”oh okay then you are dark bowser’s minions?! That means you are
responsible for that fog!” frodlex said:”guys let’s just chase them and forget
about those possessed vizzed members! We will fight them later.” Yellow robot
said:”guys can we eat? Im starving!” every rangers said:”YELLOW IT’S NO TIME
heroes chased the axem rangers and the rangers prepared their axes to fight the
vizzed heroes…
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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: NintendoFanDrew,

03-16-14 03:31 AM
NintendoFanDrew is Offline
| ID: 990559 | 279 Words

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Ha ha, this was a pretty funny chapter, Green! My favorite part was when the Axem Rangers X recited their initial phrases, especially "WE FIGHT FOR INJUSTICE!" That nearly cracked me up, because I thought he said "JUSTICE" for a second. Great job!

Personally, I think adding some good humor in your Phantom Keyblade installment of the Legend of greenluigi series is a great touch, and it will definitely attract more viewers! Bravo! I really enjoyed this chapter, and thanks for continuously bringing a smile to my face!

Anyways, excellent work, yet again, cousin! I look forward to the next chapter of this hilarious yet action-filled story, as usual, and keep up the fantastic work! The story gets better as the chapters unfold, and the story becomes to get a little more clear. I like that!

Before I wrap this up, I would like to state some suspicions I have about your story, if I may. Axem Rangers... X? Were the Axem Rangers X originally a small group of good fellas called the Axem Rangers, later to be possessed by the evil power of X like the X enemies in the Mario and Luigi sub-series? Also, "possessed" Davideo7's supposed larger-than-usual sword... would it perhaps contain another bad (or good) sword spirit, like how Starlow belongs in Green's Keyblade as a spirit, how Ghirahim belongs to Demise's sword as a spirit, and how Fi belong's to Link's temporary Goddess (Master) Sword (which inspired your initial relationship between Starlow and the Keyblade, if I am correct)? All these interesting questions are arousing in my head, but I think I should wait for future chapters to answer them for me .

Ha ha, this was a pretty funny chapter, Green! My favorite part was when the Axem Rangers X recited their initial phrases, especially "WE FIGHT FOR INJUSTICE!" That nearly cracked me up, because I thought he said "JUSTICE" for a second. Great job!

Personally, I think adding some good humor in your Phantom Keyblade installment of the Legend of greenluigi series is a great touch, and it will definitely attract more viewers! Bravo! I really enjoyed this chapter, and thanks for continuously bringing a smile to my face!

Anyways, excellent work, yet again, cousin! I look forward to the next chapter of this hilarious yet action-filled story, as usual, and keep up the fantastic work! The story gets better as the chapters unfold, and the story becomes to get a little more clear. I like that!

Before I wrap this up, I would like to state some suspicions I have about your story, if I may. Axem Rangers... X? Were the Axem Rangers X originally a small group of good fellas called the Axem Rangers, later to be possessed by the evil power of X like the X enemies in the Mario and Luigi sub-series? Also, "possessed" Davideo7's supposed larger-than-usual sword... would it perhaps contain another bad (or good) sword spirit, like how Starlow belongs in Green's Keyblade as a spirit, how Ghirahim belongs to Demise's sword as a spirit, and how Fi belong's to Link's temporary Goddess (Master) Sword (which inspired your initial relationship between Starlow and the Keyblade, if I am correct)? All these interesting questions are arousing in my head, but I think I should wait for future chapters to answer them for me .

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(edited by NintendoFanKimmy on 03-16-14 03:38 AM)    

03-16-14 04:09 AM
greenluigi is Offline
| ID: 990564 | 13 Words

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NintendoFanKimmy : if you're looking to the axem rangers x here they are 
NintendoFanKimmy : if you're looking to the axem rangers x here they are 
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03-16-14 11:02 AM
Spicy is Offline
| ID: 990667 | 3 Words

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greenluigi : Great chapter man!
greenluigi : Great chapter man!
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Registered: 01-01-13
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03-16-14 11:09 AM
Black Bot is Offline
| ID: 990671 | 32 Words

Black Bot
Level: 106

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VIZ: 2637

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greenluigi : Very decent chapter you wrote there.

I look forward to the next one so keep writing like this man!!

NintendoFanKimmy : That was my favorite also.

Keep writing stories like this, Green!
greenluigi : Very decent chapter you wrote there.

I look forward to the next one so keep writing like this man!!

NintendoFanKimmy : That was my favorite also.

Keep writing stories like this, Green!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-17-12
Location: Canada
Last Post: 1022 days
Last Active: 16 days


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