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Legend of greenluigi Phantom Keyblade chapter 1


02-26-14 10:47 AM
greenluigi is Offline
| ID: 981528 | 391 Words

Level: 101

POSTS: 394/2965
POST EXP: 265759
LVL EXP: 10480362
CP: 9655.8
VIZ: 144774

Likes: 2  Dislikes: 0
Legend of greenluigi
Phantom Keyblade chapter 1:
Kokiri planet
It was peace and quiet
at vizzed town, no crime, no elephant bandits, no NOTHING. Davideo7 was of
course making the town better along with the admins: geeogree and tRIUNE. The local
moderators A.K.A the guardians of vizzed town was defending the town along with
the global moderators A.K.A the extreme guardians. Frodlex, one of the
guardians of vizzed town was training for the next vizzed dojo. Denzgamer135
was always going to vizzed café along with his friends: A user of this,
Matthew2321, Eniitan, Mega Mewtwo X, Mr. Zed except NintendoFanKimmy. Why? Because
she will never go to vizzed café without her cousin: greenluigi. Her life is
nothing without green and since now she never ever opened the door of her room.
I shall explain how greenluigi survived the explosion of forgetten woods(see
what happened in legend of greenluigi magic flute of wind). After green’s friends’
teleported to vizzed town, green founded a spaceship. He doesn’t know that
spaceship belonged to who so he went to that ship. He didn’t knew how to use a
spaceship so he just clicked a button called:”Activate the ship” he activated
and the ship flew away along with green. He had no idea where he was going.
After several hours he landed on a planet called “the kokiri planet”. This is
how he survived the explosion now back to the story! In the kokiri planet,
green was surprised that there was a human planet besides earth. He met a huge
tree called “The deku tree”. The deku tree told him:”im the deku tree, the
leader of the kokiri tribe. You must be greenluigi right?” green got surprised
that a tree could talk, not only that green also got surprised that tree knew
his name. green asked:”eum how do you know my name?” the deku tree said:”because
I heard a lot about you and that red sword and that red shield in your back,
you are the hero of vizzed town! Excuse me I have to call the kokiris.” The deku
tree called the kokiris. The kokiris arrived they had pointy ears like
greenluigi. One of the kokiris called “Saria” said to green:”Hi! Im Saria glad
to meet you! The deku tree said:”KOKIRIS! Heal the hero of vizzed refresh him! The
kokiris took green to refresh him…
Legend of greenluigi
Phantom Keyblade chapter 1:
Kokiri planet
It was peace and quiet
at vizzed town, no crime, no elephant bandits, no NOTHING. Davideo7 was of
course making the town better along with the admins: geeogree and tRIUNE. The local
moderators A.K.A the guardians of vizzed town was defending the town along with
the global moderators A.K.A the extreme guardians. Frodlex, one of the
guardians of vizzed town was training for the next vizzed dojo. Denzgamer135
was always going to vizzed café along with his friends: A user of this,
Matthew2321, Eniitan, Mega Mewtwo X, Mr. Zed except NintendoFanKimmy. Why? Because
she will never go to vizzed café without her cousin: greenluigi. Her life is
nothing without green and since now she never ever opened the door of her room.
I shall explain how greenluigi survived the explosion of forgetten woods(see
what happened in legend of greenluigi magic flute of wind). After green’s friends’
teleported to vizzed town, green founded a spaceship. He doesn’t know that
spaceship belonged to who so he went to that ship. He didn’t knew how to use a
spaceship so he just clicked a button called:”Activate the ship” he activated
and the ship flew away along with green. He had no idea where he was going.
After several hours he landed on a planet called “the kokiri planet”. This is
how he survived the explosion now back to the story! In the kokiri planet,
green was surprised that there was a human planet besides earth. He met a huge
tree called “The deku tree”. The deku tree told him:”im the deku tree, the
leader of the kokiri tribe. You must be greenluigi right?” green got surprised
that a tree could talk, not only that green also got surprised that tree knew
his name. green asked:”eum how do you know my name?” the deku tree said:”because
I heard a lot about you and that red sword and that red shield in your back,
you are the hero of vizzed town! Excuse me I have to call the kokiris.” The deku
tree called the kokiris. The kokiris arrived they had pointy ears like
greenluigi. One of the kokiris called “Saria” said to green:”Hi! Im Saria glad
to meet you! The deku tree said:”KOKIRIS! Heal the hero of vizzed refresh him! The
kokiris took green to refresh him…
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Post Rating: 2   Liked By: NintendoFanDrew, Uzar,

02-26-14 11:18 AM
NintendoFanDrew is Offline
| ID: 981539 | 30 Words

Level: 85

POSTS: 945/1998
POST EXP: 257684
LVL EXP: 5748607
CP: 12127.8
VIZ: 117812

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Great kick-off to your new Legend of Greenluigi sequel, Green ! The Kokiris, huh? Interesting. This story reminds me of what happened to Goku in a way... XD. Great job!
Great kick-off to your new Legend of Greenluigi sequel, Green ! The Kokiris, huh? Interesting. This story reminds me of what happened to Goku in a way... XD. Great job!
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02-26-14 11:27 AM
deggle is Offline
| ID: 981540 | 21 Words

Level: 122

POSTS: 1060/4266
POST EXP: 269627
LVL EXP: 20113302
CP: 16168.0
VIZ: 508080

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
greenluigi : oih nice on the sequel to your last great story i can't wait to see what happens in this one
greenluigi : oih nice on the sequel to your last great story i can't wait to see what happens in this one
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