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Bravery the sacred gold and the sacred silver chapter 4


02-22-14 01:59 AM
greenluigi is Offline
| ID: 979506 | 261 Words

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Bravery the sacred
gold and the sacred silver chapter 4 :
The sacred gold!
Mario, Luigi and
Peach are having a look at the “square gold thing” until one of the people of treasure
towns comes and tells to them:” that gold square is the SACRED GOLD!!! The brave
heroes looked each other. “Sacred gold?!?” they said each other. Peach says:
mister shall we explain why we appeared in this town all in a sudden? The man
says: Yes of course! The brave heroes tell to the man the whole story. “Ah so
your quest is to retrieve Professor Sycamore’s voice and to stop Prince Fou?” The
man said, “Well first of all prince fou is not like any opponents you have ever
faced, in order to beat him you have to take the sacred gold we have no choice
but to give it to you! Luigi said: REALLY!? Thx! Mario said: but prince fou’s
minions are to hard to beat! If we cannot beat his minions that means we cannot
beat Prince Fou! Meanwhile at prince fou’s castle…. Prince fou says: HELMAROC
KING!!!! Go to treasure town and destroy the brave heroes! The helmaroc king
flies at treasure town. Meanwhile back with the heroes the man says: You also
need the sacred silver! The sacred silver is at “Metal Town” oh and take that
skull hamer! It might be useful to beat prince fou’s minions! Suddenly the Helmaroc
king arrived. Peach says: OH NO! not now! Anyway guys let’s give our best shot
at that giant bird! To be continued…
Bravery the sacred
gold and the sacred silver chapter 4 :
The sacred gold!
Mario, Luigi and
Peach are having a look at the “square gold thing” until one of the people of treasure
towns comes and tells to them:” that gold square is the SACRED GOLD!!! The brave
heroes looked each other. “Sacred gold?!?” they said each other. Peach says:
mister shall we explain why we appeared in this town all in a sudden? The man
says: Yes of course! The brave heroes tell to the man the whole story. “Ah so
your quest is to retrieve Professor Sycamore’s voice and to stop Prince Fou?” The
man said, “Well first of all prince fou is not like any opponents you have ever
faced, in order to beat him you have to take the sacred gold we have no choice
but to give it to you! Luigi said: REALLY!? Thx! Mario said: but prince fou’s
minions are to hard to beat! If we cannot beat his minions that means we cannot
beat Prince Fou! Meanwhile at prince fou’s castle…. Prince fou says: HELMAROC
KING!!!! Go to treasure town and destroy the brave heroes! The helmaroc king
flies at treasure town. Meanwhile back with the heroes the man says: You also
need the sacred silver! The sacred silver is at “Metal Town” oh and take that
skull hamer! It might be useful to beat prince fou’s minions! Suddenly the Helmaroc
king arrived. Peach says: OH NO! not now! Anyway guys let’s give our best shot
at that giant bird! To be continued…
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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: NintendoFanDrew,


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