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02-13-14 07:22 PM
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Burried Treasure


02-13-14 07:22 PM
LCRain is Offline
| ID: 976673 | 67 Words

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So I was cleaning my basement today and I found some CDs that I had when in high school.

One was of Garbage and it actually works with no skips!  I know I didn't expect anything to survive that mold infested basement lol!

My question is to you all, have you found old records, tapes, or cds while cleaning out your house you forgot that you had?
So I was cleaning my basement today and I found some CDs that I had when in high school.

One was of Garbage and it actually works with no skips!  I know I didn't expect anything to survive that mold infested basement lol!

My question is to you all, have you found old records, tapes, or cds while cleaning out your house you forgot that you had?
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Bakka baka

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02-13-14 07:24 PM
tornadocam is Offline
| ID: 976675 | 52 Words

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Yep, When I was in my teenage years I had a CD collection of oldies groups. I am a big fan of the oldies music from 1960-1990. Well I put the CD's up and forgot about them. One day I was cleaning out some old stuff and found them it was groovy. 
Yep, When I was in my teenage years I had a CD collection of oldies groups. I am a big fan of the oldies music from 1960-1990. Well I put the CD's up and forgot about them. One day I was cleaning out some old stuff and found them it was groovy. 
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02-13-14 07:32 PM
LCRain is Offline
| ID: 976680 | 46 Words

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tornadocam :

Oh that must of been fun!  I'm hoping I find more stuff.  I got a few more boxes to go through!  Did you have fun cleaning out your old stuff?  I had a blast today I found lots of fun things other than just music.
tornadocam :

Oh that must of been fun!  I'm hoping I find more stuff.  I got a few more boxes to go through!  Did you have fun cleaning out your old stuff?  I had a blast today I found lots of fun things other than just music.
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Bakka baka

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02-27-14 08:14 PM
Brigand is Offline
| ID: 982237 | 93 Words

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It is usually the crap ones I never liked anyway which don't skip. Because I never took them out of their casings and actually played them that much. This is with cd`s ofcource. I have a huge box of tapes though,mostly unlabeled, which I should listen through and throw out the ones that are not worth anything. But I have been meaning to do this for over ten years already.

My Garbage-cd, the self titled one, I think it is there somewhere but I am surprised if it has survived without a scratch.
It is usually the crap ones I never liked anyway which don't skip. Because I never took them out of their casings and actually played them that much. This is with cd`s ofcource. I have a huge box of tapes though,mostly unlabeled, which I should listen through and throw out the ones that are not worth anything. But I have been meaning to do this for over ten years already.

My Garbage-cd, the self titled one, I think it is there somewhere but I am surprised if it has survived without a scratch.
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02-28-14 06:37 AM
LCRain is Offline
| ID: 982353 | 88 Words

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Brigand :

Yeah I was surprised mine survived without a scratch.  It wasn't even in it's case!

Sadly all my childhood tapes or other items have been lost due to a fire so I have none of my old tapes.  Which is sad because one of them included my first taste of jpop music.  That my brother got me when he went to a japanese language learning summer school at a near by college.

It's cool you have been able to keep all your old tapes.  You are lucky.
Brigand :

Yeah I was surprised mine survived without a scratch.  It wasn't even in it's case!

Sadly all my childhood tapes or other items have been lost due to a fire so I have none of my old tapes.  Which is sad because one of them included my first taste of jpop music.  That my brother got me when he went to a japanese language learning summer school at a near by college.

It's cool you have been able to keep all your old tapes.  You are lucky.
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Bakka baka

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02-28-14 06:03 PM
Brigand is Offline
| ID: 982546 | 41 Words

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LCRain :

Not even in its case! Wow. That is not luck. That is destiny.

Lets see what I do with the tapes. It is a whole box of them with mostly nothing written on them. It is going to take ages...
LCRain :

Not even in its case! Wow. That is not luck. That is destiny.

Lets see what I do with the tapes. It is a whole box of them with mostly nothing written on them. It is going to take ages...
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Not even an enemy.

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02-28-14 06:23 PM
LCRain is Offline
| ID: 982577 | 30 Words

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LVL EXP: 405917
CP: 551.8
VIZ: 61079

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Brigand :
I know!  It wasn't in it's case and was in a moldy damp basement!  Usually a CD won't survive that type of treatment!

Good luck with all those tapes.
Brigand :
I know!  It wasn't in it's case and was in a moldy damp basement!  Usually a CD won't survive that type of treatment!

Good luck with all those tapes.
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Bakka baka

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Brigand,


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