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Elder's Scroll V: Skyrim Modifiers


02-08-14 03:54 PM
rustgarde is Offline
| ID: 975049 | 138 Words

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So this is for those who play Skyrim in PC and likes to modify their game. I use Nexus Mod Manager to install my mods easily, and I have over 100 mods (not every of them are active..) But I was thinking what kind of mods does people like to use?

I'm currently role-playing it so I downloaded "realistic needs" mod, so my character has to eat, sleep and drink in time to time. And if you get sick and don't cure it, it will get worse and worse. Just like let's say I drink from a river inside a cave, I might get ataxia etc. disease from drinking dirty water.

So, tell me something about your mods, and why do you use them? Link would be nice too, so it's easier to download if it sounds good.
So this is for those who play Skyrim in PC and likes to modify their game. I use Nexus Mod Manager to install my mods easily, and I have over 100 mods (not every of them are active..) But I was thinking what kind of mods does people like to use?

I'm currently role-playing it so I downloaded "realistic needs" mod, so my character has to eat, sleep and drink in time to time. And if you get sick and don't cure it, it will get worse and worse. Just like let's say I drink from a river inside a cave, I might get ataxia etc. disease from drinking dirty water.

So, tell me something about your mods, and why do you use them? Link would be nice too, so it's easier to download if it sounds good.
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