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Getting worse at DDR. Why?


01-27-14 11:53 PM
xxeliza321xx is Offline
| ID: 969409 | 112 Words

Level: 47

POSTS: 132/517
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CP: 1581.5
VIZ: 145754

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I'm a Difficult/Expert player on most songs.

Lately, I've been noticing I've been getting worse instead of better for some reason....

Like I've been getting a lot of D's, C's, and red meters lately!

I used to get B's.

I haven't set any new records in AGES...

I've been missing arrows and failing songs(or nearly) that I never used to miss.

I don't know what's gotten into me!!!

I'm supposed to be getting BETTER, NOT worse!!!

I mean, I am NOT competitive, thank GOD.

I play every day to exercise and stay healthy, but this still concerns me...

Has this decline ever happened to you?
What can I do to help myself?
I'm a Difficult/Expert player on most songs.

Lately, I've been noticing I've been getting worse instead of better for some reason....

Like I've been getting a lot of D's, C's, and red meters lately!

I used to get B's.

I haven't set any new records in AGES...

I've been missing arrows and failing songs(or nearly) that I never used to miss.

I don't know what's gotten into me!!!

I'm supposed to be getting BETTER, NOT worse!!!

I mean, I am NOT competitive, thank GOD.

I play every day to exercise and stay healthy, but this still concerns me...

Has this decline ever happened to you?
What can I do to help myself?

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-30-13
Location: NYC
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01-31-14 12:10 PM
OrdannonsX is Offline
| ID: 971270 | 73 Words

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Sure, I noticed a similiar thing when I played Bayonetta once. I beat it once on the regular hard difficulty. I decided to replay some levels on the same difficulty setting, but with the skills and weapons I had with me at the end of the previous playthrough... Somehow, I could not get past the first level... It's bizarre, because I couldn't remember having so much trouble with the same parts last time.
Sure, I noticed a similiar thing when I played Bayonetta once. I beat it once on the regular hard difficulty. I decided to replay some levels on the same difficulty setting, but with the skills and weapons I had with me at the end of the previous playthrough... Somehow, I could not get past the first level... It's bizarre, because I couldn't remember having so much trouble with the same parts last time.
Devoted Amateur Reviewer

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02-01-14 12:34 AM
xxeliza321xx is Offline
| ID: 971774 | 7 Words

Level: 47

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CP: 1581.5
VIZ: 145754

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Well thanks....
At least I'm not alone....
Well thanks....
At least I'm not alone....

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-30-13
Location: NYC
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Last Active: 595 days

02-10-14 12:56 AM
RaquellaReyka is Offline
| ID: 975653 | 212 Words

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I know exactly how you feel! I used to play all the time both for fun and workout purposes, but then life got in the way like usual, so I took a pretty extended break from it. I just ordered an older game that I didn't have after the holidays in hopes of getting back into the swing of things. Lo and behold, I really couldn't do any of the more difficult stuff that I used to be able to. The good thing though is that it's kind of like riding a bike; you never totally forget how, but a lot of additional practice is needed to get back to the point you once were at.

Not sure about how to help with your dilemma, but you said that you play everyday and you've been noticing this. Maybe it's like an anxiety thing where even if you aren't too concerned about it on the surface, in the back of your mind as you're playing and that adrenaline kicks in, it starts to stress you out because you're trying so hard to get better and fix that problem. Have you tried taking a day off from it to relax and then come back to try again? Who knows, maybe that could help.
I know exactly how you feel! I used to play all the time both for fun and workout purposes, but then life got in the way like usual, so I took a pretty extended break from it. I just ordered an older game that I didn't have after the holidays in hopes of getting back into the swing of things. Lo and behold, I really couldn't do any of the more difficult stuff that I used to be able to. The good thing though is that it's kind of like riding a bike; you never totally forget how, but a lot of additional practice is needed to get back to the point you once were at.

Not sure about how to help with your dilemma, but you said that you play everyday and you've been noticing this. Maybe it's like an anxiety thing where even if you aren't too concerned about it on the surface, in the back of your mind as you're playing and that adrenaline kicks in, it starts to stress you out because you're trying so hard to get better and fix that problem. Have you tried taking a day off from it to relax and then come back to try again? Who knows, maybe that could help.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-13-11
Last Post: 2927 days
Last Active: 245 days

02-12-14 07:02 PM
xxeliza321xx is Offline
| ID: 976417 | 44 Words

Level: 47

POSTS: 147/517
POST EXP: 37504
LVL EXP: 765184
CP: 1581.5
VIZ: 145754

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Yea maybe.
I take days off occassionally.

I just cannot take too many off because I don't want to get another bad A1C result from my doctor
and I want to stay healthy too lol

But I don't seem to be improving either
Yea maybe.
I take days off occassionally.

I just cannot take too many off because I don't want to get another bad A1C result from my doctor
and I want to stay healthy too lol

But I don't seem to be improving either

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-30-13
Location: NYC
Last Post: 603 days
Last Active: 595 days


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