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Anybody in the midwest getting this cold weather and snow?


01-04-14 11:53 PM
bloodyb is Offline
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I was wondering if anybody is in the way of this big freaking snow storm. I live in Newburgh, Indiana 
and first they said 6-10 inches and now they are saying 8-12 inches. They are also saying on Sunday the temp is going 2 drop past 0 and it's going 2 keep dropping all day Monday. The wind chill is expected 2 be in between -5 and -30. They are also saying that it is suppose 2 get so cold that staying outside for just a few minutes can cause frostbite. So who else thinks this sounds like fun? Sarcasm of course. I hate snow and cold. We just got done with a big snow storm just a few weeks ago 2. But compared 2 this one that snow storm is going 2 seem like nothing.  Man this freaking sucks. But we spent almost $400 stocking up on supplies 2day so we should be able 2 ride it out just fine. So is anybody else on vizzed going through this? If so don't just say "yeah, i am" put a little detail in a reply or what is the point of even replying?
I was wondering if anybody is in the way of this big freaking snow storm. I live in Newburgh, Indiana 
and first they said 6-10 inches and now they are saying 8-12 inches. They are also saying on Sunday the temp is going 2 drop past 0 and it's going 2 keep dropping all day Monday. The wind chill is expected 2 be in between -5 and -30. They are also saying that it is suppose 2 get so cold that staying outside for just a few minutes can cause frostbite. So who else thinks this sounds like fun? Sarcasm of course. I hate snow and cold. We just got done with a big snow storm just a few weeks ago 2. But compared 2 this one that snow storm is going 2 seem like nothing.  Man this freaking sucks. But we spent almost $400 stocking up on supplies 2day so we should be able 2 ride it out just fine. So is anybody else on vizzed going through this? If so don't just say "yeah, i am" put a little detail in a reply or what is the point of even replying?
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01-04-14 11:56 PM
DenzGamer135 is Offline
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Yesterday, there was a blizzard over here within the state of New Jersey. The majority of the adjacent areas had received six inches of snow. Some areas had been even greater! :O
Yesterday, there was a blizzard over here within the state of New Jersey. The majority of the adjacent areas had received six inches of snow. Some areas had been even greater! :O
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01-05-14 01:08 AM
bloodyb is Offline
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DenzGamer135 :

Our last snow fall was 7 inches and it was a pain so i feel for you. It must suck for those other areas that got more than that. Like i said before, we are expected 2 get 6 though 10 or 8 through 12 inches of snow. The weather people just don't know how 2 agree for some reason lol. A lot of times we get a few inches more than the maximum. So going by the one guys opinion who said 6 though 10 we would get 13, 14 or 15 inches of snow. And based on what that other guy said we would get 13, 14 or 15 inches of snow. Top that off with the negative 5-30 wind chills and that you will get frost bite just by being out side for a few minutes and what do you get? A couple of counties that are perfectly screwed. :/
DenzGamer135 :

Our last snow fall was 7 inches and it was a pain so i feel for you. It must suck for those other areas that got more than that. Like i said before, we are expected 2 get 6 though 10 or 8 through 12 inches of snow. The weather people just don't know how 2 agree for some reason lol. A lot of times we get a few inches more than the maximum. So going by the one guys opinion who said 6 though 10 we would get 13, 14 or 15 inches of snow. And based on what that other guy said we would get 13, 14 or 15 inches of snow. Top that off with the negative 5-30 wind chills and that you will get frost bite just by being out side for a few minutes and what do you get? A couple of counties that are perfectly screwed. :/
It's true, my brain is insane. That is why it is so easy for me 2 cause you pain.

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01-05-14 06:51 AM
Bintsy is Offline
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Nope! I am in Mississippi and we rarely receive much snow at all. If we receive anything it's a few flurries but nothing like what most of the other states are experiencing right now! It's so cold though.. getting like down in the 15 and below 0 now.. I know that much! I used to live in Nebraska where it snowed a lot and we had a lot of snow storms.. I actually miss how much snow we had. I am sorry you have to experience this snow storm as I know you don't find it to fun. I do love storms though even if snow storms for instance can me a drag.
Nope! I am in Mississippi and we rarely receive much snow at all. If we receive anything it's a few flurries but nothing like what most of the other states are experiencing right now! It's so cold though.. getting like down in the 15 and below 0 now.. I know that much! I used to live in Nebraska where it snowed a lot and we had a lot of snow storms.. I actually miss how much snow we had. I am sorry you have to experience this snow storm as I know you don't find it to fun. I do love storms though even if snow storms for instance can me a drag.
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01-05-14 08:24 AM
warmaker is Offline
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I'm currently in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and we're getting hit by snow as we speak.  They said 6-8 inches overnight and nothing happened.  Now it's starting to come down heavily.  The weather isn't that cold, it's double digit degrees, but we're supposed to get 10 inches and then the temperature is supposed to drop to 4 tomorrow and minus on Tuesday.

Bundle up and stay warm out here.  Cold weather can do damage pretty quick if you're not prepared.  My dog loves the snow and the cold but I'll take indoors and warm any time.
I'm currently in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and we're getting hit by snow as we speak.  They said 6-8 inches overnight and nothing happened.  Now it's starting to come down heavily.  The weather isn't that cold, it's double digit degrees, but we're supposed to get 10 inches and then the temperature is supposed to drop to 4 tomorrow and minus on Tuesday.

Bundle up and stay warm out here.  Cold weather can do damage pretty quick if you're not prepared.  My dog loves the snow and the cold but I'll take indoors and warm any time.
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01-05-14 05:21 PM
DenzGamer135 is Offline
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bloodyb : There is mo need to feel sorrow for myself, as I prefer extreme conditions of snow. Also, school had been cancelled on the day of Friday, so that is a plus!
bloodyb : There is mo need to feel sorrow for myself, as I prefer extreme conditions of snow. Also, school had been cancelled on the day of Friday, so that is a plus!
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01-05-14 05:40 PM
Jordanv78 is Offline
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I live in the Suburbs of Chicago. It's been super cold, but the snow hasn't been that crazy. I mean we got like 8 inches or so about 3 days ago, then got about 7 more last night. Certainly not as crazy as 2011 when we got like 24 inches of snow in like 13 hours.

This wind chill is the coldest I remember since moving here in 2001 but once it gets below a certain temp it doesn't really matter how cold it gets. As long as the furnace stays on and the power on it's no big deal. You aren't going outside when it gets under 10 degrees anyways lol

That was the craziest weather I remember.
I live in the Suburbs of Chicago. It's been super cold, but the snow hasn't been that crazy. I mean we got like 8 inches or so about 3 days ago, then got about 7 more last night. Certainly not as crazy as 2011 when we got like 24 inches of snow in like 13 hours.

This wind chill is the coldest I remember since moving here in 2001 but once it gets below a certain temp it doesn't really matter how cold it gets. As long as the furnace stays on and the power on it's no big deal. You aren't going outside when it gets under 10 degrees anyways lol

That was the craziest weather I remember.
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01-05-14 10:58 PM
bloodyb is Offline
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warmaker :
They said that we was suppose 2 get snow over night Saturday also but nothing happened. It snowed a little earlier 2day and then stopped. Outside of my apartment there is maybe 1 or 2 inches of snow but it's mostly iced over now. On the weather it said that we currently have 21 inches of snow though. I live in Newburgh but technically i live about 2 miles away from Newburgh if that makes sense. So unless my apartment was somehow in the eye of the storm and didn't really get hit then the local news is wrong.
warmaker :
They said that we was suppose 2 get snow over night Saturday also but nothing happened. It snowed a little earlier 2day and then stopped. Outside of my apartment there is maybe 1 or 2 inches of snow but it's mostly iced over now. On the weather it said that we currently have 21 inches of snow though. I live in Newburgh but technically i live about 2 miles away from Newburgh if that makes sense. So unless my apartment was somehow in the eye of the storm and didn't really get hit then the local news is wrong.
It's true, my brain is insane. That is why it is so easy for me 2 cause you pain.

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(edited by bloodyb on 01-05-14 11:10 PM)    

01-05-14 11:05 PM
fightorace is Offline
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Yea I'm feeling this storm.  I'm in Indianapolis, IN and we got like 12 inches of snow today on top of like 6in from a couple days ago.  I had to go to work at 5pm right in the midst of the worst of the dang thing.  Shoveling the drive really stunk and the temp all day was like 30 so it was really heavy wet snow, now an arctic front is moving through and leaving work it was like 10 degrees with crazy wind blowing the new snow everywhere while still snowing.  We are supposed to have 2 day below zero and high winds tomorrow.  BTW I work at walmart and it was funny as hell cuz everyone was freaking, we ran out of bread, eggs, milk, bottled water and some other stuff.  The whole time everyone was complaining how everyone was freaking out whilst they were the ones at the walmart  stocking up on supplies.
Yea I'm feeling this storm.  I'm in Indianapolis, IN and we got like 12 inches of snow today on top of like 6in from a couple days ago.  I had to go to work at 5pm right in the midst of the worst of the dang thing.  Shoveling the drive really stunk and the temp all day was like 30 so it was really heavy wet snow, now an arctic front is moving through and leaving work it was like 10 degrees with crazy wind blowing the new snow everywhere while still snowing.  We are supposed to have 2 day below zero and high winds tomorrow.  BTW I work at walmart and it was funny as hell cuz everyone was freaking, we ran out of bread, eggs, milk, bottled water and some other stuff.  The whole time everyone was complaining how everyone was freaking out whilst they were the ones at the walmart  stocking up on supplies.
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01-05-14 11:35 PM
tgags123 is Offline
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I am not in the midwest, I am in New York. However I got over a foot of snow and yesterday it was 9 degrees (Fahrenheit). It warmed up today though, and it was in the 40s.
I am not in the midwest, I am in New York. However I got over a foot of snow and yesterday it was 9 degrees (Fahrenheit). It warmed up today though, and it was in the 40s.
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01-06-14 06:28 AM
warmaker is Offline
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fightorace : I didn't panic and run to the store but our Targets, Wal-Marts, and Meijers were overrun by people panicking and freaking out and getting water, toilet paper, eggs, that kind of stuff.  Downriver Detroit had people spitting in the faces of employees of a Target because they ran out of apples.


I don't get it.  The snow just kept coming and it's nasty out there with the roads but it's one or two days maximum without running to the store.  It isn't like the entire house is blanketed in snow and you simply can't leave.  You just have to put more effort into getting down the street to the store.

I blame social media for making a mess out of it.  Some of the pictures of those stores were insane with how many people went out on Saturday to prepare.  
fightorace : I didn't panic and run to the store but our Targets, Wal-Marts, and Meijers were overrun by people panicking and freaking out and getting water, toilet paper, eggs, that kind of stuff.  Downriver Detroit had people spitting in the faces of employees of a Target because they ran out of apples.


I don't get it.  The snow just kept coming and it's nasty out there with the roads but it's one or two days maximum without running to the store.  It isn't like the entire house is blanketed in snow and you simply can't leave.  You just have to put more effort into getting down the street to the store.

I blame social media for making a mess out of it.  Some of the pictures of those stores were insane with how many people went out on Saturday to prepare.  
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