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weapon usage and specialty


10-26-13 07:32 PM
ScarTheScarab is Offline
| ID: 916003 | 427 Words

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this hack has altered the weapons majorly, majorly not, here is a guide to help know

Marine flow: gained from Marine man, unlike water wave it fires 3 waves instead of one, but the waves are seperated more, just like water wave, the attack absorbs projectiles, and it is recommended you get this weapon before facing batik man as batik man is a edit of star man, so his shield can be nulified

Aiming Globe: gained from Space man, Aiming globe is a major overhaul of gyro blade, unlike gyro blade, you can control this weapons movement, but you must hold the fire button and press the arrow keys to guide it, unless you hold the fire button, Aiming globe will just drop down the moment you fire, this weapon helps attack enemies in a hard to reach place with ease

Frozen Dash: gained from frozen man, unlike charge kick, you go faster and the kick lasts longer, so you can use it more safe, also because your invincible while kicking, using it on puzzle man will make the battle extremely easy compared to when you don't have it

Puzzle Power: gained from puzzle man,a mix of Gravity hold and time stopper, this weapon will dominate the battlefield, use it and all enemies will get reversed gravity until the bar runs out, but you can switch weapons while active so you can use it later, the weapon stops the beams in brave mans stage but only deactivate it once all the beams are stopped, any boss with a semi-weakness will be reduced to two health with a full energy supply

Synth Burst: gained from tune woman, unlike the napalm bomb, the bombs bounce faster and higher, two bombs can be shot per energy point, this weapon helps in situations with a lot of enemies

Brave Hound: gained from brave man, unlike power stone, this weapon does more damage, also once the Brave Hound stops spinning it targets any nearby enemies

Hunter Mine: gained from sultan man, unlike crystal eye, you hold the fire button to hold the crystal in your hand, release it and it sends three crystals in three directions, press the fire button again and whatever direction your facing the crystals will go in said direction

Canting Batik: gained from batik man, it generates a shield, unlike star crash, you launch it upward or downward, then press left or right to move the shield forward or backward, this shield is much cheaper then star crash and it helps a lot

hope this basic guide helps
this hack has altered the weapons majorly, majorly not, here is a guide to help know

Marine flow: gained from Marine man, unlike water wave it fires 3 waves instead of one, but the waves are seperated more, just like water wave, the attack absorbs projectiles, and it is recommended you get this weapon before facing batik man as batik man is a edit of star man, so his shield can be nulified

Aiming Globe: gained from Space man, Aiming globe is a major overhaul of gyro blade, unlike gyro blade, you can control this weapons movement, but you must hold the fire button and press the arrow keys to guide it, unless you hold the fire button, Aiming globe will just drop down the moment you fire, this weapon helps attack enemies in a hard to reach place with ease

Frozen Dash: gained from frozen man, unlike charge kick, you go faster and the kick lasts longer, so you can use it more safe, also because your invincible while kicking, using it on puzzle man will make the battle extremely easy compared to when you don't have it

Puzzle Power: gained from puzzle man,a mix of Gravity hold and time stopper, this weapon will dominate the battlefield, use it and all enemies will get reversed gravity until the bar runs out, but you can switch weapons while active so you can use it later, the weapon stops the beams in brave mans stage but only deactivate it once all the beams are stopped, any boss with a semi-weakness will be reduced to two health with a full energy supply

Synth Burst: gained from tune woman, unlike the napalm bomb, the bombs bounce faster and higher, two bombs can be shot per energy point, this weapon helps in situations with a lot of enemies

Brave Hound: gained from brave man, unlike power stone, this weapon does more damage, also once the Brave Hound stops spinning it targets any nearby enemies

Hunter Mine: gained from sultan man, unlike crystal eye, you hold the fire button to hold the crystal in your hand, release it and it sends three crystals in three directions, press the fire button again and whatever direction your facing the crystals will go in said direction

Canting Batik: gained from batik man, it generates a shield, unlike star crash, you launch it upward or downward, then press left or right to move the shield forward or backward, this shield is much cheaper then star crash and it helps a lot

hope this basic guide helps

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-26-12
Last Post: 1190 days
Last Active: 18 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Sidewinder,


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