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Mr. Nerd
10-18-13 10:26 PM
Mr. Nerd
10-18-13 10:26 PM
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10-18-13 10:26 PM
Mr. Nerd is Offline
| ID: 909144 | 112 Words

Mr. Nerd
Level: 33

POSTS: 195/214
POST EXP: 15054
LVL EXP: 212640
CP: 566.9
VIZ: 22900

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
I've been recording a lot of video and posting it to the Vizzed RGR through my personal YouTube channel over the past month. These videos have mostly been on Corrupt Theocracy ( and Tales of the Fire Emblem ( I've noticed that I've only been credited for one such, and I have about fifteen others waiting to be credited. I understand that it would take a while for whoever looks at these videos, if that's the system, to go over them all, but it's been almost a month for most of the videos I've submitted, and I'd like an explanation of why I have not been compensated according to what it says.
I've been recording a lot of video and posting it to the Vizzed RGR through my personal YouTube channel over the past month. These videos have mostly been on Corrupt Theocracy ( and Tales of the Fire Emblem ( I've noticed that I've only been credited for one such, and I have about fifteen others waiting to be credited. I understand that it would take a while for whoever looks at these videos, if that's the system, to go over them all, but it's been almost a month for most of the videos I've submitted, and I'd like an explanation of why I have not been compensated according to what it says.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-16-12
Location: Boise, Idaho
Last Post: 3615 days
Last Active: 2652 days

(edited by Mr. Nerd on 10-18-13 10:47 PM)     Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Klokinator,


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