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What songs can you play on any instuments


01-05-14 09:51 AM
brock270 is Offline
| ID: 953996 | 83 Words

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I can play anything by ear on the piano, I can play the ocarina, I used to play the flute in band where we did Ukrainian Bell Carol, and I have a violin, a trumpet, a guitar, and a dulcimer. No one knows what a dulcimer is. It's a kind of guitar-like thing that is rested on a persons lap. Look it up on Google for more info. Even I don't really know the instrument very well. I also kinda play the recorder.
I can play anything by ear on the piano, I can play the ocarina, I used to play the flute in band where we did Ukrainian Bell Carol, and I have a violin, a trumpet, a guitar, and a dulcimer. No one knows what a dulcimer is. It's a kind of guitar-like thing that is rested on a persons lap. Look it up on Google for more info. Even I don't really know the instrument very well. I also kinda play the recorder.

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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: jnisol,

01-05-14 10:54 PM
EideticMemory is Offline
| ID: 954586 | 44 Words

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I can play "Mary had a little lamb" on the piano, but that's the extent of my playing ability. I played better recorder in second grade than I ever did with any other instrument. I don't mind not having the commitment to practice everyday. 
I can play "Mary had a little lamb" on the piano, but that's the extent of my playing ability. I played better recorder in second grade than I ever did with any other instrument. I don't mind not having the commitment to practice everyday. 
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01-07-14 04:13 PM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 956413 | 42 Words

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HA! I can’t really play any instrument that well, but if I put the effort into it, I can play I’ll Face Myself on the Piano. I have played a couple minutes of that song on the piano about three times now.

HA! I can’t really play any instrument that well, but if I put the effort into it, I can play I’ll Face Myself on the Piano. I have played a couple minutes of that song on the piano about three times now.

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Sergei's Mustache

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01-20-14 09:45 AM
NintendoFanDrew is Offline
| ID: 964617 | 33 Words

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I can only play a few childish songs I have been taught to play on the piano when I was five. I know how to play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Frere-Jacques.
I can only play a few childish songs I have been taught to play on the piano when I was five. I know how to play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Frere-Jacques.
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