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Do you want to do a blind Let's Play?


10-17-13 10:35 PM
DrakPokeMaster is Offline
| ID: 908228 | 151 Words

Level: 44

POSTS: 179/427
POST EXP: 21795
LVL EXP: 573186
CP: 1350.4
VIZ: 3646

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Alright, So if you don't know what I'm talking about, here's basically what a Blind Run is.

-You must never have played the game before
-You must not use a guide or FAQ unless you are hopelessly stuck.
-You can only obtain help from commentators, unless they reveal too much, then block whomever it is.
-You've got to finish it. Come on, it's not cool to just quit!
-You've gotta have commentary. I want to hear your reactions. That's what makes it special!
-Use a capture card.
-you may not know anything about the game except for the basics (Sonic's speed, Sora's Keyblade, basic knowledge of the gameplay, etc.)

Games I recommend:
-Sonic Adventure 2
-Loz: Ocarina of Time
-Kingdom Hearts
-Sonic Generations
-Pokémon G/S/C/HG/SS
-Final Fantasy's IV-VI
-Sonic 3 & Knuckles
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl Subspace Emissary

If you decide on one of these, post it here!
Happy LPing!
Alright, So if you don't know what I'm talking about, here's basically what a Blind Run is.

-You must never have played the game before
-You must not use a guide or FAQ unless you are hopelessly stuck.
-You can only obtain help from commentators, unless they reveal too much, then block whomever it is.
-You've got to finish it. Come on, it's not cool to just quit!
-You've gotta have commentary. I want to hear your reactions. That's what makes it special!
-Use a capture card.
-you may not know anything about the game except for the basics (Sonic's speed, Sora's Keyblade, basic knowledge of the gameplay, etc.)

Games I recommend:
-Sonic Adventure 2
-Loz: Ocarina of Time
-Kingdom Hearts
-Sonic Generations
-Pokémon G/S/C/HG/SS
-Final Fantasy's IV-VI
-Sonic 3 & Knuckles
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl Subspace Emissary

If you decide on one of these, post it here!
Happy LPing!
Drakkona Darkwynd

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-14-13
Last Post: 3446 days
Last Active: 1312 days

10-18-13 12:08 AM
FFFighterDill is Offline
| ID: 908294 | 90 Words

Level: 51

POSTS: 405/572
POST EXP: 18972
LVL EXP: 992895
CP: 411.1
VIZ: 15599

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I dont know if this would sound rude but i think it should be progressivly harder each blind run. Like the first one Pokemon: thats pretty much a entry level Blind run.Supspave Emissary: That to me is a moderate to hard level for a blind run, depending on diffuculty. Minecraft: This one would be difficult, so mnay crafting recipies you have to remeber and on top of that, just surviving can be hard with all the monsters around you.

Thats my 2 cents: Pokemon HG, Subspace, then that order
I dont know if this would sound rude but i think it should be progressivly harder each blind run. Like the first one Pokemon: thats pretty much a entry level Blind run.Supspave Emissary: That to me is a moderate to hard level for a blind run, depending on diffuculty. Minecraft: This one would be difficult, so mnay crafting recipies you have to remeber and on top of that, just surviving can be hard with all the monsters around you.

Thats my 2 cents: Pokemon HG, Subspace, then that order
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10-18-13 08:33 AM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 908405 | 43 Words

dark mode
Level: 265

POSTS: 731/28342
POST EXP: 1932399
LVL EXP: 306134404
CP: 157615.0
VIZ: 12734619

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I love this idea. I have been watching a lot of the videos by Markiplier and Yamimash, and I think the things they do are awesome. I would love to do this, but I am terrible at setting up my computer for this.
I love this idea. I have been watching a lot of the videos by Markiplier and Yamimash, and I think the things they do are awesome. I would love to do this, but I am terrible at setting up my computer for this.
Vizzed Elite
Sergei's Mustache

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11-14-13 09:51 AM
DrakPokeMaster is Offline
| ID: 927191 | 55 Words

Level: 44

POSTS: 183/427
POST EXP: 21795
LVL EXP: 573186
CP: 1350.4
VIZ: 3646

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Setting up for this should be easy! All you have to do is get a good recording program such as Fraps or something similar (the video recording system here on this site may work, but as far as commentary goes...). Just find the optimal equipment for your system and everything will run smoothly I'm sure.
Setting up for this should be easy! All you have to do is get a good recording program such as Fraps or something similar (the video recording system here on this site may work, but as far as commentary goes...). Just find the optimal equipment for your system and everything will run smoothly I'm sure.
Drakkona Darkwynd

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-14-13
Last Post: 3446 days
Last Active: 1312 days

11-14-13 01:35 PM
Eirinn is Offline
| ID: 927251 | 29 Words

Level: 155

POSTS: 2403/7900
POST EXP: 1300417
LVL EXP: 47367300
CP: 69387.4
VIZ: 1838152

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I would love to do this sometime, unfortunately I couldn't afford the costs of doing so. If I could, I would. These things are always a blast to watch.
I would love to do this sometime, unfortunately I couldn't afford the costs of doing so. If I could, I would. These things are always a blast to watch.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-18-12
Last Post: 2311 days
Last Active: 2311 days

11-14-13 05:57 PM
rnfoxtrot is Offline
| ID: 927334 | 19 Words

Level: 21

POSTS: 38/78
POST EXP: 1970
LVL EXP: 46947
CP: 714.5
VIZ: 18345

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Well at some point I will end up doing one on the next Zelda game after link between worlds.
Well at some point I will end up doing one on the next Zelda game after link between worlds.
Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good. - Alice May Brock

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 04-15-12
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11-15-13 10:57 AM
DrakPokeMaster is Offline
| ID: 927586 | 14 Words

Level: 44

POSTS: 184/427
POST EXP: 21795
LVL EXP: 573186
CP: 1350.4
VIZ: 3646

Likes: 1  Dislikes: 0
Why not do one of A Link Between Worlds? Unless you already played it.
Why not do one of A Link Between Worlds? Unless you already played it.
Drakkona Darkwynd

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-14-13
Last Post: 3446 days
Last Active: 1312 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: light platinum1,

01-05-14 11:37 PM
NeppyLeet is Offline
| ID: 954673 | 46 Words

Level: 44

POSTS: 154/430
POST EXP: 27329
LVL EXP: 584874
CP: 3545.2
VIZ: 206318

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I would LOVE to do blind playthroughs! However, I don't own a capture card. I do, however, have Vizzed, a web cam, a microphone, and streaming stuff.

Also, I have played through all of the games on the list already. All of them are very good!
I would LOVE to do blind playthroughs! However, I don't own a capture card. I do, however, have Vizzed, a web cam, a microphone, and streaming stuff.

Also, I have played through all of the games on the list already. All of them are very good!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-23-13
Last Post: 2979 days
Last Active: 2948 days

01-05-14 11:40 PM
Bintsy is Offline
| ID: 954678 | 41 Words

Level: 127

POSTS: 2031/4762
POST EXP: 284166
LVL EXP: 23268753
CP: 11083.2
VIZ: 67500

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I think this is a neat idea.. I would love to do this myself and participate but I don't have the money to right now.. I would love to be one of the viewers though of everyone else playing threw them.
I think this is a neat idea.. I would love to do this myself and participate but I don't have the money to right now.. I would love to be one of the viewers though of everyone else playing threw them.
Vizzed Elite
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Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 04-12-11
Location: Under My Cloud
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