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Share pictures of dangerous plants


10-12-13 03:37 PM
tgags123 is Offline
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So dangerous plants are awesome. This is the place to share pictures of those dangerous plants. Here is a cool one that I found:

That is one of the most common dangerous plants, the venus fly trap.
So dangerous plants are awesome. This is the place to share pictures of those dangerous plants. Here is a cool one that I found:

That is one of the most common dangerous plants, the venus fly trap.
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10-12-13 06:25 PM
DittoDude44 is Offline
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tgags123 :  

A corpse flower. I am not sure if it is considered dangerous, maybe it smells so bad it might be dangerous. 

Image upload: 68x102 totaling 3 KB's.
tgags123 :  

A corpse flower. I am not sure if it is considered dangerous, maybe it smells so bad it might be dangerous. 

Image upload: 68x102 totaling 3 KB's.
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10-12-13 06:30 PM
Mohammedroxx3 is Offline
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Well, here is one really dangerous and scary looking flower that I found:

Dang, it is really scary and sharp. Not really a good flower to hold or give as a gift. lol. XD
Well, here is one really dangerous and scary looking flower that I found:

Dang, it is really scary and sharp. Not really a good flower to hold or give as a gift. lol. XD
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10-13-13 05:14 AM
thephantombrain is Offline
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Doll's Eyes -

The berries have a sweet taste and cause an almost immediate human cardiac muscle sedation. Death follows quickly thereafter. 
Doll's Eyes -

The berries have a sweet taste and cause an almost immediate human cardiac muscle sedation. Death follows quickly thereafter. 
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10-13-13 08:48 AM
Singelli is Offline
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thephantombrain :  That plant even LOOKS creepy.  I don't think I would have been as creeped out if it weren't for the name of the plant. Very fitting indeed. 

tgags123 :  Interestingly enough, I was actually contemplating creating a thread like this for several days now.  I wasn't going to make it about 'dangerous' plants, but about interesting ones... kind of like my bug thread.  I've always been fascinated with plants, and the venus fly trap is certainly absolutely fascinating.  My mother let my twin and I own the small house variety once or twice in our lives, but she hated them.  I was always enthralled by them.

Well, I guess I have to stay on topic though, don't I?

I choose this one because I'd be very surprised if any of you Westerners had never seen it:

I used to see the  Western Water Hemlock all the time in Alaska. It's like a wild, uncontrollable weed.  It grows in wet places and is a little smelly.  It's actually the most 'violently toxic plant' that grows in North America, as deemed by the USDA.  If someone were to ingest it, they'd actually have grand mal seizures (which I believe are the worst kind of seizures a person can have).  Anyone eating this plant would likely lose consciousness and actually die.  Interestingly enough? This plant belongs to the carrot family.  If you pulled one up from the ground (which could be HARD in some cases), they have tubular roots that are brown.
thephantombrain :  That plant even LOOKS creepy.  I don't think I would have been as creeped out if it weren't for the name of the plant. Very fitting indeed. 

tgags123 :  Interestingly enough, I was actually contemplating creating a thread like this for several days now.  I wasn't going to make it about 'dangerous' plants, but about interesting ones... kind of like my bug thread.  I've always been fascinated with plants, and the venus fly trap is certainly absolutely fascinating.  My mother let my twin and I own the small house variety once or twice in our lives, but she hated them.  I was always enthralled by them.

Well, I guess I have to stay on topic though, don't I?

I choose this one because I'd be very surprised if any of you Westerners had never seen it:

I used to see the  Western Water Hemlock all the time in Alaska. It's like a wild, uncontrollable weed.  It grows in wet places and is a little smelly.  It's actually the most 'violently toxic plant' that grows in North America, as deemed by the USDA.  If someone were to ingest it, they'd actually have grand mal seizures (which I believe are the worst kind of seizures a person can have).  Anyone eating this plant would likely lose consciousness and actually die.  Interestingly enough? This plant belongs to the carrot family.  If you pulled one up from the ground (which could be HARD in some cases), they have tubular roots that are brown.
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10-13-13 11:49 AM
zerothesaint is Offline
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THIS a Rosary Pea! :3 These look very pretty but the plant they bloom For this plant I grabbed a nice accurate description for this. Funny how something used to make jewelry is oh so very deadly...

Edited by play4fun: Link to here for more info:

THIS a Rosary Pea! :3 These look very pretty but the plant they bloom For this plant I grabbed a nice accurate description for this. Funny how something used to make jewelry is oh so very deadly...

Edited by play4fun: Link to here for more info:
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(edited by play4fun on 10-13-13 04:32 PM)    

10-13-13 07:16 PM
rcarter2 is Offline
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When you say dangerous, do you mean dangerous to people, or dangerous to something. I ask because the Venus Flytrap is only dangerous to insects. I have put my finger in one and it closed on it, but didn't even hurt. So just want to check before I decide what to put.
When you say dangerous, do you mean dangerous to people, or dangerous to something. I ask because the Venus Flytrap is only dangerous to insects. I have put my finger in one and it closed on it, but didn't even hurt. So just want to check before I decide what to put.
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