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The different types and my views on them feel free to post your feelings towards the two
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Divine Aurora
10-02-13 04:54 PM
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10-02-13 04:54 PM
Divine Aurora is Offline
| ID: 895332 | 238 Words

Divine Aurora
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Warning this post is very blunt and could be taken as harsh.This is just my opinion on the whole physical and verbal bulling that goes on at school and life in general. Please feel free to post your own opinions on both types of bulling. Well first off I will express my views towards verbal bulling. Now with verbal bulling I feel as though if you let a bunch of opinions and criticism and smart remarks made by usually dumber and moronic kids get to you and you hurt your self because of it you are a pathetic human being, where   Is your self respect or even self worth realize the people making those comments are going no where in life and will not succeed in life so don't end your promising future over words made by morons. Now for physical bullying what happened to the old saying some one pushes you push back?, I wonder about this when I hear some kid let some other kid whale on them (beat them up) why don't you get up and beat their ass, I was raised where if some one puts their hands on you , you beat some sense into them once more where is your self respect and self worth I mean seriously you would let some one hit you and you would do nothing back? God this generation has been babied and spoon feed to long....
Warning this post is very blunt and could be taken as harsh.This is just my opinion on the whole physical and verbal bulling that goes on at school and life in general. Please feel free to post your own opinions on both types of bulling. Well first off I will express my views towards verbal bulling. Now with verbal bulling I feel as though if you let a bunch of opinions and criticism and smart remarks made by usually dumber and moronic kids get to you and you hurt your self because of it you are a pathetic human being, where   Is your self respect or even self worth realize the people making those comments are going no where in life and will not succeed in life so don't end your promising future over words made by morons. Now for physical bullying what happened to the old saying some one pushes you push back?, I wonder about this when I hear some kid let some other kid whale on them (beat them up) why don't you get up and beat their ass, I was raised where if some one puts their hands on you , you beat some sense into them once more where is your self respect and self worth I mean seriously you would let some one hit you and you would do nothing back? God this generation has been babied and spoon feed to long....
Vizzed Elite

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10-02-13 05:02 PM
tgags123 is Offline
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I partially agree with you. I think verbal and cyber bullying are pretty lame and you really shouldn't let them get to you. Physical bullying, however, is more serious. If you start a fight with someone stronger than you, you are just going to get more hurt than if you didn't and you just let them shove you or punch you.
I partially agree with you. I think verbal and cyber bullying are pretty lame and you really shouldn't let them get to you. Physical bullying, however, is more serious. If you start a fight with someone stronger than you, you are just going to get more hurt than if you didn't and you just let them shove you or punch you.
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10-02-13 05:55 PM
TreasurePlanet23 is Offline
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tgags123 : Yes I agree with you on this one. If you have to deal with someone stronger than you, the best thing to do is report it to an adult so they can handle the situation. 
tgags123 : Yes I agree with you on this one. If you have to deal with someone stronger than you, the best thing to do is report it to an adult so they can handle the situation. 
Basketball Rat

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10-02-13 06:27 PM
Black Bot is Offline
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Black Bot
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Divine Aurora : I hate getting physical bullied.. Some people literally tried shoving me into lockers. Luckily one of the teachers noticed!

I think physical Bullying is idiotic - like. Very annoying and bothersome as well.
Divine Aurora : I hate getting physical bullied.. Some people literally tried shoving me into lockers. Luckily one of the teachers noticed!

I think physical Bullying is idiotic - like. Very annoying and bothersome as well.

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10-02-13 09:15 PM
SacredShadow is Online
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Yeah if they are bigger than you, then get somebody, don't try to be all mach and take them on when you know you have little to no chance against someone much bigger than you.

Cyber bullying is really bad and I think one of the most popular nowadays because everybody is always on their phone and computer, so it makes it the perfect place to get cyber bullied. But yeah I never go on those social websites so that is good on my behalf, i don't have to worry about being cyber bullied which is good.

Generally, I try to avoid all means of fighting as much as possible, fighting is not my thing and I find it foolish and barbaric to engage in it unless you are being taken advantage of and they start pushing or shoving, then and only then, would I get involved and push them back to show them I am not to be messed with. Otherwise I avoid getting into unnecessary fights. I think that is the best thing to do, just stay out of it in the first place! Don't get yourself involved into trouble when you don't have to be. Many people jut do it to be tough or manly and it is so stupid and dramatic. Unless they start on you, there is really no need for it. 
Yeah if they are bigger than you, then get somebody, don't try to be all mach and take them on when you know you have little to no chance against someone much bigger than you.

Cyber bullying is really bad and I think one of the most popular nowadays because everybody is always on their phone and computer, so it makes it the perfect place to get cyber bullied. But yeah I never go on those social websites so that is good on my behalf, i don't have to worry about being cyber bullied which is good.

Generally, I try to avoid all means of fighting as much as possible, fighting is not my thing and I find it foolish and barbaric to engage in it unless you are being taken advantage of and they start pushing or shoving, then and only then, would I get involved and push them back to show them I am not to be messed with. Otherwise I avoid getting into unnecessary fights. I think that is the best thing to do, just stay out of it in the first place! Don't get yourself involved into trouble when you don't have to be. Many people jut do it to be tough or manly and it is so stupid and dramatic. Unless they start on you, there is really no need for it. 
Vizzed Elite

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