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09-07-13 11:38 AM
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Confession Booth.


09-07-13 11:38 AM
orionfoxgibson is Offline
| ID: 880151 | 237 Words

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I am a huge "Tarantino" fan.
But I do not go out of my way to own all of his movies due to taste.

I was inclined to watch "Django" But not Buy it. Tarantino movies are always good to see at least once.

After I caught wind of certain other "Directors" having issues with the film. I am going to buy a copy soon.

I am employing "Voting with my wallet" on this item. Why is it that so many claim that art is being used as a tool rather than a form of expression?

I have to spend some bucks and speak silently and hope that people get the idea that art is not a tool for politics.

I thought about doing a "video game confession booth" due to getting a copy of "Bayonetta" after Anita Sarckesian's review of it and other games on youtube.
That is just a person that does not need any attention. (The subject however does need attention. I'm just going to make a three or four page project on that later without using Anita at all. Her last $100,000.00 dollar stunt just prompted a certain spark of needing to address all "Leaches" feeding and living off of others misery.)

How about the rest of you. Got any stories.
Good. Bad. Silly Or whatever. We don't discriminate here.
Good Luck To All.
I'm done. Stick a fork in me.
I am a huge "Tarantino" fan.
But I do not go out of my way to own all of his movies due to taste.

I was inclined to watch "Django" But not Buy it. Tarantino movies are always good to see at least once.

After I caught wind of certain other "Directors" having issues with the film. I am going to buy a copy soon.

I am employing "Voting with my wallet" on this item. Why is it that so many claim that art is being used as a tool rather than a form of expression?

I have to spend some bucks and speak silently and hope that people get the idea that art is not a tool for politics.

I thought about doing a "video game confession booth" due to getting a copy of "Bayonetta" after Anita Sarckesian's review of it and other games on youtube.
That is just a person that does not need any attention. (The subject however does need attention. I'm just going to make a three or four page project on that later without using Anita at all. Her last $100,000.00 dollar stunt just prompted a certain spark of needing to address all "Leaches" feeding and living off of others misery.)

How about the rest of you. Got any stories.
Good. Bad. Silly Or whatever. We don't discriminate here.
Good Luck To All.
I'm done. Stick a fork in me.
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Some People Call Me The Space Cowboy.Some People Call Me The Gangster of Love...

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