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A Lot More Singelli Love


10-05-13 11:35 PM
DoctorDB is Offline
| ID: 899030 | 47 Words

Level: 56

POSTS: 357/698
POST EXP: 69986
LVL EXP: 1356374
CP: 4987.7
VIZ: 121047

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Singelli : lol I'm always surprised whenever I get any correct. lol But I must inquire as to why you said no one got the yahoo address. I answered yahoo....

Anyways, gonna edit this later if I get the chance to answer this theme. Logging off for now.
Singelli : lol I'm always surprised whenever I get any correct. lol But I must inquire as to why you said no one got the yahoo address. I answered yahoo....

Anyways, gonna edit this later if I get the chance to answer this theme. Logging off for now.
Trusted Member
The Bad Wolf

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-14-10
Last Post: 1267 days
Last Active: 610 days

10-06-13 10:33 AM
becerra95 is Offline
| ID: 899316 | 66 Words

Level: 115

POSTS: 1146/3643
POST EXP: 256098
LVL EXP: 16355874
CP: 17553.2
VIZ: 1346447

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
1) silverado

2) around your college years... 19

3) 3 times

4) one for running a stop sign, other for seatbelt

5) Ford F-150

6) 2 crashes... you were half asleep when driving

7) you change the oil yourself

8) air conditioning.. it's way more difficult than it is... have to get a new filter, remove part of the car, etc.

9) 2 vehicles

10) no
1) silverado

2) around your college years... 19

3) 3 times

4) one for running a stop sign, other for seatbelt

5) Ford F-150

6) 2 crashes... you were half asleep when driving

7) you change the oil yourself

8) air conditioning.. it's way more difficult than it is... have to get a new filter, remove part of the car, etc.

9) 2 vehicles

10) no
Vizzed Elite
It’s too big and well endowed, my pride

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-11-09
Location: Not sure
Last Post: 15 days
Last Active: 19 hours

10-06-13 11:51 AM
angelbear1297 is Offline
| ID: 899375 | 90 Words

Level: 26

POSTS: 50/133
POST EXP: 14537
LVL EXP: 101445
CP: 785.3
VIZ: 15965

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Ooh this looks fun! Ill give it a try although I know nothing about cars so feel free to laugh I suppose?

1. Um... a Ford Truck? XD

2. 18

3. I feel like I'm overthinking this but two?

4. Running a Red Light once and Going over the speed limit?

5. ..a blue Prius. 

6. 5

7. You get someone else to do it because you feel lazy sometimes like everyone else in the world?

8. Replacing a flat tire or something like that? Derp...

9. 5

10. No?
Ooh this looks fun! Ill give it a try although I know nothing about cars so feel free to laugh I suppose?

1. Um... a Ford Truck? XD

2. 18

3. I feel like I'm overthinking this but two?

4. Running a Red Light once and Going over the speed limit?

5. ..a blue Prius. 

6. 5

7. You get someone else to do it because you feel lazy sometimes like everyone else in the world?

8. Replacing a flat tire or something like that? Derp...

9. 5

10. No?

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-13-13
Location: Traverse Town
Last Post: 3722 days
Last Active: 2754 days

10-07-13 06:45 PM
thephantombrain is Offline
| ID: 900387 | 286 Words

Level: 68

POSTS: 432/1206
POST EXP: 117889
LVL EXP: 2709426
CP: 5824.1
VIZ: 126259

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
(I'm sure dlscowby22 forgives you, I thought it was discocowboy22 too!)

1. Box truck? Sketchy...hehe, yeah I guess I'd call a truck full of hot sketchers the same thing.

2. Your mother, God bless her heart! She says you can get it when you turn 27, but she also said you could get it when you turned 26. You probably shouldn't get too excited on your birthday.

3. Trick question? Your mother, God bless her heart, wouldn't be very happy that you're trying to trick us.

4. "
I've only ever broken two traffic laws though." Correction: only ever got caught breaking two traffic laws. You've gotten a ticket for no proof of DL, three times?

6. LOL! 5 but....
On this night very night, ten years ago, Singelli was in the worst accident I ever seen. There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building... And when they pulled Singelli's body from the twisted, burning wreck. It looked like this...

This is why your mother, God bless her heart, wasn't quite ready for you to get your license...

7. I'll know if you change your own oil if you can correctly answer this question...The SAE has established a numerical code system for grading motor oils according to their viscosity characteristics, as part of the grade of a motor oil what does the "w" stand for? No cheating Mrs. Singelli!

8.Most  intense would either be plugs and wires or recalibration of the flux capacitor?

9. This is another trick question. You and your hubbs still live with your mother, God bless her heart? She's quite over protective.

10. Yes, but you shouldn't because that's why you have so many tickets?
(I'm sure dlscowby22 forgives you, I thought it was discocowboy22 too!)

1. Box truck? Sketchy...hehe, yeah I guess I'd call a truck full of hot sketchers the same thing.

2. Your mother, God bless her heart! She says you can get it when you turn 27, but she also said you could get it when you turned 26. You probably shouldn't get too excited on your birthday.

3. Trick question? Your mother, God bless her heart, wouldn't be very happy that you're trying to trick us.

4. "
I've only ever broken two traffic laws though." Correction: only ever got caught breaking two traffic laws. You've gotten a ticket for no proof of DL, three times?

6. LOL! 5 but....
On this night very night, ten years ago, Singelli was in the worst accident I ever seen. There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building... And when they pulled Singelli's body from the twisted, burning wreck. It looked like this...

This is why your mother, God bless her heart, wasn't quite ready for you to get your license...

7. I'll know if you change your own oil if you can correctly answer this question...The SAE has established a numerical code system for grading motor oils according to their viscosity characteristics, as part of the grade of a motor oil what does the "w" stand for? No cheating Mrs. Singelli!

8.Most  intense would either be plugs and wires or recalibration of the flux capacitor?

9. This is another trick question. You and your hubbs still live with your mother, God bless her heart? She's quite over protective.

10. Yes, but you shouldn't because that's why you have so many tickets?
Trusted Member
Guaranteed fresh by 01/08/17

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-21-13
Location: Wichita, Kansas, USA
Last Post: 1743 days
Last Active: 636 days

10-10-13 09:42 PM
Singelli is Offline
| ID: 902608 | 2122 Words

Level: 162

POSTS: 5326/8698
POST EXP: 1189395
LVL EXP: 54605321
CP: 67390.4
VIZ: 3153310

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
ADDED NOTE:  If you just want to see the new questions, scroll down to the bottom. I know I blab a lot.

I want to move on to another set of questions, but there seem to have been very few responses.   *sniffles* Rather than let it die out, maybe TdV will encourage more participation.  So first... here is the last set of answers!  

1. I got my first car when I was around 18. However, due to some sketchy dealings by the original owner, I NEVER got to drive it. It sat in my parent's driveway until I was about 22, and they finally had it towed away. My father and I drove all the way to Virginia to get it, too.  What kind of a truck was it? (I'll give you that it was a truck.  )

It was a Ford Ranger.  Great job dlscowby22!  I'll also give you half credit, angelbear1297.  
dlscowby22 - 200 viz
angelbear1297 - 100 viz

2. My mom was a worry wort. She was always worried about her kids and so the idea of them driving was quite terrifying to her. She let us get our permits at 16, but she wasn't quite ready for us to get our licenses. How old was I when I got my driver's license?

I actually got my licence around the age of 19.  I had to move out of the house and then asked my ex-fiancée to drive me to the DMV.  becerra95 was the only one to get this right, though I was actually almost through getting my bachelor's degree at that time.  
becerra- 200 viz

3. How many times did I have to take the driver's test to get it?

I had to take the test twice.  This was a huge shocker for me.  I had always passed every test with flying colors, and I considered myself SUCH a good driver that I absolutely KNEW I'd receive praise and a thumbs up of approval.  I actually very CLEARLY remember that day because of how much it shook me.  I had gone to the DMV run by the state troopers, and the lady testing me very calmly told me what I had done wrong. She said that I didn't look both ways when crossing into the interstate (even though I swear I did!), and that I had gone 30mph in a 25mph zone, while going down a hill.

She then had me sign my little sheet and calmly got out of the car and walked away.  I actually thought she was joking with me!  I just sat there, watching her walk away like I though she was going to turn around, laugh, and tell me she was kidding.  It wasn't until she was probably 30 feet away that my heart sunk into my stomach and I realized she was serious. I started bawling my heart out.. I had never failed anything before, and I felt like such an idiot. haha!

I was really nervous when I took the test a second time, but I took it at a normal TdV. It was very eventless and boring, and the lady there didn't even smile when she told me I passed.  It was alright though. I smiled large enough for the both of us.

angelbear1297, you got it again!
angelbear1297 : 100 + 200 = 300 viz

4. Believe it or not, this goody two-shoes has several tickets that she's had to pay. I've only ever broken two traffic laws though. One law I broke only once, and another law I've gotten a ticket for 3 times.  Name something I've gotten a ticket for.

I didn't realize until after I had written and published the question... that I actually have only paid for ONE kind of ticket.  The other law I was thinking about, I only happened to get a warning for.  However, I'll give points for both since that was my mistake.  

I've gotten TWO warnings (one verbal, one recorded) for not stopping at stop signs.  The first time I was just learning to drive, in a strange neighborhood, and distracted by my boyfriend.  I had NEVER been pulled over by a cop and nearly freaked out.  My boyfriend leaned over and casually lied.  "I'm sorry. I'm teaching her to drive, and she missed it."  I hadn't expected him to lie, and it upset me so much.... But I was also terrified and didn't know how to express my astonishment of the lie in front of the cop.

The second time I got warned for a stop sign, I was trying to get meds for my ex-fiancée who had epilepsy.  I was freaking out because he was having a seizure and needed something, so he told me where I could get it. Unfortunately, it was 2am and dark. I had NO idea where I was and totally missed the sign behind a few branches.  When the cop pulled me over... I looked across the street and saw.... my apartments.  AGGGH.  I couldn't BELIEVE I was right across the street!  Then, because it was ex-fiancées car and I had never owned a car... I was clueless about finding the registration or insurance or anything else.  I kept pulling these papers out and passing them to the cop, and he'd say "This is expired." He started to get annoyed, but there were literally HUNDREDS of little car insurance cards in there... ALL expired!

I started panicking and trying not to cry, and I gestured across the street.  "I KNOW he just got it renewed a week ago. He's sleeping right there... can I just walk over there and ask him where it is?"  The cop berated me for thinking I was someone special who could just drive through stop signs like it wasn't important, and then told me that I could go across the street if I wanted another ticket.

Luckily though, I found the write card moments later.

As for the other tickets?  Speeding.  :/
Not intentionally.... I simply didn't watch the speedometer as often as I should have.  I do now regularly, and I'm probably one of the only drivers in my city that follows the speed limit.  After 3 $133 tickets in 5 years? No thank you!

angelbear1297 scores again!  Along with becerra95.
Who in the world gets tickets for seat belts?  ROFL
angelbear1297 - 300 + 200 = 500 viz
becerra95 - 200 + 200 = 400 viz

5. What's my dream vehicle? Come on.. this is an easy-peasy one!

It's only been mentioned on vizzed 57.5 times.  Ford F-150.   becerra was the only one to get this right. lol
becerra98 - 400 + 200 = 600 viz

6. How many car crashes have I been involved in? Kudos for any details you may get right in describing scenarios. (I know you have a good one stashed away, thephantombrain! XD)

I've actually only been involved in one car crash. Kinda sad that nobody other than thephantombrain invented a story. XD
The story:  I tried to kill my husband on the way back from the honey moon.

Yep, that's all you're getting.    Feast your imaginations.

Nobody got this question (or details) correct, but I'm shocked at how little faith many of you have in my driving skills.  LOL
thephantombrain :  Oh my, I need you to take my picture down now.  I need to curb the stalkers.

7. Yes, I know how to do maintenance on a car. That being said, do I change my oil or have someone else do it for me?

I would totally change my oil myself. However, my husband won't let me.    So we pay to have it done.
angelbear1297 - 500 + 200 = 700 viz
dlscowby22 - 200 + 200 = 400 viz

8. Name some kind of maintenance I've done on a car before. (Bonus if you can name the most 'intense'. I didn't do it alone though. Hint, hint.)

I can't even think of all the things I've done, so I'm just going to tell everyone yes or no:

thephantombrain : I actually HAVE changed out a wire harness on an engine before, so despite your attempts at humor, I'm going to give you credit for this one.    200 viz
angelbear1297 :  What kind of a girl would I be if I hadn't changed a flat tire?  Great job! 700 + 200 = 900 viz
becerra95 :  Nope. Never done air conditioning.   I'd rather deal with the heat than go through so much trouble and money.
dlscowby22 :  I have actually never changed a battery out, but I could.  I HAVE, however, replaced the break pads.  I actually enjoyed that quite a bit. I wanted to change the break pads of our last car, but again.. my husband didn't trust me to do it.    *sniffles* 400 + 200 = 600 viz

I'm surprised nobody got the most intense:  I've actually swapped out a whole engine.  My father helped me and it took us weeks.  It was a huge pain in the butt, but I enjoyed every minute of it.  We had to create our own system of levels and pulleys and things to use since we did it out of our own garage without much machinery.

9. How many vehicles have I owned since moving out on my own?
I've actually owned 3.  Close research of ALL my posts could have revealed this. Shame on all you supposed stalkers!
I bought one for my twin while she lived with me for almost a year.  Then I went without one until two years ago when my husband decided he wanted one.  He traded it out last November without telling me until after it was done.  lol  Nobody got this one.  

10. Can I drive a stick shift?
I guess the better question would have been... can I do it WELL?  I know HOW to drive a stick shift, but there is no way I should ever, ever, EVER be on the road with one.  I wouldn't make it more than one stop light without stalling the engine.  I understand the concept... I just have trouble putting it into action. Thus, I'm gonna go with no, I can't drive a stick shift.  angelbear1297 and becerra95 both got this one.
angelbear1297 - 900 +200 = 1100 viz
becerra95 - 600 + 200 = 800 viz

Man... I think I found a new stalker.
angelbear1297 : How long have you been hiding behind that bush?!?!  O.o

Thanks SO much for participating, you guys!  That was so much fun! hehe

New questions!


1.  When did I first start a job?  By job, I mean any services I rendered and got paid for, whether under the table or legally.

2. What is the most anyone has ever paid me for an hour of tutoring?

3. While I was completing my bachelor's degree, I held numerous part time jobs.  What was the largest number of part time jobs I held during my college years?  (This can be found in an old "About Me" thread.  I'll even link it for you, here.   )

4.  There were three professions I wanted to work at the same time when I was younger.  My idea was that I'd teach during the school year, and then work the other two jobs during the summer.  What do you think those careers were that I wanted?  If you can name ONE, you get it, because I'll be surprised if anyone even guesses.  

5.  My favorite part time job was actually working at a couple-owned bed and breakfast across from the school I teach in now.  What was my job there?

6. What time am I supposed to clock in and clock out at?  Round to the nearest half hour.

7. When I applied to join the army, I was told I couldn't every fly helicopters.  Why was I given this devastating news?

8. How many fights have I broken up as a teacher?  Bonus points for details. (Also can be found on vizzed, though not telling you where. XD)

9.  Every year, we have good classes and bad classes.  Usually there is one on each extreme, and then a bunch of mediocre classes. THIS year, I have ONLY one good class, and 5 extremely bad classes.  Which class is my best behaved?  Some info to help you guess more accurately:
2nd Period: 17 kids, Geometry
3rd Period: 22 kids, Algebra, A-Day lunch
4th Period: 26 kids, Geometry
6th Period: 21 kids, ACT Prep
7th Period: 23 kids, Algebra, B-Day lunch
8th Period: 18 kids, Geometry
AO Period: 17 kids, Academic Opportunity

10.   How many days have I taken off this year so far?
ADDED NOTE:  If you just want to see the new questions, scroll down to the bottom. I know I blab a lot.

I want to move on to another set of questions, but there seem to have been very few responses.   *sniffles* Rather than let it die out, maybe TdV will encourage more participation.  So first... here is the last set of answers!  

1. I got my first car when I was around 18. However, due to some sketchy dealings by the original owner, I NEVER got to drive it. It sat in my parent's driveway until I was about 22, and they finally had it towed away. My father and I drove all the way to Virginia to get it, too.  What kind of a truck was it? (I'll give you that it was a truck.  )

It was a Ford Ranger.  Great job dlscowby22!  I'll also give you half credit, angelbear1297.  
dlscowby22 - 200 viz
angelbear1297 - 100 viz

2. My mom was a worry wort. She was always worried about her kids and so the idea of them driving was quite terrifying to her. She let us get our permits at 16, but she wasn't quite ready for us to get our licenses. How old was I when I got my driver's license?

I actually got my licence around the age of 19.  I had to move out of the house and then asked my ex-fiancée to drive me to the DMV.  becerra95 was the only one to get this right, though I was actually almost through getting my bachelor's degree at that time.  
becerra- 200 viz

3. How many times did I have to take the driver's test to get it?

I had to take the test twice.  This was a huge shocker for me.  I had always passed every test with flying colors, and I considered myself SUCH a good driver that I absolutely KNEW I'd receive praise and a thumbs up of approval.  I actually very CLEARLY remember that day because of how much it shook me.  I had gone to the DMV run by the state troopers, and the lady testing me very calmly told me what I had done wrong. She said that I didn't look both ways when crossing into the interstate (even though I swear I did!), and that I had gone 30mph in a 25mph zone, while going down a hill.

She then had me sign my little sheet and calmly got out of the car and walked away.  I actually thought she was joking with me!  I just sat there, watching her walk away like I though she was going to turn around, laugh, and tell me she was kidding.  It wasn't until she was probably 30 feet away that my heart sunk into my stomach and I realized she was serious. I started bawling my heart out.. I had never failed anything before, and I felt like such an idiot. haha!

I was really nervous when I took the test a second time, but I took it at a normal TdV. It was very eventless and boring, and the lady there didn't even smile when she told me I passed.  It was alright though. I smiled large enough for the both of us.

angelbear1297, you got it again!
angelbear1297 : 100 + 200 = 300 viz

4. Believe it or not, this goody two-shoes has several tickets that she's had to pay. I've only ever broken two traffic laws though. One law I broke only once, and another law I've gotten a ticket for 3 times.  Name something I've gotten a ticket for.

I didn't realize until after I had written and published the question... that I actually have only paid for ONE kind of ticket.  The other law I was thinking about, I only happened to get a warning for.  However, I'll give points for both since that was my mistake.  

I've gotten TWO warnings (one verbal, one recorded) for not stopping at stop signs.  The first time I was just learning to drive, in a strange neighborhood, and distracted by my boyfriend.  I had NEVER been pulled over by a cop and nearly freaked out.  My boyfriend leaned over and casually lied.  "I'm sorry. I'm teaching her to drive, and she missed it."  I hadn't expected him to lie, and it upset me so much.... But I was also terrified and didn't know how to express my astonishment of the lie in front of the cop.

The second time I got warned for a stop sign, I was trying to get meds for my ex-fiancée who had epilepsy.  I was freaking out because he was having a seizure and needed something, so he told me where I could get it. Unfortunately, it was 2am and dark. I had NO idea where I was and totally missed the sign behind a few branches.  When the cop pulled me over... I looked across the street and saw.... my apartments.  AGGGH.  I couldn't BELIEVE I was right across the street!  Then, because it was ex-fiancées car and I had never owned a car... I was clueless about finding the registration or insurance or anything else.  I kept pulling these papers out and passing them to the cop, and he'd say "This is expired." He started to get annoyed, but there were literally HUNDREDS of little car insurance cards in there... ALL expired!

I started panicking and trying not to cry, and I gestured across the street.  "I KNOW he just got it renewed a week ago. He's sleeping right there... can I just walk over there and ask him where it is?"  The cop berated me for thinking I was someone special who could just drive through stop signs like it wasn't important, and then told me that I could go across the street if I wanted another ticket.

Luckily though, I found the write card moments later.

As for the other tickets?  Speeding.  :/
Not intentionally.... I simply didn't watch the speedometer as often as I should have.  I do now regularly, and I'm probably one of the only drivers in my city that follows the speed limit.  After 3 $133 tickets in 5 years? No thank you!

angelbear1297 scores again!  Along with becerra95.
Who in the world gets tickets for seat belts?  ROFL
angelbear1297 - 300 + 200 = 500 viz
becerra95 - 200 + 200 = 400 viz

5. What's my dream vehicle? Come on.. this is an easy-peasy one!

It's only been mentioned on vizzed 57.5 times.  Ford F-150.   becerra was the only one to get this right. lol
becerra98 - 400 + 200 = 600 viz

6. How many car crashes have I been involved in? Kudos for any details you may get right in describing scenarios. (I know you have a good one stashed away, thephantombrain! XD)

I've actually only been involved in one car crash. Kinda sad that nobody other than thephantombrain invented a story. XD
The story:  I tried to kill my husband on the way back from the honey moon.

Yep, that's all you're getting.    Feast your imaginations.

Nobody got this question (or details) correct, but I'm shocked at how little faith many of you have in my driving skills.  LOL
thephantombrain :  Oh my, I need you to take my picture down now.  I need to curb the stalkers.

7. Yes, I know how to do maintenance on a car. That being said, do I change my oil or have someone else do it for me?

I would totally change my oil myself. However, my husband won't let me.    So we pay to have it done.
angelbear1297 - 500 + 200 = 700 viz
dlscowby22 - 200 + 200 = 400 viz

8. Name some kind of maintenance I've done on a car before. (Bonus if you can name the most 'intense'. I didn't do it alone though. Hint, hint.)

I can't even think of all the things I've done, so I'm just going to tell everyone yes or no:

thephantombrain : I actually HAVE changed out a wire harness on an engine before, so despite your attempts at humor, I'm going to give you credit for this one.    200 viz
angelbear1297 :  What kind of a girl would I be if I hadn't changed a flat tire?  Great job! 700 + 200 = 900 viz
becerra95 :  Nope. Never done air conditioning.   I'd rather deal with the heat than go through so much trouble and money.
dlscowby22 :  I have actually never changed a battery out, but I could.  I HAVE, however, replaced the break pads.  I actually enjoyed that quite a bit. I wanted to change the break pads of our last car, but again.. my husband didn't trust me to do it.    *sniffles* 400 + 200 = 600 viz

I'm surprised nobody got the most intense:  I've actually swapped out a whole engine.  My father helped me and it took us weeks.  It was a huge pain in the butt, but I enjoyed every minute of it.  We had to create our own system of levels and pulleys and things to use since we did it out of our own garage without much machinery.

9. How many vehicles have I owned since moving out on my own?
I've actually owned 3.  Close research of ALL my posts could have revealed this. Shame on all you supposed stalkers!
I bought one for my twin while she lived with me for almost a year.  Then I went without one until two years ago when my husband decided he wanted one.  He traded it out last November without telling me until after it was done.  lol  Nobody got this one.  

10. Can I drive a stick shift?
I guess the better question would have been... can I do it WELL?  I know HOW to drive a stick shift, but there is no way I should ever, ever, EVER be on the road with one.  I wouldn't make it more than one stop light without stalling the engine.  I understand the concept... I just have trouble putting it into action. Thus, I'm gonna go with no, I can't drive a stick shift.  angelbear1297 and becerra95 both got this one.
angelbear1297 - 900 +200 = 1100 viz
becerra95 - 600 + 200 = 800 viz

Man... I think I found a new stalker.
angelbear1297 : How long have you been hiding behind that bush?!?!  O.o

Thanks SO much for participating, you guys!  That was so much fun! hehe

New questions!


1.  When did I first start a job?  By job, I mean any services I rendered and got paid for, whether under the table or legally.

2. What is the most anyone has ever paid me for an hour of tutoring?

3. While I was completing my bachelor's degree, I held numerous part time jobs.  What was the largest number of part time jobs I held during my college years?  (This can be found in an old "About Me" thread.  I'll even link it for you, here.   )

4.  There were three professions I wanted to work at the same time when I was younger.  My idea was that I'd teach during the school year, and then work the other two jobs during the summer.  What do you think those careers were that I wanted?  If you can name ONE, you get it, because I'll be surprised if anyone even guesses.  

5.  My favorite part time job was actually working at a couple-owned bed and breakfast across from the school I teach in now.  What was my job there?

6. What time am I supposed to clock in and clock out at?  Round to the nearest half hour.

7. When I applied to join the army, I was told I couldn't every fly helicopters.  Why was I given this devastating news?

8. How many fights have I broken up as a teacher?  Bonus points for details. (Also can be found on vizzed, though not telling you where. XD)

9.  Every year, we have good classes and bad classes.  Usually there is one on each extreme, and then a bunch of mediocre classes. THIS year, I have ONLY one good class, and 5 extremely bad classes.  Which class is my best behaved?  Some info to help you guess more accurately:
2nd Period: 17 kids, Geometry
3rd Period: 22 kids, Algebra, A-Day lunch
4th Period: 26 kids, Geometry
6th Period: 21 kids, ACT Prep
7th Period: 23 kids, Algebra, B-Day lunch
8th Period: 18 kids, Geometry
AO Period: 17 kids, Academic Opportunity

10.   How many days have I taken off this year so far?
Vizzed Elite

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10-10-13 10:13 PM
Singelli is Offline
| ID: 902635 | 71 Words

Level: 162

POSTS: 5331/8698
POST EXP: 1189395
LVL EXP: 54605321
CP: 67390.4
VIZ: 3153310

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I just have to say... SOOOOOO many typos in that last post! Please, please, PLEASE forgive me. LOL But I really don't want to edit it and delete 5,000 question mark squares out.

I promise you I'm not normally such an illiterate writer. lol

Kudos if anyone can find the typo which made me literally laugh out loud.

Also, I forgot the link for question number three.  Here you go!
I just have to say... SOOOOOO many typos in that last post! Please, please, PLEASE forgive me. LOL But I really don't want to edit it and delete 5,000 question mark squares out.

I promise you I'm not normally such an illiterate writer. lol

Kudos if anyone can find the typo which made me literally laugh out loud.

Also, I forgot the link for question number three.  Here you go!
Vizzed Elite

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Registered: 08-09-12
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(edited by Singelli on 10-10-13 10:18 PM)    

10-10-13 10:21 PM
thephantombrain is Offline
| ID: 902643 | 45 Words

Level: 68

POSTS: 443/1206
POST EXP: 117889
LVL EXP: 2709426
CP: 5824.1
VIZ: 126259

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Yay, I got one right! 

Seriously though, what was it like retaking the driver's test at the TdV? I don't think playing Grand Theft Auto counts Singelli! Now who's making who laugh?

You know that I'll answer the new questions later but I couldn't resist...
Yay, I got one right! 

Seriously though, what was it like retaking the driver's test at the TdV? I don't think playing Grand Theft Auto counts Singelli! Now who's making who laugh?

You know that I'll answer the new questions later but I couldn't resist...
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Guaranteed fresh by 01/08/17

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Registered: 07-21-13
Location: Wichita, Kansas, USA
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10-10-13 10:54 PM
dlscowby22 is Offline
| ID: 902667 | 121 Words

Level: 19

POSTS: 47/64
POST EXP: 5498
LVL EXP: 34488
CP: 407.0
VIZ: 13626

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
1, first year of college
2. nothing, you did it for free.
3. 10
4. uhh...Wracking my brain, cant recall if we chatted about this. prolly not. Ima say a florist.
5. hrmm...umm...answered phones? kinda like a receptionist.
6. 6:30am-3:30pm
7. Are you color blind?? or do you have vertigo? or inner ear conditions? chronic headaches? it coulda been a myriad of things. I guess I dont know you well enough to know if you suffer from any of these.
8. I only know of 1, between 2 parents during open house.
9. act prep, because its mostly a study hall, and no one is failing.
10. this year? 1.

I know a few of these... but still lots to learn!
1, first year of college
2. nothing, you did it for free.
3. 10
4. uhh...Wracking my brain, cant recall if we chatted about this. prolly not. Ima say a florist.
5. hrmm...umm...answered phones? kinda like a receptionist.
6. 6:30am-3:30pm
7. Are you color blind?? or do you have vertigo? or inner ear conditions? chronic headaches? it coulda been a myriad of things. I guess I dont know you well enough to know if you suffer from any of these.
8. I only know of 1, between 2 parents during open house.
9. act prep, because its mostly a study hall, and no one is failing.
10. this year? 1.

I know a few of these... but still lots to learn!
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Registered: 08-03-12
Location: somewhere in the state of new york
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(edited by dlscowby22 on 10-11-13 05:46 AM)    

10-11-13 03:23 AM
Mistress is Offline
| ID: 902721 | 82 Words

Level: 80

POSTS: 496/1717
POST EXP: 132920
LVL EXP: 4615447
CP: 7457.6
VIZ: 196325

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
1. At 10 years old. You were selling Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
2. $20
3. Only 2.
4. The first one was fashion designer, while the second one was freelance journalist.
5. You changed the bed sheets and did laundry.
6. From 7:30am to 3:30pm
7. That's easy! It's because you can't drive a PRNDL stick shift.
8. None, I can't imagine you being in the middle of kicks and punches.
9. I'm going to have to say ACT prep.
10. Only one, baby!
1. At 10 years old. You were selling Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
2. $20
3. Only 2.
4. The first one was fashion designer, while the second one was freelance journalist.
5. You changed the bed sheets and did laundry.
6. From 7:30am to 3:30pm
7. That's easy! It's because you can't drive a PRNDL stick shift.
8. None, I can't imagine you being in the middle of kicks and punches.
9. I'm going to have to say ACT prep.
10. Only one, baby!
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-28-13
Last Post: 3633 days
Last Active: 3478 days

10-11-13 06:07 AM
goodboy is Offline
| ID: 902771 | 153 Words

Level: 87

POSTS: 1491/2102
POST EXP: 124962
LVL EXP: 6275225
CP: 2844.9
VIZ: 124724

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
More! More!

1. Back when you were selling those lollipops in high school, when you weren't supposed to... You know, when your twin didn't tell you that you weren't allowed to sell them.
2. You always did it free, bless you.

3. Aw, man, it's a restricted forum! You sly Singelli, you! Let's go for 6.

4. Magic Unicorn Princess or... a camp counselor?

5. Putting out the breakfast.

6. Uh... I don't know your timezone, so, 7 am EST, and then out at 7 pm EST? Wait, you're mountain time, I think... Oh well.

7. Bless the army. They didn't want you to be broken up from Vizzed. *salute*

8. Like someone else said, that one between the two ladies at school. You know, crazy parent vs. another parent?

9. ACT Prep. They have a nice amount of people and it's basically some detention room... Lol.

10. Once, for your anniversary!  
More! More!

1. Back when you were selling those lollipops in high school, when you weren't supposed to... You know, when your twin didn't tell you that you weren't allowed to sell them.
2. You always did it free, bless you.

3. Aw, man, it's a restricted forum! You sly Singelli, you! Let's go for 6.

4. Magic Unicorn Princess or... a camp counselor?

5. Putting out the breakfast.

6. Uh... I don't know your timezone, so, 7 am EST, and then out at 7 pm EST? Wait, you're mountain time, I think... Oh well.

7. Bless the army. They didn't want you to be broken up from Vizzed. *salute*

8. Like someone else said, that one between the two ladies at school. You know, crazy parent vs. another parent?

9. ACT Prep. They have a nice amount of people and it's basically some detention room... Lol.

10. Once, for your anniversary!  
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Registered: 05-27-13
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10-11-13 11:45 AM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 902870 | 109 Words

dark mode
Level: 265

POSTS: 571/28356
POST EXP: 1933022
LVL EXP: 306453871
CP: 157646.2
VIZ: 12902403

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Singelli :
1. You were delivering newspapers for your neihborhood, I will say at the age of 9.
2. $50
3. 7
4. I will be completly random here and say Landscape Designer and Vet.
5. Um, cleaning the rooms before a new couple came in.
6. 7AM and 3:30 PM
7. Motion sickness?
8. 3 fights.I am going to guess that one of them had taken place in the cafeteria and you were just there by accident. One of them was between two girls, and one could have been between the student and another teacher.
9. I will say 2nd period, because the kids are probably too tired.
10. 0
Singelli :
1. You were delivering newspapers for your neihborhood, I will say at the age of 9.
2. $50
3. 7
4. I will be completly random here and say Landscape Designer and Vet.
5. Um, cleaning the rooms before a new couple came in.
6. 7AM and 3:30 PM
7. Motion sickness?
8. 3 fights.I am going to guess that one of them had taken place in the cafeteria and you were just there by accident. One of them was between two girls, and one could have been between the student and another teacher.
9. I will say 2nd period, because the kids are probably too tired.
10. 0
Vizzed Elite
Sergei's Mustache

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-25-13
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10-11-13 07:06 PM
angelbear1297 is Offline
| ID: 903105 | 123 Words

Level: 26

POSTS: 69/133
POST EXP: 14537
LVL EXP: 101445
CP: 785.3
VIZ: 15965

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
XD I cant tell all my secrets can I? Maybe I'm just a lucky guesser~

Anyways speaking of guesses time for another fun round?

1.  16 because 16 is an amazing number.

2. $100 because you were an excellent tutor and they couldn't count? That's why they needed a tutor?

3. 7? I don't want to read ;~;

4. Veterinarian and Biologist?
5. That check in person, you know who manages who comes in and who comes out? I think they're called clerks? I don't know I cant think right now...
6. 6:30 to 3:00

7. Because you crashed a helicopter.

8. 53

9. AO Period: 17 kids, Academic Opportunity

10.   1 because there's always that one day that everyone wants to skip?
XD I cant tell all my secrets can I? Maybe I'm just a lucky guesser~

Anyways speaking of guesses time for another fun round?

1.  16 because 16 is an amazing number.

2. $100 because you were an excellent tutor and they couldn't count? That's why they needed a tutor?

3. 7? I don't want to read ;~;

4. Veterinarian and Biologist?
5. That check in person, you know who manages who comes in and who comes out? I think they're called clerks? I don't know I cant think right now...
6. 6:30 to 3:00

7. Because you crashed a helicopter.

8. 53

9. AO Period: 17 kids, Academic Opportunity

10.   1 because there's always that one day that everyone wants to skip?

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 01-13-13
Location: Traverse Town
Last Post: 3722 days
Last Active: 2754 days

10-13-13 07:30 PM
becerra95 is Offline
| ID: 905189 | 51 Words

Level: 115

POSTS: 1150/3643
POST EXP: 256098
LVL EXP: 16355874
CP: 17553.2
VIZ: 1346447

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
1) age of 13 ... babysitting

2) $600

3) 6 jobs

4) Contractor or construction worker.

5) you served food, not cook, serve

6) 7 a.m to 4 pm.

7) something to do with eyesight

8) 3. Student vs student and parent vs parent

9) your 7th period class

10) twice
1) age of 13 ... babysitting

2) $600

3) 6 jobs

4) Contractor or construction worker.

5) you served food, not cook, serve

6) 7 a.m to 4 pm.

7) something to do with eyesight

8) 3. Student vs student and parent vs parent

9) your 7th period class

10) twice
Vizzed Elite
It’s too big and well endowed, my pride

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-11-09
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10-14-13 09:43 PM
Singelli is Offline
| ID: 906074 | 2780 Words

Level: 162

POSTS: 5414/8698
POST EXP: 1189395
LVL EXP: 54605321
CP: 67390.4
VIZ: 3153310

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It has been demanded that I provide the answers to this thread now.  LOL  Lo and behold... I guess it's time to do so.  I don't want a mob showing up at my door, after all.

Once more, if you're looking for new questions, just scroll to the bottom!

1.  When did I first start a job?  By job, I mean any services I rendered and got paid for, whether under the table or legally.
My first 'paid' job was actually in middle school as a junior. I would have been 16 or 17 then.  My mom was way too paranoid to let her children drive or work, but if work came to us, she had no complaint of course.  Everybody always wanted me to tutor them and so I worked with two people for money.  The first was the high school counselor's daughter.  She as a sophomore in college and struggling to get through her algebra class.  I remember what an impact this experience had on me, as it helped me learn more about differentiation than college ever did.  It was also a fun partnership because the counselor's daughter often paid me with gifts in addition to the cash.

I also tutored a senior who had epilepsy and happened to live several blocks away.  I was the only junior in our physics class and we often had to sit in the same bus seat.  I once loaned him my calculator at the beginning of the school year and a fellow classmate exclaimed "You have made a friend for life!"

This young man ended up dating me for 3.5 years and we were even engaged at one point.
(The sad part was that his mother forced him to ask me out for prom, which is how we started dating.)

angelbear1297 - pretty much spot on (200 viz)
goodboy - I wouldn't consider that a job, but I guess it's close enough. (100 viz)
dlscowby22 - Just too true, I guess.  (200 viz)

2. What is the most anyone has ever paid me for an hour of tutoring?
Well, if we want to be technical, the most I ever got paid for tutoring was $33 1/3.  Most people paid me amounts ranging from $5 to $25.  There were a few $30s thrown in, but they were quite infrequent.  I never believed in 'setting' a price.  I tutored because I loved to help others understand math and wanted to serve.  I tried to be understanding of the fact that some people simply couldn't afford what everyone else could.  Thus, I always told people to pay me what they were 'comfortable with'.

While in college, I worked with a special education student who had difficult focusing.  We worked for a total of 3 hours, and his mother was unable to pay me at the time.  She called me one day to give me the pay and told me where we could meet.  I had just left one of my jobs and she was parked on the side of the road.  She handed me an envelope and thanked me incessantly.  She told me that her son had never understood math before and that no tutor she ever got could keep his attention. He would lose interest, forget what he was working on, and become disinterested in the math.

With me, she said, it was the complete opposite.  She practically left me in tears, and when I opened that envelope covered in bible verses, I found a crisp $100. 

Needless to say, I was STUNNED.  I promptly called her back and tried to convince her to take some of it back, but she refused.  I had never owned a $100 before, and her act of generosity is something I will NEVER forget. I know that $100 was a lot of money to her.

Although this event was 7 or 8 years ago....

I still have that $100 in that envelope.  I don't think I will ever spend it. It will have to be buried beside me.  

[becerra95 : YEESH. I WISH it was $600..haha!]

angelbear1297 - wasn't $100 for ONE hour, but since it was for one session, gonna give you some Viz (100 viz)

3. While I was completing my bachelor's degree, I held numerous part time jobs.  What was the largest number of part time jobs I held during my college years?  (This can be found in an old "About Me" thread.  I'll even link it for you, here.   )
Sorry to everyone that couldn't access the thread.   I had David hide it from the view of the general public since it contained stuff that my current bosses would not like to read.

Shockingly, a few people guessed this right. I NEVER would have imagined anyone to do so.  But yes...while taking college courses MORE than full time.... I also worked 6 part time jobs.  There were many days when I wouldn't get home until 1 or 2 am... only to be up at 4am again.  I would get up to work, go to class, go to work, go to class, and then go to yet another job.  This would repeat until my last job of the day, so I was constantly on the run!

What did I do?
  • I worked at a bed and breakfast from 4:30ish in the morning to 7:30ish in the morning.
  • I worked as a tutor for the college math department.
  • I worked as a tutor for the sports teams.  (Yes, this job is completely separate from the last one.)
  • I worked as a tutor for an organization not even tied to the university.  (This is the job where I tutored the kid while having constant fainting spells.)
  • I worked as a private tutor during any of my free hours left.
  • And I worked as a cashier at the college diner.  (This was the first place I witnessed someone pass out drunk after emptying the entire contents of his stomach.  It was also the job which resulted in my identity being stolen and $1600 being owed in my name.)

[by the way, some of you are insane.  SEVEN?  TEN?  GEEEEZ. lol]

becerra95 - 200 viz
goodboy - 200 viz

4.  There were three professions I wanted to work at the same time when I was younger.  My idea was that I'd teach during the school year, and then work the other two jobs during the summer.  What do you think those careers were that I wanted?  If you can name ONE, you get it, because I'll be surprised if anyone even guesses.  
Nobody got these, even considering my affinity for dinosaurs?! XD
I definitely wanted to teach while the school year was going on, but I had the idea that summers would be much more fun and less stressful.  I somehow had it in my head that I could do construction work (be a contractor) AND have time to work in the field of palaeontology.

Although I will never see palaeontology as a realistic possibility, I'd still love to be a contractor.  I adore physical labor and working with my hands.  If I can build something?  I'd be giddy!

becerra - you already knew this from our chats (200 viz)
Mistress - journalist isn't a bad idea, really (100 viz)

5.  My favorite part time job was actually working at a couple-owned bed and breakfast across from the school I teach in now.  What was my job there?
Ironically, I was actually the breakfast cook. I originally applied to be their housekeeper, but the position was filled.  When the owners asked me if I had interest in the other job, and I told them I didn't know how to cook, they offered to train me. I was absolutely thrilled because the cooking position actually paid more.

I learned how to cook everything from oatmeal to blueberry crepes.  I'm still not certain how I was able to do it all, but I LOVED it.  Part of my job was also to keep the kitchen clean, stocked, and up to date.  The space I worked in was smaller than my current bathroom closet, but it was enough to get the job done.

I loved meeting all the interesting people, learning how to formally set a table, and being able to eat for free in the mornings. If I could manage it, I'd take the job back up in a heartbeat.

Besides that, the owners were very lovely people.  They've made considerable contributions to the city of Birmingham and continue to do so.  Thus, money was never an obstacle, and they made sure they're employees knew it. For all of the holidays spanning between Christmas and my graduation, they purchased me the following: a $200 laptop bag (real leather), a string of black pearls, a $200 gift card for Bed, Bath &  Beyond, and  one of those really fancy egg things that open on a hinge and look really expensive.

becerra95 - You were half way there.  (100 viz)
zanderlex - Only sometimes. (100 viz)
goodboy - A little more than that! (100 viz)
Mistress - Sometimes, but it wasn't my main job. (100 viz)

6. What time am I supposed to clock in and clock out at?  Round to the nearest half hour.
Nearly everyone was totally off with this one for some reason.  Does everybody have such weird school hours?  I HAVE to clock in between 8:15am and 8:30am. I can clock out at 3:45pm.  However, for the past three weeks I've been there from 6am to 6:30pm or longer.  My husband and I have to share a car, so transportation is a little rough.

becerra95 - close with your clock out time (100 viz)
zanderlex - same as becerra95 (100 viz)
Mistress - ditto the other 2 (100 viz)
dlscowby22 - right on the same page as everyone else (100 viz)

7. When I applied to join the army, I was told I couldn't ever fly helicopters.  Why was I given this devastating news?
I can't fly helicopters because I have horrible eye sight.  You don't have to be blessed with perfect sight, but army recruiters will only accept sight flawed by such and such an amount.  The guy that helped me fill out my paperwork totally shocked me.  From across the room, he tilted his head from side to side and said... "I'm guessing your right eye is worse than your left. And that the sight in your right eye is around.... 200, and the left around... 180?"  

While I don't remember my exact numbers (been 4+ years since I got new glasses), I know his guesses were pretty much spot on.  I don't even wear super thick glasses or anything... so I have NO idea how he did that from across the room!  He told me it just comes from years of evaluating recruits, but that ability still amazes me.  My best guess is that he looked at the thickness of my lenses, but when those measurements are so minute.... just... HOW is that possible?!?!

[The answers here were by far the most epic. If half of what you guys said was true, I'd have an absolutely amazing and exciting life! Heck, I'd write a book about me!]

becerra95 - Yep. (200 viz)

8. How many fights have I broken up as a teacher?  Bonus points for details. (Also can be found on vizzed, though not telling you where. XD)
I've only broken up ONE fight.  LOL  While some of you correctly recall the parent vs parent fight that almost occurred in my classroom, I did NOT break that fight up, nor would I have.

I've broken up one fight ever. Since the school I work at is such a good one, most of the kids behave better than their public school counterparts.  I actually know several teachers that have told me how lucky they are:  many have worked at Ramsay for 17+ years and only had to break up one or two fights.

And of course.... I had to be the one black sheep of the staff by having a fight occur in my second year of teaching.

Basically two girls broke into a fight over gossip one had spread about the other.  Both were VERY strong girls and hit like boys, though.  I tried to stop it before it happened, hooking my arms under the assaulter's arms and pulling back.  I don't know what happened after that to be honest, because nearly the whole event happened in what seemed to be the blink of an eye.  Somehow, I ended up between them while they both pummeled me with their fists.  Kids were sitting on the desks in the classroom eating fruit cups.

However, there is one moment of clarity I will NEVER forget.  (You know in those movies, where time freezes and one item becomes the focus of the scene despite the chaos around it?)  There was one boy in the back corner of the room. He is easily the SMARTEST kid I have ever taught, and he shouted out above all the noise in mock seriousness.  "WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!?"  I think this almost made me laugh even as I was getting hit on, because it was just so bizarre and at the time, I couldn't figure out if he was being serious or funny.

Anyways, furniture ended up all over the room, my glasses were lost for a good five minutes, and my hair had been yanked from my pony tail.  It was the last period of the day though and my kids were supposed to take a test.

You should have seen the looks on their faces as I straightened my glasses, pulled my hair back up and fixed it.... while telling them to clear their desks for the test.....

Best day ever.

[On the other hand, I do feel totally flattered that so many of you knew about the Open House crazy parent. ]

zanderlex - For knowing the fight was between two girls (50 viz)

9.  Every year, we have good classes and bad classes.  Usually there is one on each extreme, and then a bunch of mediocre classes. THIS year, I have ONLY one good class, and 5 extremely bad classes.  Which class is my best behaved?  Some info to help you guess more accurately:
2nd Period: 17 kids, Geometry
3rd Period: 22 kids, Algebra, A-Day lunch
4th Period: 26 kids, Geometry
6th Period: 21 kids, ACT Prep
7th Period: 23 kids, Algebra, B-Day lunch
8th Period: 18 kids, Geometry
AO Period: 17 kids, Academic Opportunity

8th Period is actually my best behaved. However, I'll give half credit to anyone who said ACT Prep.  They were awful at the beginning, but they're beginning to calm down and do as I ask the first time I tell them to do something.

goodboy - 100 viz
Mistress - 100 viz
dlscowby22 - hit the nail on the head with this one (100 viz)

10.   How many days have I taken off this year so far?
I've taken 2 days off.  One day was to get the tags and license for our new car.  We spent 7 hours in line at the courthouse because of the way our city runs this.

The second day was last week.  I simply needed a day because I've been way, way too stressed.

becerra95 - You sly dog, you. (200 viz)
angelbear1297 - Just because you're so right as for the reason.  (100 viz)


With all that said, I guess I've got to come up with new questions. XD
(You guys all did a LOT better with that one than I expected! I'm impressed!)

angelbear1297 : 400 viz
goodboy : 500 viz
dlscowby22 : 400 viz
becerra95 : 1000 Viz (STALKER ALERT)
Mistress : 400 viz
zanderlex : 250 viz

I'm feeling lazy and quite frankly... tired of all these questions about 'me'.  Who woulda thought I'd get tired of myself long before you guys do! LOL

Thus... here is what I hope will be the easiest Singelli quiz ever.


BONUS:  For each question, give a real answer, but make up a bogus story to go with it.  You guys know I love it when you do that.  ^.^

1.  What is my favorite color?
2.  What is my favorite bird?
3.  What is my favorite energy drink?
4.  What is my favorite animal?
5.  What is my favorite genre of music?
6. What is my favorite book?
7. What is my favorite thing to collect?
8. What is my favorite food?
9. What is my favorite past time?
10. What is my favorite place in the household?
It has been demanded that I provide the answers to this thread now.  LOL  Lo and behold... I guess it's time to do so.  I don't want a mob showing up at my door, after all.

Once more, if you're looking for new questions, just scroll to the bottom!

1.  When did I first start a job?  By job, I mean any services I rendered and got paid for, whether under the table or legally.
My first 'paid' job was actually in middle school as a junior. I would have been 16 or 17 then.  My mom was way too paranoid to let her children drive or work, but if work came to us, she had no complaint of course.  Everybody always wanted me to tutor them and so I worked with two people for money.  The first was the high school counselor's daughter.  She as a sophomore in college and struggling to get through her algebra class.  I remember what an impact this experience had on me, as it helped me learn more about differentiation than college ever did.  It was also a fun partnership because the counselor's daughter often paid me with gifts in addition to the cash.

I also tutored a senior who had epilepsy and happened to live several blocks away.  I was the only junior in our physics class and we often had to sit in the same bus seat.  I once loaned him my calculator at the beginning of the school year and a fellow classmate exclaimed "You have made a friend for life!"

This young man ended up dating me for 3.5 years and we were even engaged at one point.
(The sad part was that his mother forced him to ask me out for prom, which is how we started dating.)

angelbear1297 - pretty much spot on (200 viz)
goodboy - I wouldn't consider that a job, but I guess it's close enough. (100 viz)
dlscowby22 - Just too true, I guess.  (200 viz)

2. What is the most anyone has ever paid me for an hour of tutoring?
Well, if we want to be technical, the most I ever got paid for tutoring was $33 1/3.  Most people paid me amounts ranging from $5 to $25.  There were a few $30s thrown in, but they were quite infrequent.  I never believed in 'setting' a price.  I tutored because I loved to help others understand math and wanted to serve.  I tried to be understanding of the fact that some people simply couldn't afford what everyone else could.  Thus, I always told people to pay me what they were 'comfortable with'.

While in college, I worked with a special education student who had difficult focusing.  We worked for a total of 3 hours, and his mother was unable to pay me at the time.  She called me one day to give me the pay and told me where we could meet.  I had just left one of my jobs and she was parked on the side of the road.  She handed me an envelope and thanked me incessantly.  She told me that her son had never understood math before and that no tutor she ever got could keep his attention. He would lose interest, forget what he was working on, and become disinterested in the math.

With me, she said, it was the complete opposite.  She practically left me in tears, and when I opened that envelope covered in bible verses, I found a crisp $100. 

Needless to say, I was STUNNED.  I promptly called her back and tried to convince her to take some of it back, but she refused.  I had never owned a $100 before, and her act of generosity is something I will NEVER forget. I know that $100 was a lot of money to her.

Although this event was 7 or 8 years ago....

I still have that $100 in that envelope.  I don't think I will ever spend it. It will have to be buried beside me.  

[becerra95 : YEESH. I WISH it was $600..haha!]

angelbear1297 - wasn't $100 for ONE hour, but since it was for one session, gonna give you some Viz (100 viz)

3. While I was completing my bachelor's degree, I held numerous part time jobs.  What was the largest number of part time jobs I held during my college years?  (This can be found in an old "About Me" thread.  I'll even link it for you, here.   )
Sorry to everyone that couldn't access the thread.   I had David hide it from the view of the general public since it contained stuff that my current bosses would not like to read.

Shockingly, a few people guessed this right. I NEVER would have imagined anyone to do so.  But yes...while taking college courses MORE than full time.... I also worked 6 part time jobs.  There were many days when I wouldn't get home until 1 or 2 am... only to be up at 4am again.  I would get up to work, go to class, go to work, go to class, and then go to yet another job.  This would repeat until my last job of the day, so I was constantly on the run!

What did I do?
  • I worked at a bed and breakfast from 4:30ish in the morning to 7:30ish in the morning.
  • I worked as a tutor for the college math department.
  • I worked as a tutor for the sports teams.  (Yes, this job is completely separate from the last one.)
  • I worked as a tutor for an organization not even tied to the university.  (This is the job where I tutored the kid while having constant fainting spells.)
  • I worked as a private tutor during any of my free hours left.
  • And I worked as a cashier at the college diner.  (This was the first place I witnessed someone pass out drunk after emptying the entire contents of his stomach.  It was also the job which resulted in my identity being stolen and $1600 being owed in my name.)

[by the way, some of you are insane.  SEVEN?  TEN?  GEEEEZ. lol]

becerra95 - 200 viz
goodboy - 200 viz

4.  There were three professions I wanted to work at the same time when I was younger.  My idea was that I'd teach during the school year, and then work the other two jobs during the summer.  What do you think those careers were that I wanted?  If you can name ONE, you get it, because I'll be surprised if anyone even guesses.  
Nobody got these, even considering my affinity for dinosaurs?! XD
I definitely wanted to teach while the school year was going on, but I had the idea that summers would be much more fun and less stressful.  I somehow had it in my head that I could do construction work (be a contractor) AND have time to work in the field of palaeontology.

Although I will never see palaeontology as a realistic possibility, I'd still love to be a contractor.  I adore physical labor and working with my hands.  If I can build something?  I'd be giddy!

becerra - you already knew this from our chats (200 viz)
Mistress - journalist isn't a bad idea, really (100 viz)

5.  My favorite part time job was actually working at a couple-owned bed and breakfast across from the school I teach in now.  What was my job there?
Ironically, I was actually the breakfast cook. I originally applied to be their housekeeper, but the position was filled.  When the owners asked me if I had interest in the other job, and I told them I didn't know how to cook, they offered to train me. I was absolutely thrilled because the cooking position actually paid more.

I learned how to cook everything from oatmeal to blueberry crepes.  I'm still not certain how I was able to do it all, but I LOVED it.  Part of my job was also to keep the kitchen clean, stocked, and up to date.  The space I worked in was smaller than my current bathroom closet, but it was enough to get the job done.

I loved meeting all the interesting people, learning how to formally set a table, and being able to eat for free in the mornings. If I could manage it, I'd take the job back up in a heartbeat.

Besides that, the owners were very lovely people.  They've made considerable contributions to the city of Birmingham and continue to do so.  Thus, money was never an obstacle, and they made sure they're employees knew it. For all of the holidays spanning between Christmas and my graduation, they purchased me the following: a $200 laptop bag (real leather), a string of black pearls, a $200 gift card for Bed, Bath &  Beyond, and  one of those really fancy egg things that open on a hinge and look really expensive.

becerra95 - You were half way there.  (100 viz)
zanderlex - Only sometimes. (100 viz)
goodboy - A little more than that! (100 viz)
Mistress - Sometimes, but it wasn't my main job. (100 viz)

6. What time am I supposed to clock in and clock out at?  Round to the nearest half hour.
Nearly everyone was totally off with this one for some reason.  Does everybody have such weird school hours?  I HAVE to clock in between 8:15am and 8:30am. I can clock out at 3:45pm.  However, for the past three weeks I've been there from 6am to 6:30pm or longer.  My husband and I have to share a car, so transportation is a little rough.

becerra95 - close with your clock out time (100 viz)
zanderlex - same as becerra95 (100 viz)
Mistress - ditto the other 2 (100 viz)
dlscowby22 - right on the same page as everyone else (100 viz)

7. When I applied to join the army, I was told I couldn't ever fly helicopters.  Why was I given this devastating news?
I can't fly helicopters because I have horrible eye sight.  You don't have to be blessed with perfect sight, but army recruiters will only accept sight flawed by such and such an amount.  The guy that helped me fill out my paperwork totally shocked me.  From across the room, he tilted his head from side to side and said... "I'm guessing your right eye is worse than your left. And that the sight in your right eye is around.... 200, and the left around... 180?"  

While I don't remember my exact numbers (been 4+ years since I got new glasses), I know his guesses were pretty much spot on.  I don't even wear super thick glasses or anything... so I have NO idea how he did that from across the room!  He told me it just comes from years of evaluating recruits, but that ability still amazes me.  My best guess is that he looked at the thickness of my lenses, but when those measurements are so minute.... just... HOW is that possible?!?!

[The answers here were by far the most epic. If half of what you guys said was true, I'd have an absolutely amazing and exciting life! Heck, I'd write a book about me!]

becerra95 - Yep. (200 viz)

8. How many fights have I broken up as a teacher?  Bonus points for details. (Also can be found on vizzed, though not telling you where. XD)
I've only broken up ONE fight.  LOL  While some of you correctly recall the parent vs parent fight that almost occurred in my classroom, I did NOT break that fight up, nor would I have.

I've broken up one fight ever. Since the school I work at is such a good one, most of the kids behave better than their public school counterparts.  I actually know several teachers that have told me how lucky they are:  many have worked at Ramsay for 17+ years and only had to break up one or two fights.

And of course.... I had to be the one black sheep of the staff by having a fight occur in my second year of teaching.

Basically two girls broke into a fight over gossip one had spread about the other.  Both were VERY strong girls and hit like boys, though.  I tried to stop it before it happened, hooking my arms under the assaulter's arms and pulling back.  I don't know what happened after that to be honest, because nearly the whole event happened in what seemed to be the blink of an eye.  Somehow, I ended up between them while they both pummeled me with their fists.  Kids were sitting on the desks in the classroom eating fruit cups.

However, there is one moment of clarity I will NEVER forget.  (You know in those movies, where time freezes and one item becomes the focus of the scene despite the chaos around it?)  There was one boy in the back corner of the room. He is easily the SMARTEST kid I have ever taught, and he shouted out above all the noise in mock seriousness.  "WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!?"  I think this almost made me laugh even as I was getting hit on, because it was just so bizarre and at the time, I couldn't figure out if he was being serious or funny.

Anyways, furniture ended up all over the room, my glasses were lost for a good five minutes, and my hair had been yanked from my pony tail.  It was the last period of the day though and my kids were supposed to take a test.

You should have seen the looks on their faces as I straightened my glasses, pulled my hair back up and fixed it.... while telling them to clear their desks for the test.....

Best day ever.

[On the other hand, I do feel totally flattered that so many of you knew about the Open House crazy parent. ]

zanderlex - For knowing the fight was between two girls (50 viz)

9.  Every year, we have good classes and bad classes.  Usually there is one on each extreme, and then a bunch of mediocre classes. THIS year, I have ONLY one good class, and 5 extremely bad classes.  Which class is my best behaved?  Some info to help you guess more accurately:
2nd Period: 17 kids, Geometry
3rd Period: 22 kids, Algebra, A-Day lunch
4th Period: 26 kids, Geometry
6th Period: 21 kids, ACT Prep
7th Period: 23 kids, Algebra, B-Day lunch
8th Period: 18 kids, Geometry
AO Period: 17 kids, Academic Opportunity

8th Period is actually my best behaved. However, I'll give half credit to anyone who said ACT Prep.  They were awful at the beginning, but they're beginning to calm down and do as I ask the first time I tell them to do something.

goodboy - 100 viz
Mistress - 100 viz
dlscowby22 - hit the nail on the head with this one (100 viz)

10.   How many days have I taken off this year so far?
I've taken 2 days off.  One day was to get the tags and license for our new car.  We spent 7 hours in line at the courthouse because of the way our city runs this.

The second day was last week.  I simply needed a day because I've been way, way too stressed.

becerra95 - You sly dog, you. (200 viz)
angelbear1297 - Just because you're so right as for the reason.  (100 viz)


With all that said, I guess I've got to come up with new questions. XD
(You guys all did a LOT better with that one than I expected! I'm impressed!)

angelbear1297 : 400 viz
goodboy : 500 viz
dlscowby22 : 400 viz
becerra95 : 1000 Viz (STALKER ALERT)
Mistress : 400 viz
zanderlex : 250 viz

I'm feeling lazy and quite frankly... tired of all these questions about 'me'.  Who woulda thought I'd get tired of myself long before you guys do! LOL

Thus... here is what I hope will be the easiest Singelli quiz ever.


BONUS:  For each question, give a real answer, but make up a bogus story to go with it.  You guys know I love it when you do that.  ^.^

1.  What is my favorite color?
2.  What is my favorite bird?
3.  What is my favorite energy drink?
4.  What is my favorite animal?
5.  What is my favorite genre of music?
6. What is my favorite book?
7. What is my favorite thing to collect?
8. What is my favorite food?
9. What is my favorite past time?
10. What is my favorite place in the household?
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10-14-13 09:53 PM
legacyme3 is Offline
| ID: 906086 | 350 Words

Lord Leggy - King of IT
Level: 270

POSTS: 21120/27250
POST EXP: 2003421
LVL EXP: 325196377
CP: 42570.2
VIZ: 2986181

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
I don't know you literally at all, but I may as well just do this for a little fun.

1. What is my favorite color?

Green. Why is green your favorite color? Because when you were but a child, you saw this frog on your way to school. The frog then croaked, and gave you a high five. The frog was green and you never forgot the kindness the frog showed you. As a result, you always think of the color green.

2. What is my favorite bird?

The Bald Eagle, because being bald is hella manly. And everybody loves a manly bird. Everybody.

3. What is my favorite energy drink?

Amp. Because an amp is musical, and music is awesome. Also because like the energy drink, music pumps one up dramatically. That's TRUE energy.

4. What is my favorite animal?

Zebra. I mean seriously, how could anyone not love zebras the most. I'm a zebra, and I'm pretty admirable. I mean, when's the last time you saw something that wasn't a human or a cat using the internet. Exactly. That's what I thought.

5. What is my favorite genre of music?

Christian Rock. I got nothing for a funny story here.

6. What is my favorite book?

... what's a book? Pass.

7. What is my favorite thing to collect?

Your favorite thing to collect are cheese graters. (Actually I highly doubt this) There are many kinds of cheese graters, and everybody knows that with cheese being the literal best thing ever, you need many ways to grate it. This is why you collect them.

8. What is my favorite food?

Beef stew. Once you went into a restaurant. And all they had was beef stew. So you had it, and fell in love instantly.

9. What is my favorite past time?

No idea, wouldn't know where to start.

10. What is my favorite place in the household?

Your favorite place in the household... is the basement. It's cool and damp, and is the most unique place in any home. And a unique person hangs out in unique places.
I don't know you literally at all, but I may as well just do this for a little fun.

1. What is my favorite color?

Green. Why is green your favorite color? Because when you were but a child, you saw this frog on your way to school. The frog then croaked, and gave you a high five. The frog was green and you never forgot the kindness the frog showed you. As a result, you always think of the color green.

2. What is my favorite bird?

The Bald Eagle, because being bald is hella manly. And everybody loves a manly bird. Everybody.

3. What is my favorite energy drink?

Amp. Because an amp is musical, and music is awesome. Also because like the energy drink, music pumps one up dramatically. That's TRUE energy.

4. What is my favorite animal?

Zebra. I mean seriously, how could anyone not love zebras the most. I'm a zebra, and I'm pretty admirable. I mean, when's the last time you saw something that wasn't a human or a cat using the internet. Exactly. That's what I thought.

5. What is my favorite genre of music?

Christian Rock. I got nothing for a funny story here.

6. What is my favorite book?

... what's a book? Pass.

7. What is my favorite thing to collect?

Your favorite thing to collect are cheese graters. (Actually I highly doubt this) There are many kinds of cheese graters, and everybody knows that with cheese being the literal best thing ever, you need many ways to grate it. This is why you collect them.

8. What is my favorite food?

Beef stew. Once you went into a restaurant. And all they had was beef stew. So you had it, and fell in love instantly.

9. What is my favorite past time?

No idea, wouldn't know where to start.

10. What is my favorite place in the household?

Your favorite place in the household... is the basement. It's cool and damp, and is the most unique place in any home. And a unique person hangs out in unique places.
Vizzed Elite
6-Time VCS Winner

One Leggy.
One Love.
One Dream.

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Registered: 09-14-10
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10-14-13 10:33 PM
Mistress is Offline
| ID: 906114 | 261 Words

Level: 80

POSTS: 513/1717
POST EXP: 132920
LVL EXP: 4615447
CP: 7457.6
VIZ: 196325

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
You're on!

1. Rusty orange. You love this color because it reminds you of a sunflower. This very sunflower is what made you have your first hamster, that unfortunately ran away to turn into an Easter bunny.

2. Flamingo. This is your favorite bird because they can walk on water.

3. Er, I would say Monster. Mainly because it comes in many different flavors. Your favorite one is the red one.

4. Hah! You can't fool me with this, it's obviously a dinosaur. Why? Well, because you once had a dream of a lizard that suddenly turned into a dinosaur. It was attacking the city and you

5. Gospel. You looovvee the energy that the choir emits with the wonderfully orchestrated and powerful music. I bet you love listening it to the bathroom too.

6. Wow, this is tough. Uhm, I'm going to say Grimm's Fairy Tales. You loved readin' all those fairytale stories as a kid, which is why it's your favorite.

7. Yarn. You don't just love to collect these, you NEED to. In order to finally create those Lemmings thing.

8. Sweet potato. You thought that it was weird that a potato could be sweet. So on a dare, someone dared you to eat a sweet potato, and you fell in love with it.

9. Reading. It's quite a shame you barely have time to do so. Bet ya still read children's books too.

10. The bathroom. You absolutely love privacy, but can never have any due to your schedule. So bathrooms are your secret paradise... of privacy.
You're on!

1. Rusty orange. You love this color because it reminds you of a sunflower. This very sunflower is what made you have your first hamster, that unfortunately ran away to turn into an Easter bunny.

2. Flamingo. This is your favorite bird because they can walk on water.

3. Er, I would say Monster. Mainly because it comes in many different flavors. Your favorite one is the red one.

4. Hah! You can't fool me with this, it's obviously a dinosaur. Why? Well, because you once had a dream of a lizard that suddenly turned into a dinosaur. It was attacking the city and you

5. Gospel. You looovvee the energy that the choir emits with the wonderfully orchestrated and powerful music. I bet you love listening it to the bathroom too.

6. Wow, this is tough. Uhm, I'm going to say Grimm's Fairy Tales. You loved readin' all those fairytale stories as a kid, which is why it's your favorite.

7. Yarn. You don't just love to collect these, you NEED to. In order to finally create those Lemmings thing.

8. Sweet potato. You thought that it was weird that a potato could be sweet. So on a dare, someone dared you to eat a sweet potato, and you fell in love with it.

9. Reading. It's quite a shame you barely have time to do so. Bet ya still read children's books too.

10. The bathroom. You absolutely love privacy, but can never have any due to your schedule. So bathrooms are your secret paradise... of privacy.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-28-13
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10-15-13 01:59 AM
supernerd117 is Offline
| ID: 906213 | 362 Words

Level: 143

POSTS: 1902/6187
POST EXP: 404633
LVL EXP: 35771180
CP: 17935.2
VIZ: 13353

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1.  What is my favorite color?

Orange, because orange juice is your favorite drink.

2.  What is my favorite bird?

The dodo bird.  You have a fascination with the bird because of how its name sounds and is spelled.

3.  What is my favorite energy drink?

Water!  Nothing like the cool, refreshing flavor of water to pep you up in the morning!  Natural energy for all your needs.

4.  What is my favorite animal?

A pig!  Why, you ask?  Well, it's because it has a queue, just like Netflix!

5.  What is my favorite genre of music?

Country!  Nothing quite like some Rascal Flatts or Miranda Lambert while you're hitting the road.  "Life is a highway!  I wanna ride it..."

6. What is my favorite book?

The Bible!  But besides that, perhaps The Princess Bride?  William Goldman's tale of swashbuckling and romance holds up many years after publication.  It makes a great pair with the movie (which is among my faves all time!).

7. What is my favorite thing to collect?

Old bibles, if I recall.  You have several that are over 100 years old!  This is because you like the feel of the worn pages beneath your fingers.  It gives you a feeling of superiority, since you have the newer versions as well.

8. What is my favorite food?

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.  Ever since you were eight years old, you had to "have the blues".  It's become a tradition in your household to use the macaroni in the box, but to use your own cheese rather than the cheese in the box because you like the taste of freshly shredded cheese, and not that processed stuff.

9. What is my favorite past time?

Grading papers  You are an evil dictator, so you love to let your hand waver to the "F stamp" while students watch on in horror.

10. What is my favorite place in the household?

The pot!  This is because you are female, and the pressure to go is greater than the pressure we men feel before we have to go.  Sweet relief!  

That was fun!  Hope you get a laugh out of those responses.  
1.  What is my favorite color?

Orange, because orange juice is your favorite drink.

2.  What is my favorite bird?

The dodo bird.  You have a fascination with the bird because of how its name sounds and is spelled.

3.  What is my favorite energy drink?

Water!  Nothing like the cool, refreshing flavor of water to pep you up in the morning!  Natural energy for all your needs.

4.  What is my favorite animal?

A pig!  Why, you ask?  Well, it's because it has a queue, just like Netflix!

5.  What is my favorite genre of music?

Country!  Nothing quite like some Rascal Flatts or Miranda Lambert while you're hitting the road.  "Life is a highway!  I wanna ride it..."

6. What is my favorite book?

The Bible!  But besides that, perhaps The Princess Bride?  William Goldman's tale of swashbuckling and romance holds up many years after publication.  It makes a great pair with the movie (which is among my faves all time!).

7. What is my favorite thing to collect?

Old bibles, if I recall.  You have several that are over 100 years old!  This is because you like the feel of the worn pages beneath your fingers.  It gives you a feeling of superiority, since you have the newer versions as well.

8. What is my favorite food?

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.  Ever since you were eight years old, you had to "have the blues".  It's become a tradition in your household to use the macaroni in the box, but to use your own cheese rather than the cheese in the box because you like the taste of freshly shredded cheese, and not that processed stuff.

9. What is my favorite past time?

Grading papers  You are an evil dictator, so you love to let your hand waver to the "F stamp" while students watch on in horror.

10. What is my favorite place in the household?

The pot!  This is because you are female, and the pressure to go is greater than the pressure we men feel before we have to go.  Sweet relief!  

That was fun!  Hope you get a laugh out of those responses.  
Vizzed Elite

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Registered: 03-21-10
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10-15-13 04:10 PM
goodboy is Offline
| ID: 906566 | 251 Words

Level: 87

POSTS: 1585/2102
POST EXP: 124962
LVL EXP: 6275225
CP: 2844.9
VIZ: 124724

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
500 Viz, hm? I'm losing my touch... I'll go for amusing answers here. Had a good day at work, so I figured I should spread the love.

1.  What is my favorite color?

Yellow/Gold/Orange. These remind you of a sunflower, and how it saved your life. You got hit by a minivan full of evil, chubby businessmen, and you lost your sight, smell, and your lunch. You smelt the flower, and you could smell once more. You saw the flower, and you could see again. You ate the flower, because it looked tasty. And it filled you.

God bless that flower.

2.  What is my favorite bird?

Chickadees. They're your absolute favorite due to the fact that they look pretty. Also, you secretly collect them and keep them in your room. They sing to you as you strum the ukelele.

3.  What is my favorite energy drink?

RED BULL! No, RB is weird tasting... You like XS.

4.  What is my favorite animal?


5.  What is my favorite genre of music?

HEAVY METAL. Wait, no... I don't know. Christian Rock?

6. What is my favorite book?

The Bible. Other than that, Mary Had A Little Lamb IX.

7. What is my favorite thing to collect?

Dead people's legs.

8. What is my favorite food?

Frog legs.

9. What is my favorite past time?

Making Lennings.

10. What is my favorite place in the household?

The attic... The only place I can't stalk you.
500 Viz, hm? I'm losing my touch... I'll go for amusing answers here. Had a good day at work, so I figured I should spread the love.

1.  What is my favorite color?

Yellow/Gold/Orange. These remind you of a sunflower, and how it saved your life. You got hit by a minivan full of evil, chubby businessmen, and you lost your sight, smell, and your lunch. You smelt the flower, and you could smell once more. You saw the flower, and you could see again. You ate the flower, because it looked tasty. And it filled you.

God bless that flower.

2.  What is my favorite bird?

Chickadees. They're your absolute favorite due to the fact that they look pretty. Also, you secretly collect them and keep them in your room. They sing to you as you strum the ukelele.

3.  What is my favorite energy drink?

RED BULL! No, RB is weird tasting... You like XS.

4.  What is my favorite animal?


5.  What is my favorite genre of music?

HEAVY METAL. Wait, no... I don't know. Christian Rock?

6. What is my favorite book?

The Bible. Other than that, Mary Had A Little Lamb IX.

7. What is my favorite thing to collect?

Dead people's legs.

8. What is my favorite food?

Frog legs.

9. What is my favorite past time?

Making Lennings.

10. What is my favorite place in the household?

The attic... The only place I can't stalk you.
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10-15-13 07:36 PM
angelbear1297 is Offline
| ID: 906700 | 318 Words

Level: 26

POSTS: 77/133
POST EXP: 14537
LVL EXP: 101445
CP: 785.3
VIZ: 15965

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Wait is there a limit as to how many times we can try these?

1.  What is my favorite color?

*Clears throat* Well your favorite color is obviously yellow. Why? Simple multiply the circumference of the sun the circumference of an average sunflower. After you attempted to try to multiply the two together you simply adored the colors from both the sunflower and the sun therefore making Yellow your favorite color!

2.  What is my favorite bird?

Your favorite bird is a mockingbird. After reading the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" you fell in love with the adorable things!

3.  What is my favorite energy drink?

Red Bull because Red Bull gives you wings and you love using the wings to fly with your very own pet dragon.

4.  What is my favorite animal?

A fox... because they go ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding.
Yes. I really just said that and I am very ashamed of myself I couldn't resist the chance...

5.  What is my favorite genre of music?

Dubstep you love how it makes you feel like you're talking to animals.

6. What is my favorite book?

Harry Potter because you secretly admit that Twilight stinks.

7. What is my favorite thing to collect?

Pet Rocks because they live forever don't die don't run away and only grow moss.

8. What is my favorite food?

Pizza you love the grease and all the unhealthy/healthy stuffs on it. Plus it tastes wonderful when its cold!

9. What is my favorite past time?

Playing on Playing videos game counts as past time too right??

10. What is my favorite place in the household?

Your room. Its your own sanctuary where you may partake in your own rituals without being judged even if its secretly judged. Plus you can always use the old "I'm sleeping go away or else I'll tear your head off!" excuse if anyone attempts to bother you. ^^
Wait is there a limit as to how many times we can try these?

1.  What is my favorite color?

*Clears throat* Well your favorite color is obviously yellow. Why? Simple multiply the circumference of the sun the circumference of an average sunflower. After you attempted to try to multiply the two together you simply adored the colors from both the sunflower and the sun therefore making Yellow your favorite color!

2.  What is my favorite bird?

Your favorite bird is a mockingbird. After reading the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" you fell in love with the adorable things!

3.  What is my favorite energy drink?

Red Bull because Red Bull gives you wings and you love using the wings to fly with your very own pet dragon.

4.  What is my favorite animal?

A fox... because they go ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding.
Yes. I really just said that and I am very ashamed of myself I couldn't resist the chance...

5.  What is my favorite genre of music?

Dubstep you love how it makes you feel like you're talking to animals.

6. What is my favorite book?

Harry Potter because you secretly admit that Twilight stinks.

7. What is my favorite thing to collect?

Pet Rocks because they live forever don't die don't run away and only grow moss.

8. What is my favorite food?

Pizza you love the grease and all the unhealthy/healthy stuffs on it. Plus it tastes wonderful when its cold!

9. What is my favorite past time?

Playing on Playing videos game counts as past time too right??

10. What is my favorite place in the household?

Your room. Its your own sanctuary where you may partake in your own rituals without being judged even if its secretly judged. Plus you can always use the old "I'm sleeping go away or else I'll tear your head off!" excuse if anyone attempts to bother you. ^^

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10-18-13 04:21 PM
thephantombrain is Offline
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1. Mexican Pink? - It's a simple cliché, girls love pink and girls love Mexican men...
2. Ostrich? - Remember that time that you went ostrich riding through the Italian countryside? Good times...
3.  Singelli, we've talked about this. Long Island Iced Tea is not an energy drink! I don't care if you can "dance for hours on end" after you drink it. 
4. Again, party animal is not an actual animal! Get some help?
5. Mariachi?
6. The Holy Bible?
7. If I had to choose between "dice, sticky notes, old Bibles, stickers, and... yarn and string", I'd go with "Picasso signed originals".  
8. "A half pound of squid."
9. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess - spend time at Vizzed?
10. Let's do the math. Ha! You don't like to sleep, so the bedroom is out. I doubt that you spend a whole lot of time in the game cave. That leaves the kitchen, bathroom and your office. Based on those choices, my best guess is The Great Hall?
1. Mexican Pink? - It's a simple cliché, girls love pink and girls love Mexican men...
2. Ostrich? - Remember that time that you went ostrich riding through the Italian countryside? Good times...
3.  Singelli, we've talked about this. Long Island Iced Tea is not an energy drink! I don't care if you can "dance for hours on end" after you drink it. 
4. Again, party animal is not an actual animal! Get some help?
5. Mariachi?
6. The Holy Bible?
7. If I had to choose between "dice, sticky notes, old Bibles, stickers, and... yarn and string", I'd go with "Picasso signed originals".  
8. "A half pound of squid."
9. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess - spend time at Vizzed?
10. Let's do the math. Ha! You don't like to sleep, so the bedroom is out. I doubt that you spend a whole lot of time in the game cave. That leaves the kitchen, bathroom and your office. Based on those choices, my best guess is The Great Hall?
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Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

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Location: Wichita, Kansas, USA
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