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Seattle Seahawks Prediction 2013


08-25-13 08:04 AM
Kryptic is Offline
| ID: 871835 | 484 Words

Level: 52

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LVL EXP: 1056189
CP: 4907.9
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Last year I did this and predicted 11-5.
Most everyone disagreed and thought it was a foolish prediction. Well

guess what? The Seahawks went 11-5 in the regular season.
Now if you thought my prediction last year was ridiculous have a look at this.

W 30-20 (It won't be quite as ugly as last years game when we won 16-12 but we'll do enough to handle them) 1-0


W 31-10 (They haven't proven they can score on us or stop us yet so I

have no reason to believe they will, but I don't think the slaughter

will be as bad as last season when we beat them 42-13) 2-0


W 45-0 (Jacksonville might have trouble winning 1 or 2 games and they

certainly aren't coming into Seattle and winning) 3-0

27-24 (I really like Houston and watch a lot of their games. This is

one of the only games on the schedule I can see us losing, but not

easily. And we'll beat them in the Super Bowl) 3-1

34-19 (Even on the road we're a better team than them. They have a lot

of growing to do before I consider them a threat) 4-1

W 45-14 (Jake Locker will keep slinging picks to us) 5-1


W 23-14 (This is one of those weird NFL Network Thursday games and I

feel like everyone will be awkward and we won't blow them out) 6-1


W 27-17 (We lost in St. Louis last year because of a really stupid

non-reaction by us on special teams that allowed them to fake a field

goal. That won't happen this year) 7-1

W 38-20 (I
hate Tampa and they have no chance of coming into Seattle and winning.

Sherman will outplay Revis and Tampa will continue to be a mess for a

few more seasons until they fire the coach) 8-1

W 34-31
O.T. (This is one of those games I could see us losing because Atlanta

is a hell of a team. I just don't think we WILL lose) 9-1

W 30-21 (Adrian Peterson isn't enough) 10-1


W 48-28 (They won't be able to score with us) 11-1

W 27-10 (Get the brooms out) 12-1


W 27-21 (We could possibly lose this game but as usual I don't think we

will. It won't be easy though and it will take our D to get some

crucial turnovers) 13-1

W 44-7 (The score is self explanatory of how this game will play out) 14-1

33-17 (The Rams will play hard. It won't be enough.) 15-1


15-1 with home field advantage throughout the playoffs. I won't go

into detail because I don't know how the mediocre NFC will stack up in

the tournament brackets, but I'll make the prediction that Seattle beats

Houston in the Super Bowl.

Last year I did this and predicted 11-5.
Most everyone disagreed and thought it was a foolish prediction. Well

guess what? The Seahawks went 11-5 in the regular season.
Now if you thought my prediction last year was ridiculous have a look at this.

W 30-20 (It won't be quite as ugly as last years game when we won 16-12 but we'll do enough to handle them) 1-0


W 31-10 (They haven't proven they can score on us or stop us yet so I

have no reason to believe they will, but I don't think the slaughter

will be as bad as last season when we beat them 42-13) 2-0


W 45-0 (Jacksonville might have trouble winning 1 or 2 games and they

certainly aren't coming into Seattle and winning) 3-0

27-24 (I really like Houston and watch a lot of their games. This is

one of the only games on the schedule I can see us losing, but not

easily. And we'll beat them in the Super Bowl) 3-1

34-19 (Even on the road we're a better team than them. They have a lot

of growing to do before I consider them a threat) 4-1

W 45-14 (Jake Locker will keep slinging picks to us) 5-1


W 23-14 (This is one of those weird NFL Network Thursday games and I

feel like everyone will be awkward and we won't blow them out) 6-1


W 27-17 (We lost in St. Louis last year because of a really stupid

non-reaction by us on special teams that allowed them to fake a field

goal. That won't happen this year) 7-1

W 38-20 (I
hate Tampa and they have no chance of coming into Seattle and winning.

Sherman will outplay Revis and Tampa will continue to be a mess for a

few more seasons until they fire the coach) 8-1

W 34-31
O.T. (This is one of those games I could see us losing because Atlanta

is a hell of a team. I just don't think we WILL lose) 9-1

W 30-21 (Adrian Peterson isn't enough) 10-1


W 48-28 (They won't be able to score with us) 11-1

W 27-10 (Get the brooms out) 12-1


W 27-21 (We could possibly lose this game but as usual I don't think we

will. It won't be easy though and it will take our D to get some

crucial turnovers) 13-1

W 44-7 (The score is self explanatory of how this game will play out) 14-1

33-17 (The Rams will play hard. It won't be enough.) 15-1


15-1 with home field advantage throughout the playoffs. I won't go

into detail because I don't know how the mediocre NFC will stack up in

the tournament brackets, but I'll make the prediction that Seattle beats

Houston in the Super Bowl.

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(edited by Kryptic on 08-25-13 08:21 AM)    

08-26-13 06:20 PM
Hoochman is Offline
| ID: 872544 | 167 Words

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I'm a 49er fan and yeah, you're not being us in San Francisco. Our defense is recharged and looks a lot better than last season which says a lot because we were already top 5 good until are pass rush kind of gave out.11-5 was a good pick for what we knew was an up and coming team that could surprise a lot of people. But I don't see them doing 15-1 good. For one thing I think they could play better on the road and another thing is I don't see them being as good at home as they were the year before. So I think they'll lose at least 1 home game. Overall I have a lot of respect for you guys and I think you'll be a consistent contender but I think you need to prove yourselves over a couple seasons like us before we start crowning you super bowl champions in late August. After all, last year was the 1st really good season.
I'm a 49er fan and yeah, you're not being us in San Francisco. Our defense is recharged and looks a lot better than last season which says a lot because we were already top 5 good until are pass rush kind of gave out.11-5 was a good pick for what we knew was an up and coming team that could surprise a lot of people. But I don't see them doing 15-1 good. For one thing I think they could play better on the road and another thing is I don't see them being as good at home as they were the year before. So I think they'll lose at least 1 home game. Overall I have a lot of respect for you guys and I think you'll be a consistent contender but I think you need to prove yourselves over a couple seasons like us before we start crowning you super bowl champions in late August. After all, last year was the 1st really good season.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-25-10
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(edited by Hoochman on 08-26-13 06:25 PM)    

08-29-13 09:37 PM
Jordanv78 is Offline
| ID: 873772 | 72 Words

Level: 192

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I will say this much, the seahawks are a great team, but you aren't going undefeated in your Division. They will also lose at least one or two games that you don't expect them to.

These discussions can be had in the thread created to talk about the NFL season, here

Sorry but I like to have them all in one place so everyone doesn't create their own NFL predictions thread.

I will say this much, the seahawks are a great team, but you aren't going undefeated in your Division. They will also lose at least one or two games that you don't expect them to.

These discussions can be had in the thread created to talk about the NFL season, here

Sorry but I like to have them all in one place so everyone doesn't create their own NFL predictions thread.

Vizzed Elite
Former Admin
Special Assault Brigade for Real Emergencies

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-16-10
Location: Chicagoland
Last Post: 2682 days
Last Active: 2655 days

(edited by Jordanv78 on 08-29-13 09:44 PM)    


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