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MineCraft Seeds


08-02-13 03:51 AM
classic1 is Offline
| ID: 859629 | 123 Words

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If you find a good mine craft seed post it. Note: do not post spam or seeds that do nothing. here are some examples of what to post.

ex: I found a dessert (and or ) jungle temple on seed ( insert the seed number or word ) at coordinates ( insert coordinates )

here are the kind of seeds to post

dessert/jungle temple

villages (do not take advantage of this one I don't want to see a lot of these )



jungle ( I really take this one like the village so don't over use it )

mushroom biomes ( same with jungle and village )

and of course witch huts ( preferably if the witch is still there )
If you find a good mine craft seed post it. Note: do not post spam or seeds that do nothing. here are some examples of what to post.

ex: I found a dessert (and or ) jungle temple on seed ( insert the seed number or word ) at coordinates ( insert coordinates )

here are the kind of seeds to post

dessert/jungle temple

villages (do not take advantage of this one I don't want to see a lot of these )



jungle ( I really take this one like the village so don't over use it )

mushroom biomes ( same with jungle and village )

and of course witch huts ( preferably if the witch is still there )

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-25-12
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Last Active: 4105 days

08-08-13 01:14 PM
FlameXZ is Offline
| ID: 863156 | 6 Words

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You make no sense dude >
You make no sense dude >

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-07-13
Location: Ottawa
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08-09-13 07:27 AM
Pokegeek is Offline
| ID: 863522 | 27 Words

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777 on Xbox 360 gives you a fortress under the spawn, lots of redstone and diamonds and iron and you spawn next to a village as well.
777 on Xbox 360 gives you a fortress under the spawn, lots of redstone and diamonds and iron and you spawn next to a village as well.
Hit OPS Syndrome on 09/08/13 and 12/08/13

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Registered: 10-26-12
Location: Lincolnshire, England
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08-12-13 01:20 AM
classic1 is Offline
| ID: 865451 | 271 Words

Level: 15

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LVL EXP: 16193
CP: 115.6
VIZ: 17519

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Hey its me again this is a famous one but in case you have not heard about it I will tell you it right now

the seed is named Dossier ( you must capitalize the D ) and you will spawn either on a island or in water they are about one block away from each other. This seed will work on 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 and 1.6.

ok you spawn at x: -462 z: -601         across the water you will find a village the coordinates are  x: -475  y: -718

this village is awesome it has carrots wheat and potato's all in the same village!

there are quite a few cows  most villagers are farms though only one is not and that one is a librarian. There is no blacksmith chest but there are some better things. One thing is under the village is a ravine I mined in one of the houses which is at x: -443 z: 742 there is a well which goes very far down. Now here is where it gets really good. There is a stronghold portal room floating above the water and around It is the actual stronghold which has a ravine cut into it. The stronghold is under water the floating portal room is close to the village from the well and is at the coordinates
x: -533  y: -826.  you will have to worry about wool and there are no trees you can sail to find some and bring back saplings though there are also no pigs or chicken this is a great seed though trust me and have fun with it
Hey its me again this is a famous one but in case you have not heard about it I will tell you it right now

the seed is named Dossier ( you must capitalize the D ) and you will spawn either on a island or in water they are about one block away from each other. This seed will work on 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 and 1.6.

ok you spawn at x: -462 z: -601         across the water you will find a village the coordinates are  x: -475  y: -718

this village is awesome it has carrots wheat and potato's all in the same village!

there are quite a few cows  most villagers are farms though only one is not and that one is a librarian. There is no blacksmith chest but there are some better things. One thing is under the village is a ravine I mined in one of the houses which is at x: -443 z: 742 there is a well which goes very far down. Now here is where it gets really good. There is a stronghold portal room floating above the water and around It is the actual stronghold which has a ravine cut into it. The stronghold is under water the floating portal room is close to the village from the well and is at the coordinates
x: -533  y: -826.  you will have to worry about wool and there are no trees you can sail to find some and bring back saplings though there are also no pigs or chicken this is a great seed though trust me and have fun with it

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-25-12
Last Post: 4106 days
Last Active: 4105 days


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