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A poem about those who are afraid of being who they are...
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Make it stop


07-30-13 10:56 AM
generalspleen is Offline
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Hey guys whats up? It's me general spleen here with another poem for you all. This poem I wrote goes out to all the people who are afraid of being judged for being who they are. Whether you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or whatever it may be it doesn't matter. Don't be scared to be who you are. And don't let anyone stop you. Who cares what people think? All that matters is what you think. People can't control you... only you can control your own destiny. Live life to the fullest and never be scared of what others might do or say because whatever they do they are just scared. Be strong, be proud of who you are, and don't let anyone take that away from you. And with that being said here is my poem. I hope I am able to help you all who are suffering or scared who read this to not be afraid of who you are. God made you they way you are. Don't let anyone else tell you differently. Anyways here's my poem. I titled it after a song verse by rise against. It's called make it stop. Enjoy

Make it stop! Let this end!
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It comes to this. A weightless push.
On the way down screaming.

Why does this world hate so much?
Is it because we are scared of the things we can not touch?
We the people need to stop being so cold,
To everyone we meet. This is our home... Our world.

The cold river washed him away, but how can we forget?
The Calvary sought candles, but not their tongues.
And too much blood has flown from the wrist from the children shamed of those they chose to kiss.
Who will rise to stop the blood?

I write for those who are scared to speak out,
Who may be locked in a closet and scared to come out,
Because of the fear of getting judged and knocked out.
Join in everyone and let's make the world chill it the f*** out!

Well there you have it everyone. My new poem. Hopefully I pray that when people read this they will not be scared to be who they truly are. And even though I am straight and have a girlfriend I still believe everybody has the right to be with whoever they want. Whether its two guys, two girls, or a guy and a girl. They deserve to be happy no matter what people say. I hope you all enjoy this and give me feedback on what you think of it. Thank you very much

Thank you very much and have a blessed day
Hey guys whats up? It's me general spleen here with another poem for you all. This poem I wrote goes out to all the people who are afraid of being judged for being who they are. Whether you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or whatever it may be it doesn't matter. Don't be scared to be who you are. And don't let anyone stop you. Who cares what people think? All that matters is what you think. People can't control you... only you can control your own destiny. Live life to the fullest and never be scared of what others might do or say because whatever they do they are just scared. Be strong, be proud of who you are, and don't let anyone take that away from you. And with that being said here is my poem. I hope I am able to help you all who are suffering or scared who read this to not be afraid of who you are. God made you they way you are. Don't let anyone else tell you differently. Anyways here's my poem. I titled it after a song verse by rise against. It's called make it stop. Enjoy

Make it stop! Let this end!
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It comes to this. A weightless push.
On the way down screaming.

Why does this world hate so much?
Is it because we are scared of the things we can not touch?
We the people need to stop being so cold,
To everyone we meet. This is our home... Our world.

The cold river washed him away, but how can we forget?
The Calvary sought candles, but not their tongues.
And too much blood has flown from the wrist from the children shamed of those they chose to kiss.
Who will rise to stop the blood?

I write for those who are scared to speak out,
Who may be locked in a closet and scared to come out,
Because of the fear of getting judged and knocked out.
Join in everyone and let's make the world chill it the f*** out!

Well there you have it everyone. My new poem. Hopefully I pray that when people read this they will not be scared to be who they truly are. And even though I am straight and have a girlfriend I still believe everybody has the right to be with whoever they want. Whether its two guys, two girls, or a guy and a girl. They deserve to be happy no matter what people say. I hope you all enjoy this and give me feedback on what you think of it. Thank you very much

Thank you very much and have a blessed day
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