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RP Game: A Thin Line of Life


04-02-13 05:49 PM
MoblinGardens is Offline
| ID: 769636 | 313 Words

Level: 72

POSTS: 240/1327
POST EXP: 89567
LVL EXP: 3225280
CP: 3933.6
VIZ: 173274

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austipokedude :
kage27 :

Welcome to my new Role Playing game. First, let me get some things out of the way that I would like to say. If you are coming across this thread thinking you would like to join in on the game, just send me a PM and I will find the best possible way to throw you into the game, as it is possible to come across an RP game and you would like to join although it has already commenced. Now this is something I would like to tell the current players. It is great when the players interact and have dialogue towards each other. It is basically like writing a story here so it's great when the players interact. Don't forget to add your actions as well (In story form of course) when you are posting

Now, without further distractions, here is the beginning of the story. This story is called: A Thin Line of Life


You find yourself lying on the cold sandy ground. Everything around you is bland and lifeless. It seems almost as if a storm is coming in. The air is humid and the colour of the area is looking very greyish. You don't hear any animals. All you hear is the water rising and lowering on the sand very close to where you are lying and the wind rustling the trees that are sitting up a grassy hill. It looks to be a full forest. You remember being in a train. The last thing you remembered is a large screeching noise and then nothing. It feels as if you have only woken from a big dream, although, you don't know where you are. You don't recognize the beach nor the forest just up the grassy hill. You notice a path leading up into the forest. You are unsure about proceeding into the woods.
austipokedude :
kage27 :

Welcome to my new Role Playing game. First, let me get some things out of the way that I would like to say. If you are coming across this thread thinking you would like to join in on the game, just send me a PM and I will find the best possible way to throw you into the game, as it is possible to come across an RP game and you would like to join although it has already commenced. Now this is something I would like to tell the current players. It is great when the players interact and have dialogue towards each other. It is basically like writing a story here so it's great when the players interact. Don't forget to add your actions as well (In story form of course) when you are posting

Now, without further distractions, here is the beginning of the story. This story is called: A Thin Line of Life


You find yourself lying on the cold sandy ground. Everything around you is bland and lifeless. It seems almost as if a storm is coming in. The air is humid and the colour of the area is looking very greyish. You don't hear any animals. All you hear is the water rising and lowering on the sand very close to where you are lying and the wind rustling the trees that are sitting up a grassy hill. It looks to be a full forest. You remember being in a train. The last thing you remembered is a large screeching noise and then nothing. It feels as if you have only woken from a big dream, although, you don't know where you are. You don't recognize the beach nor the forest just up the grassy hill. You notice a path leading up into the forest. You are unsure about proceeding into the woods.
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04-02-13 05:53 PM
kage27 is Offline
| ID: 769640 | 9 Words

Level: 43

POSTS: 288/418
POST EXP: 15357
LVL EXP: 564080
CP: 577.8
VIZ: 3018

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while getting up "hello HELLO! ANYBODY IS ANYBODY HERE?"
while getting up "hello HELLO! ANYBODY IS ANYBODY HERE?"
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04-02-13 06:09 PM
austipokedude is Offline
| ID: 769655 | 38 Words

Level: 113

POSTS: 1753/3778
POST EXP: 156054
LVL EXP: 15723796
CP: 4071.1
VIZ: 120271

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wakes up where am I looks straight forward what a dark path i'm not sure if I should take it but I will never know whats in the path up ahead if I don't follows the spooky path.
wakes up where am I looks straight forward what a dark path i'm not sure if I should take it but I will never know whats in the path up ahead if I don't follows the spooky path.
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Vizzed #1 Absol fan Second place in 2013 June VCS 4th place in 2013 Winter Tour De Vizzed

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04-02-13 06:22 PM
kage27 is Offline
| ID: 769670 | 22 Words

Level: 43

POSTS: 290/418
POST EXP: 15357
LVL EXP: 564080
CP: 577.8
VIZ: 3018

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Looks around thinks only one way to go I guess maybe someone lives in there starts walking up the path using caution
Looks around thinks only one way to go I guess maybe someone lives in there starts walking up the path using caution
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04-02-13 06:30 PM
MoblinGardens is Offline
| ID: 769680 | 58 Words

Level: 72

POSTS: 246/1327
POST EXP: 89567
LVL EXP: 3225280
CP: 3933.6
VIZ: 173274

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kage27 :
austipokedude :

As you head up the hill towards the woods, you notice it seems to get darker as you get closer to the woods. You have never seen a place get so dark so fast. You even think you see shadowy figures in the woods dancing about, but you think that it may just be your imagination.
kage27 :
austipokedude :

As you head up the hill towards the woods, you notice it seems to get darker as you get closer to the woods. You have never seen a place get so dark so fast. You even think you see shadowy figures in the woods dancing about, but you think that it may just be your imagination.
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Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-25-12
Location: The Great White North
Last Post: 36 days
Last Active: 10 days

04-02-13 06:37 PM
austipokedude is Offline
| ID: 769685 | 25 Words

Level: 113

POSTS: 1754/3778
POST EXP: 156054
LVL EXP: 15723796
CP: 4071.1
VIZ: 120271

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This path seems like it will never end hears a branch snap whoa what was that it must have been my imagination better keep moving.
This path seems like it will never end hears a branch snap whoa what was that it must have been my imagination better keep moving.
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Vizzed #1 Absol fan Second place in 2013 June VCS 4th place in 2013 Winter Tour De Vizzed

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-14-12
Location: Cerulean cave
Last Post: 2586 days
Last Active: 1971 days

04-11-13 03:34 PM
MoblinGardens is Offline
| ID: 777023 | 74 Words

Level: 72

POSTS: 293/1327
POST EXP: 89567
LVL EXP: 3225280
CP: 3933.6
VIZ: 173274

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austipokedude :
kage27 :

As you continue on through the woods you feel tiny rain drop start to drop on the top of your head.  As you continue to walk through the path through the woods the rain only gets harder and harder.  You then spot a cabin a little bit off the trial.  "This might make good shelter" you think to yourselves as you look through the trees towards the cabin in the pouring rain.
austipokedude :
kage27 :

As you continue on through the woods you feel tiny rain drop start to drop on the top of your head.  As you continue to walk through the path through the woods the rain only gets harder and harder.  You then spot a cabin a little bit off the trial.  "This might make good shelter" you think to yourselves as you look through the trees towards the cabin in the pouring rain.
Trusted Member

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-25-12
Location: The Great White North
Last Post: 36 days
Last Active: 10 days


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