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Enter Earthbound!

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Kyle!'s Score

03-22-13 04:30 PM
Kyle! is Offline
| ID: 761111 | 806 Words

Level: 82

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Earthbound was originally released as Mother 2: Revenge of Gyiygas in Japan. Earthbound is a RPG (Role-Playing-Game). The game was released for the NES in August 27, 1994. And in June 5, 1995. Then for Gameboy Advance (With Mother 1 and 2), June 20, 2003. And the final, and most recent release, March 20, 2013 for the Virtual Console. This game has very similar combat to most RPG games, but doesn't contain magic. But I'll discuss that in the gameplay section.
GRAPHICS: This game's graphics were stunning! Every time I watched a video, or played it I just saw the gaming version of Mona Lisa-- which would explain why it was a five-year project. The areas, battle backgrounds, and characters have been nicely designed and have been made to look different and have a specific way to identify them. For example, Ness is most known for because of his hat, and Paula is well, one of the only females that have a major role in the game. I however felt that some enemies could have looked a bit better or had some more complexity like how the characters and areas were made. I also feel the graphics were better in the later parts of the game than the early parts-- not implying the game looked bad.
SOUND: This game's music is just amazing. I mean; AMAZING! As a musician I loved the soundtracks and now have another use for YouTube. The game's music was composed by Hiroshi Kanazu, and Hirokazu Tanaka. And the soundtrack was released by Sony Records in Japan November 2, 1994. The game's music is just so catchy I find myself looking like a retard at school humming it! But it's worth it. The beats were great and I could easily get my violin/flute/saxophone and most likely play it the way it sounds-- which if you aren't a lifelong musician, means it's that good you can play without notation. However there was that rare moment where I would find myself hating certain songs.
ADDICTIVENESS: OH MY GOD! This game is super addicting! I found myself wanting to play this game all the time! I felt the story was good enough to get me hooked-- and for those who don't know, I get bored really quick. So this game was really nice to be able to play and not lose interest. I also found myself wanting to grind/farm a lot-- so I can breeze through the game without having to worry about dying-- I just wanted to experience the story. I also liked the characters' personalities as they really appealed to me.
STORY: Now I am not going to spoil much, but:
So a meteorite crashes and a boy who has PSI named Ness is near it passes out. Soon he is informed a evil robot named Giygas. However, he'll make friends, encounter enemies, and seek out eight sanctuaries to get enough power and strength to confront Giygas. 
 Ness: What I consider the main character; he uses PSI like many other characters in the game and is whom you play as and control.
 Jeff: A mechanical genius, and child prodigy. I like him due to how much he reminds me of myself-- minus the mechanical genius part.
Paula: One of the only female characters in the game, and she is a strong PSI user. 
Poo: Last, but not least, Poo. Poo is a martial arts master with very little, if not, no physic power(s).
Depth: DANG! I know I haven't play a RPG in awhile (Most RPG's are pretty lengthy,). But man! This was pretty long. There were many enemies to fight and many things to do aside from the story. And as a collector/bestiary filler I absolutely loved achieving my goal of fighting, and killing every monster this game has to offer. And even killing Giygas is even more satisfying!
 Difficulty: Now for those new to RPG's like Earthbound, it'll take some time to get used to. But it's worth it. Now this game was pretty different from what I'm used to, which made me want to try it even more! But the thing that most people don't really pay attention to is the fact it is a turn based RPG, meaning you select the moves your party member use, and they use it once it's their turn. Most people think it's just a, "Hey! Where is the shoot button/Punch button we mash?" Which is something I love to see and laugh about a lot. I do recommend this to man people interested in trying out a more interesting traditional RPG that isn't in medieval times (COUGH! FINAL FANTASY!). I do not however recommend looking for a hardcore mode rom/hack where the difficulty is upped a lot if you have not played through the game at least 3 times (That is my moto). 

Earthbound was originally released as Mother 2: Revenge of Gyiygas in Japan. Earthbound is a RPG (Role-Playing-Game). The game was released for the NES in August 27, 1994. And in June 5, 1995. Then for Gameboy Advance (With Mother 1 and 2), June 20, 2003. And the final, and most recent release, March 20, 2013 for the Virtual Console. This game has very similar combat to most RPG games, but doesn't contain magic. But I'll discuss that in the gameplay section.
GRAPHICS: This game's graphics were stunning! Every time I watched a video, or played it I just saw the gaming version of Mona Lisa-- which would explain why it was a five-year project. The areas, battle backgrounds, and characters have been nicely designed and have been made to look different and have a specific way to identify them. For example, Ness is most known for because of his hat, and Paula is well, one of the only females that have a major role in the game. I however felt that some enemies could have looked a bit better or had some more complexity like how the characters and areas were made. I also feel the graphics were better in the later parts of the game than the early parts-- not implying the game looked bad.
SOUND: This game's music is just amazing. I mean; AMAZING! As a musician I loved the soundtracks and now have another use for YouTube. The game's music was composed by Hiroshi Kanazu, and Hirokazu Tanaka. And the soundtrack was released by Sony Records in Japan November 2, 1994. The game's music is just so catchy I find myself looking like a retard at school humming it! But it's worth it. The beats were great and I could easily get my violin/flute/saxophone and most likely play it the way it sounds-- which if you aren't a lifelong musician, means it's that good you can play without notation. However there was that rare moment where I would find myself hating certain songs.
ADDICTIVENESS: OH MY GOD! This game is super addicting! I found myself wanting to play this game all the time! I felt the story was good enough to get me hooked-- and for those who don't know, I get bored really quick. So this game was really nice to be able to play and not lose interest. I also found myself wanting to grind/farm a lot-- so I can breeze through the game without having to worry about dying-- I just wanted to experience the story. I also liked the characters' personalities as they really appealed to me.
STORY: Now I am not going to spoil much, but:
So a meteorite crashes and a boy who has PSI named Ness is near it passes out. Soon he is informed a evil robot named Giygas. However, he'll make friends, encounter enemies, and seek out eight sanctuaries to get enough power and strength to confront Giygas. 
 Ness: What I consider the main character; he uses PSI like many other characters in the game and is whom you play as and control.
 Jeff: A mechanical genius, and child prodigy. I like him due to how much he reminds me of myself-- minus the mechanical genius part.
Paula: One of the only female characters in the game, and she is a strong PSI user. 
Poo: Last, but not least, Poo. Poo is a martial arts master with very little, if not, no physic power(s).
Depth: DANG! I know I haven't play a RPG in awhile (Most RPG's are pretty lengthy,). But man! This was pretty long. There were many enemies to fight and many things to do aside from the story. And as a collector/bestiary filler I absolutely loved achieving my goal of fighting, and killing every monster this game has to offer. And even killing Giygas is even more satisfying!
 Difficulty: Now for those new to RPG's like Earthbound, it'll take some time to get used to. But it's worth it. Now this game was pretty different from what I'm used to, which made me want to try it even more! But the thing that most people don't really pay attention to is the fact it is a turn based RPG, meaning you select the moves your party member use, and they use it once it's their turn. Most people think it's just a, "Hey! Where is the shoot button/Punch button we mash?" Which is something I love to see and laugh about a lot. I do recommend this to man people interested in trying out a more interesting traditional RPG that isn't in medieval times (COUGH! FINAL FANTASY!). I do not however recommend looking for a hardcore mode rom/hack where the difficulty is upped a lot if you have not played through the game at least 3 times (That is my moto). 

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