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phone call at wrong time!
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phone call at wrong time!


07-27-13 10:43 AM
Pokegeek is Offline
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I was playing Castleminer Z in my bedroom, and there was a phone call downstairs, I had to get it because I was the only one in the house, and when I got back to the game, I was dead and all of my minerals were gone. The worst thing about it was the fact that it was about PPI, again...
I was playing Castleminer Z in my bedroom, and there was a phone call downstairs, I had to get it because I was the only one in the house, and when I got back to the game, I was dead and all of my minerals were gone. The worst thing about it was the fact that it was about PPI, again...
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07-31-13 01:12 PM
TheFadedWarrior is Offline
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My aunt always calls... right at the wrong time. I can honestly say without exaggeration that I can not recall her calling at the right time. Whenever we are leaving the house to go somewhere, at a perfectly random time, she calls right when we're walking out the door. This also happens when my mother and I are doing something together, or if we are just barely starting to eat dinner.
My aunt always calls... right at the wrong time. I can honestly say without exaggeration that I can not recall her calling at the right time. Whenever we are leaving the house to go somewhere, at a perfectly random time, she calls right when we're walking out the door. This also happens when my mother and I are doing something together, or if we are just barely starting to eat dinner.
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07-31-13 01:19 PM
Pacman+Mariofan is Offline
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That has never happened to me before because I don't have a cell phone yet. People do always call my family during lunchtime though and everyone starts looking at each other and we don't answer the phone.
That has never happened to me before because I don't have a cell phone yet. People do always call my family during lunchtime though and everyone starts looking at each other and we don't answer the phone.
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(edited by PacmanandMariofan on 07-31-13 01:19 PM)    

08-02-13 06:39 PM
Legs_Ftw is Offline
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EvilAlu : That must have really sucked
EvilAlu : That must have really sucked

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08-09-13 07:02 AM
supernerd117 is Offline
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I had my cellphone on during a concert once when I was on stage with the orchestra and didn't silence the phone.  I got a call from a friend during the concert during a fortissimo section, so it covered it up.  However, it quickly switched to a pianissimo section.  I was sorely embarrassed then, but I laugh at it now.
I had my cellphone on during a concert once when I was on stage with the orchestra and didn't silence the phone.  I got a call from a friend during the concert during a fortissimo section, so it covered it up.  However, it quickly switched to a pianissimo section.  I was sorely embarrassed then, but I laugh at it now.
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08-09-13 08:41 AM
Koda is Offline
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I had to go to go to after school detention, and I have a phone I only use for emergencies and my mom called me.
I had to go to go to after school detention, and I have a phone I only use for emergencies and my mom called me.
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