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MARCH/APRIL Competition: Rainbow Dash & Sonic


03-08-13 07:08 AM
RavusRat is Offline
| ID: 751548 | 151 Words

Level: 140

POSTS: 2371/5787
POST EXP: 479353
LVL EXP: 32522791
CP: 20651.7
VIZ: 1123780

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It's time to do another monthly competition... This time it involves a game

So what's the challenge... Just complete the game as fast as possible... Without using cheats of course...

1) Use the highscore mode.. And take a print screen of when you finish... (if less than 3 people finish prizes will be given to the players who got the furthest in the game)
2) Only use Rainbow Dash or Sonic and Rainbow Dash.... Knuckles is not allowed..
3) Anyone I suspect to have cheated will be expelled from the tournament and may not enter again.
4) Have fun!

1st place shall get 5,000 viz
2nd place shall get 3,250 viz
3rd place shall get 1,750 viz

Prizes will go up if there is decent participation!

The link didn't work on this post but it does work on the post i made slightly lower down the page...  Sorry.
It's time to do another monthly competition... This time it involves a game

So what's the challenge... Just complete the game as fast as possible... Without using cheats of course...

1) Use the highscore mode.. And take a print screen of when you finish... (if less than 3 people finish prizes will be given to the players who got the furthest in the game)
2) Only use Rainbow Dash or Sonic and Rainbow Dash.... Knuckles is not allowed..
3) Anyone I suspect to have cheated will be expelled from the tournament and may not enter again.
4) Have fun!

1st place shall get 5,000 viz
2nd place shall get 3,250 viz
3rd place shall get 1,750 viz

Prizes will go up if there is decent participation!

The link didn't work on this post but it does work on the post i made slightly lower down the page...  Sorry.
Vizzed Elite
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(edited by sonicmcmuffin on 03-08-13 05:13 PM)    

03-08-13 02:55 PM
Clovertheclever is Offline
| ID: 751803 | 29 Words

Level: 58

POSTS: 401/774
POST EXP: 39735
LVL EXP: 1488476
CP: 2921.0
VIZ: 1364

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0 a great idea. Now who in equestria thought of this great game to be the next contest? Props to them, really!  I love it love it love it. a great idea. Now who in equestria thought of this great game to be the next contest? Props to them, really!  I love it love it love it.
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Name changes cost too much.

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(edited by manicman66 on 03-08-13 02:56 PM)    

03-08-13 02:57 PM
mister sandman is Offline
| ID: 751805 | 3 Words

mister sandman
Level: 46

POSTS: 243/486
POST EXP: 9604
LVL EXP: 708781
CP: 229.8
VIZ: 16591

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link doesn't work
link doesn't work
~vizzed agnostic user~

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03-08-13 04:56 PM
Eddy88 is Offline
| ID: 751916 | 43 Words

Level: 141

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POST EXP: 171931
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CP: 7845.4
VIZ: 294797

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Sonic game involved? I'm in.

This one will be kinda challenging since S3&K level designs are more about platforming (or at least, I see it like that).

Also never speedrunned this one before... So, This will be fun!

P.S: Fix dat link.
Sonic game involved? I'm in.

This one will be kinda challenging since S3&K level designs are more about platforming (or at least, I see it like that).

Also never speedrunned this one before... So, This will be fun!

P.S: Fix dat link.
Vizzed Elite
[7:43 PM]mlb789:Quote me

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03-08-13 05:12 PM
RavusRat is Offline
| ID: 751932 | 39 Words

Level: 140

POSTS: 2377/5787
POST EXP: 479353
LVL EXP: 32522791
CP: 20651.7
VIZ: 1123780

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Not sure why the link didn't work... Hopefully this one does...

If not then simply go into the Retro Game Room and search for "Rainbow Dash".. The game should be the first to appear!

Sorry about the inconvenience.
Not sure why the link didn't work... Hopefully this one does...

If not then simply go into the Retro Game Room and search for "Rainbow Dash".. The game should be the first to appear!

Sorry about the inconvenience.
Vizzed Elite
#1 Pointless title on Vizzed

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03-11-13 04:24 PM
atiy12 is Offline
| ID: 753710 | 17 Words

Level: 29

POSTS: 139/166
POST EXP: 5348
LVL EXP: 145325
CP: 119.1
VIZ: 17011

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sonicmcmuffin : Are we allowed to practice the game first and then start to compete or is that forbidden?
sonicmcmuffin : Are we allowed to practice the game first and then start to compete or is that forbidden?
Biggest Paper Mario fan in the world!

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03-11-13 08:13 PM
RavusRat is Offline
| ID: 753918 | 34 Words

Level: 140

POSTS: 2383/5787
POST EXP: 479353
LVL EXP: 32522791
CP: 20651.7
VIZ: 1123780

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atiy12 : of course you can...  You can practice as much as you want ... 

You can even submit more than one screenshot but be aware that only the best time will be counted..
atiy12 : of course you can...  You can practice as much as you want ... 

You can even submit more than one screenshot but be aware that only the best time will be counted..
Vizzed Elite
#1 Pointless title on Vizzed

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03-24-13 01:06 AM
MegaRevolution1 is Offline
| ID: 762308 | 39 Words

Level: 121

POSTS: 3933/4170
POST EXP: 274021
LVL EXP: 19911496
CP: 2180.9
VIZ: 33889

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I'm in. I love Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but uh, can't really say the same for MLP I like Rainbow Dash at least though, so it's not too bad, Nya~.

I'll probably submit something tomorrow if I'm lucky.
I'm in. I love Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but uh, can't really say the same for MLP I like Rainbow Dash at least though, so it's not too bad, Nya~.

I'll probably submit something tomorrow if I'm lucky.
Vizzed Elite
I asked for it. This is what I wanted.

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03-24-13 01:09 AM
RavusRat is Offline
| ID: 762309 | 34 Words

Level: 140

POSTS: 2468/5787
POST EXP: 479353
LVL EXP: 32522791
CP: 20651.7
VIZ: 1123780

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
MegaRevolution1 : thanks for taking part... In that case I'll probably do a run on Monday... Just a casual one... I've never really tried to speed run Sonic 3 xD

Good luck as well.
MegaRevolution1 : thanks for taking part... In that case I'll probably do a run on Monday... Just a casual one... I've never really tried to speed run Sonic 3 xD

Good luck as well.
Vizzed Elite
#1 Pointless title on Vizzed

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05-01-13 06:16 AM
RavusRat is Offline
| ID: 791326 | 13 Words

Level: 140

POSTS: 2799/5787
POST EXP: 479353
LVL EXP: 32522791
CP: 20651.7
VIZ: 1123780

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
Eddy88 : grats for being the only person who competed.. have 5000 Viz...
Eddy88 : grats for being the only person who competed.. have 5000 Viz...
Vizzed Elite
#1 Pointless title on Vizzed

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-26-10
Location: UK
Last Post: 199 days
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