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Daft Punk's Random Access Memories


02-10-13 10:26 PM
alexanyways is Offline
| ID: 738782 | 51 Words

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Daft Punk has announced a few weeks ago that they will be releasing a new album this May. This is their first studio album in over 7 years.

They've also changed their label to Columbia for its release.

What are your thoughts?

EDIT: I picked up this album last week.
Daft Punk has announced a few weeks ago that they will be releasing a new album this May. This is their first studio album in over 7 years.

They've also changed their label to Columbia for its release.

What are your thoughts?

EDIT: I picked up this album last week.
Vizzed Elite

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(edited by alexanyways on 06-02-13 02:39 PM)    

03-02-13 08:36 AM
mlb789 is Offline
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I can't believe I just saw this now.  I can't wait for the album to come out and hope that they live up to the expectations I will be setting for them.
I can't believe I just saw this now.  I can't wait for the album to come out and hope that they live up to the expectations I will be setting for them.
Vizzed Elite
Winner of the 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 Vizzed Fantasy Football League! Member of the Fighting Mongooses, the 2012 Vizzed Camp Champions.

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03-02-13 08:51 AM
geeogree is Offline
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Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
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That's pretty awesome. I generally enjoy Daft Punk so I'm actually looking forward to this album. I wish groups like Daft Punk and others that make "techno" would create more music. I miss 90's techno
That's pretty awesome. I generally enjoy Daft Punk so I'm actually looking forward to this album. I wish groups like Daft Punk and others that make "techno" would create more music. I miss 90's techno
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03-07-13 07:32 PM
sharingan12 is Offline
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Finally! I've been listening to that 15 second loop for 3 days now and I'm excited for a new album.
Finally! I've been listening to that 15 second loop for 3 days now and I'm excited for a new album.

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06-02-13 02:38 PM
alexanyways is Offline
| ID: 809068 | 49 Words

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I picked this album up last week. It holds up well to their other albums, but is more or less a disco album than their regular house sound. It's still really good, but if you aren't a fan of "Get Lucky", this album might not have much for you.
I picked this album up last week. It holds up well to their other albums, but is more or less a disco album than their regular house sound. It's still really good, but if you aren't a fan of "Get Lucky", this album might not have much for you.
Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 02-24-10
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