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What Game Has Sucked You In Recently?


01-21-13 09:38 PM
redskiller76 is Offline
| ID: 728480 | 145 Words

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I have lots of games retro and modern and mostly all of them I enjoy except Shaq Fu! But besides the point. The game that took my weekend and probably next week or two is Far Cry 3. I just got it when it was on sale. I have pumped 20 hours into it and only 45 percent. Standard time for an RPG but This I can actually play. Skyrim for example great game but it did not catch my attention as well. You could say that Far Cry 3 is on the edge of casual but I guess that is my thing. I enjoy JRPG here and there. But things like Skyrim are like here is 50 quest now go do them. Far Cry 3 is more simple. And I like that. Enough about me. What is your time sucker?  Please explain your answer.
I have lots of games retro and modern and mostly all of them I enjoy except Shaq Fu! But besides the point. The game that took my weekend and probably next week or two is Far Cry 3. I just got it when it was on sale. I have pumped 20 hours into it and only 45 percent. Standard time for an RPG but This I can actually play. Skyrim for example great game but it did not catch my attention as well. You could say that Far Cry 3 is on the edge of casual but I guess that is my thing. I enjoy JRPG here and there. But things like Skyrim are like here is 50 quest now go do them. Far Cry 3 is more simple. And I like that. Enough about me. What is your time sucker?  Please explain your answer.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-22-12
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01-21-13 11:56 PM
ruesen is Offline
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Right now, Pokémon Conquest has me pretty busy and sufficiently sucked in. I have been playing it ever since Christmas nearly every day. 90+ hours since Christmas! There is just so many little things that I CAN do that I just feel that I MUST do!

Perhaps it is because I am on the post game content and trying to get EVERY warrior their perfect Pokémon, level up the warlords, and getting pretty OCD about making sure everything is perfect... Dang my perfectionism in video games!
Right now, Pokémon Conquest has me pretty busy and sufficiently sucked in. I have been playing it ever since Christmas nearly every day. 90+ hours since Christmas! There is just so many little things that I CAN do that I just feel that I MUST do!

Perhaps it is because I am on the post game content and trying to get EVERY warrior their perfect Pokémon, level up the warlords, and getting pretty OCD about making sure everything is perfect... Dang my perfectionism in video games!
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01-21-13 11:59 PM
patar4097 is Offline
| ID: 728531 | 61 Words

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For me, it's Super Mario 3D Land. Once I start playing, it's hard to stop. If I miss a Comet Medal, I have to replay that level, and the same goes for getting the golden flag pole. And I don't like it when one of my little brothers have a quicker time than me, so I have to beat them.
For me, it's Super Mario 3D Land. Once I start playing, it's hard to stop. If I miss a Comet Medal, I have to replay that level, and the same goes for getting the golden flag pole. And I don't like it when one of my little brothers have a quicker time than me, so I have to beat them.
Vizzed Elite

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01-22-13 12:27 AM
orionfoxgibson is Offline
| ID: 728534 | 194 Words

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"Darksiders 1"
I waited till a sequel came out before I finally go a copy of it. (Yesterday.)
Don't spoil it folks.
I like being "Sucker- Punched" with a good tale.
Right now I'm digging it. The Artist was a great Comic-Book Creator that Disapeared several years ago with his prized series incompleted at issue number 7 in the 1990's and just recently resurfaced with this game series.
I don't know why he dropped off the face of the earth but he's back and if memory serves his stuff is so cool you get inspired to imitate his art with a mere taste.
Joe Mad.
Joe Madurriera (I think. It's been years. Sue me.)
His Comic was "Battle Chasers".
The art looks the same so I am certain it is his work.
Why take a decade vacation?
I don't know. You ask him.
He's back and he's bad.
The game seems to rock. Like a Steriod fuelled Adventure of Link For The 64 that has modern day graphics and mechanics.
The Story is closer to Spawn Comics Territory. But who Cares?
It's Friggin Joe Mad.

That's what got me hooked recently.

Good Luck.
"Darksiders 1"
I waited till a sequel came out before I finally go a copy of it. (Yesterday.)
Don't spoil it folks.
I like being "Sucker- Punched" with a good tale.
Right now I'm digging it. The Artist was a great Comic-Book Creator that Disapeared several years ago with his prized series incompleted at issue number 7 in the 1990's and just recently resurfaced with this game series.
I don't know why he dropped off the face of the earth but he's back and if memory serves his stuff is so cool you get inspired to imitate his art with a mere taste.
Joe Mad.
Joe Madurriera (I think. It's been years. Sue me.)
His Comic was "Battle Chasers".
The art looks the same so I am certain it is his work.
Why take a decade vacation?
I don't know. You ask him.
He's back and he's bad.
The game seems to rock. Like a Steriod fuelled Adventure of Link For The 64 that has modern day graphics and mechanics.
The Story is closer to Spawn Comics Territory. But who Cares?
It's Friggin Joe Mad.

That's what got me hooked recently.

Good Luck.
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Some People Call Me The Space Cowboy.Some People Call Me The Gangster of Love...

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 11-22-12
Location: The FlipSide Of Reality.
Last Post: 3395 days
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