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iCASH Signatures, Avatars, Banners, Graphics


05-03-09 01:05 PM
iBOCK is Offline
| ID: 88177 | 120 Words

Level: 128

POSTS: 3630/4283
POST EXP: 267468
LVL EXP: 23759977
CP: 769.6
VIZ: 117402

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I've decided to open a signature shop here on Vizzed.

Here are the prices:

1 signature: 50 Viz
2 Signatures: 70 Viz*BEST DEAL*

1 Avatar: 10 Viz
2 Avatars: 15 Viz*BEST DEAL*

Misc. Graphics: 50-150 Viz (depending on size)

Misc. Banners: 70-200 Viz (depending on size)

PM me with a request for a graphic, signature, banner, or avatar design, and I'll give you the graphic when it's done. Half of the payment is needed in advance to make sure that nobody gets 1,000 Viz worth of stuff without actually paying. I know this makes me look kinda like a tool, but I'm doing so many things at once and this payment method keeps things at a manageable pace.

I've decided to open a signature shop here on Vizzed.

Here are the prices:

1 signature: 50 Viz
2 Signatures: 70 Viz*BEST DEAL*

1 Avatar: 10 Viz
2 Avatars: 15 Viz*BEST DEAL*

Misc. Graphics: 50-150 Viz (depending on size)

Misc. Banners: 70-200 Viz (depending on size)

PM me with a request for a graphic, signature, banner, or avatar design, and I'll give you the graphic when it's done. Half of the payment is needed in advance to make sure that nobody gets 1,000 Viz worth of stuff without actually paying. I know this makes me look kinda like a tool, but I'm doing so many things at once and this payment method keeps things at a manageable pace.

Vizzed Elite

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-02-05
Location: the grid
Last Post: 4447 days
Last Active: 3405 days


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Adblocker detected! is very expensive to keep alive! The Ads pay for the servers.

Vizzed has 3 TB worth of games and 1 TB worth of music.  This site is free to use but the ads barely pay for the monthly server fees.  If too many more people use ad block, the site cannot survive.

We prioritize the community over the site profits.  This is why we avoid using annoying (but high paying) ads like most other sites which include popups, obnoxious sounds and animations, malware, and other forms of intrusiveness.  We'll do our part to never resort to these types of ads, please do your part by helping support this site by adding to your ad blocking whitelist.
