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Do you call Vacation Day on your birthday?


10-17-12 12:42 PM
Ktanaqui is Offline
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I'm just curious who takes the day off on their birthday and who keeps working through it. It seems to me that most of the people I know call it a day off and request the day off from work or whatever else they are doing on their birthday. Me? I don't. I don't want to. My birthday has sucked the last couple of years.

So what about the rest of ya'll?
I'm just curious who takes the day off on their birthday and who keeps working through it. It seems to me that most of the people I know call it a day off and request the day off from work or whatever else they are doing on their birthday. Me? I don't. I don't want to. My birthday has sucked the last couple of years.

So what about the rest of ya'll?
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10-17-12 01:07 PM
Clayton 2 is Offline
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Clayton 2
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Since my birthday is on the 27th, it's either on a weekend, or a day when there is no school. It is indeed a holiday for me.
Since my birthday is on the 27th, it's either on a weekend, or a day when there is no school. It is indeed a holiday for me.
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10-17-12 04:56 PM
Eddy88 is Offline
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Nope... If my birthday it's on a school day, I have to go to school.

So, you can imagine how happy I feel when my B-day it's on a Weekend or a day with no school.
Nope... If my birthday it's on a school day, I have to go to school.

So, you can imagine how happy I feel when my B-day it's on a Weekend or a day with no school.
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[7:43 PM]mlb789:Quote me

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10-18-12 07:19 AM
Ktanaqui is Offline
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My birthday was almost always on a school day. I don't think I ever had the opportunity to miss school for it either - my mom was pretty strict about that because of the fact that she was constantly in trouble with the system over my little brother who was rather frequently suspended. But they still marked him for truancy.
My birthday was almost always on a school day. I don't think I ever had the opportunity to miss school for it either - my mom was pretty strict about that because of the fact that she was constantly in trouble with the system over my little brother who was rather frequently suspended. But they still marked him for truancy.
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10-30-12 09:52 PM
Oldschool41 is Offline
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My birthday is the 30th of December. So I just wait till New Years Day to have my birthday party.
My birthday is the 30th of December. So I just wait till New Years Day to have my birthday party.
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10-30-12 09:57 PM
Crazy Li is Offline
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Crazy Li
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I consider my birthday to be a holiday, so I always take it off if I don't get it off naturally. I never went to school on my birthday either since it's in the summer :p
I consider my birthday to be a holiday, so I always take it off if I don't get it off naturally. I never went to school on my birthday either since it's in the summer :p
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10-31-12 12:59 AM
RealBrickz is Offline
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I've always worked or went to school on my birthday, I don't see my birthday as a reason to take off work. I guess it's just how I was raised, my family treats our birthdays as just another day but with gifts. It also doesn't hurt that I work with a few of my best friends and generally get along with my co workers.
I've always worked or went to school on my birthday, I don't see my birthday as a reason to take off work. I guess it's just how I was raised, my family treats our birthdays as just another day but with gifts. It also doesn't hurt that I work with a few of my best friends and generally get along with my co workers.
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11-03-12 04:44 AM
Juliet is Offline
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Nope I don't. My birthday is important but so is school, but I treat my friends in some fast foods or restaurant during breaks, and then I eat dinner outside with my family. My friends and family usually buy me cakes and some small gifts, well except for dad, he won't settle with small gifts...
Nope I don't. My birthday is important but so is school, but I treat my friends in some fast foods or restaurant during breaks, and then I eat dinner outside with my family. My friends and family usually buy me cakes and some small gifts, well except for dad, he won't settle with small gifts...
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11-03-12 05:43 AM
zelfrex21 is Offline
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nah, my B-day always sucked and I really could remember a single good year where I could enjoy it or think as it was my B-day rather then the most worst day of all year and to me it was always school days but I didn't really care whether it holidays or not because it sucked
nah, my B-day always sucked and I really could remember a single good year where I could enjoy it or think as it was my B-day rather then the most worst day of all year and to me it was always school days but I didn't really care whether it holidays or not because it sucked

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(edited by zelfrex21 on 11-03-12 05:44 AM)    

11-18-12 07:59 PM
Destifen is Offline
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My birthday is in August so I never went to school on my birthday (or college)
However, I have worked on my birthday and gone to the bar at lunchtime 
But now I always take the day off when it's my birthday
My birthday is in August so I never went to school on my birthday (or college)
However, I have worked on my birthday and gone to the bar at lunchtime 
But now I always take the day off when it's my birthday
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11-18-12 09:21 PM
Singelli is Offline
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I've never understood the whole 'take my birthday' off kind of thing.  I mean, perhaps that's just because my mother made sure we were in school rain or shine, and the only way we could get out of it was if we were on our death beds.  I work through my birthday... always. I don't even really celebrate it, to be honest, but I'm just odd.

Actually, when I moved down here to the south, people taking off for their birthday was a new experience for me.  I don't recall very many people doing it in the northern places I lived in.
I've never understood the whole 'take my birthday' off kind of thing.  I mean, perhaps that's just because my mother made sure we were in school rain or shine, and the only way we could get out of it was if we were on our death beds.  I work through my birthday... always. I don't even really celebrate it, to be honest, but I'm just odd.

Actually, when I moved down here to the south, people taking off for their birthday was a new experience for me.  I don't recall very many people doing it in the northern places I lived in.
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11-18-12 10:11 PM
Durin's Bane is Offline
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Durin's Bane
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No.  I do not.  I don't place myself above anyone else.  Even if I am a terrible creature of great power.  I don't rest on my birthday.  I work all the time.  I am always trying to find new things for my websites.
No.  I do not.  I don't place myself above anyone else.  Even if I am a terrible creature of great power.  I don't rest on my birthday.  I work all the time.  I am always trying to find new things for my websites.
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