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10-04-12 07:52 PM
10-04-12 07:52 PM
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Earthbound: A must-play for any fan of RPGs.

Game's Ratings
Average User Score
M4g1cW4rr10r's Score

10-04-12 07:52 PM
M4g1cW4rr10r is Offline
| ID: 664718 | 386 Words

Level: 29

POSTS: 1/163
POST EXP: 26245
LVL EXP: 138632
CP: 3295.2
VIZ: 70934

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0

Graphics: 9

The game looks very beautiful and colorful, the graphics are great, and the background is nicely detailed. The character's sprites usually only have a two frame walking animation. But the real show is when you go into a battle... 

Sound: 9

I love the music and sound effects in the game, having a lot of personal favorites. The music can be very cheery, sad, frantic, music changing depending on the enemy you're fighting, it's great. This game also has a lot of relaxing pieces, especially after defeating a major boss.

Addictiveness: 10

This game is extremely addictive and fun to play. For an RPG, this is one of my top 10 favorites that I always seem to come back to when I can.

Story: 9

The story is about a alien empire trying to take over the planet. Your tutorial guide tells you that three boys and a girl face Giygas in an intergalactic war. You don't see this in games a lot, usually there's some motivation, but these are just oddball kids, doing what no one else can, all with the three pieces of success; Courage, wisdom, and friendship. In fact, this triangle is so powerful, they can actually beat up police officers.

Depth: 10

Your tutorial guide gives you a task to carry out before his end, which is to go to eight different locations and record music. Sounds easy enough, right? Nope. This is a pretty long game we have here. You can't just go to your objective, you need to do other things first to advance, help other people, get items, and other stuff. Every character also has his/her own personality and is lovable and memorable in some way.

Difficulty: 5

This game isn't technically 'hard', and it's more where you need to use your skills effectively and accordingly on your opponent. Some enemies cannot be killed simply hammering away with your attacks, sometimes you need to use your skills to your advantage. If you need to learn a certain skill, you can fight enemies on the overworld and earn enough experience. Even if you don't know how to progress through the story line, there's a area to get hints telling you how to progress.

Overall: 9.4

Earthbound has, and always will be a great game in the SNES library. 

Graphics: 9

The game looks very beautiful and colorful, the graphics are great, and the background is nicely detailed. The character's sprites usually only have a two frame walking animation. But the real show is when you go into a battle... 

Sound: 9

I love the music and sound effects in the game, having a lot of personal favorites. The music can be very cheery, sad, frantic, music changing depending on the enemy you're fighting, it's great. This game also has a lot of relaxing pieces, especially after defeating a major boss.

Addictiveness: 10

This game is extremely addictive and fun to play. For an RPG, this is one of my top 10 favorites that I always seem to come back to when I can.

Story: 9

The story is about a alien empire trying to take over the planet. Your tutorial guide tells you that three boys and a girl face Giygas in an intergalactic war. You don't see this in games a lot, usually there's some motivation, but these are just oddball kids, doing what no one else can, all with the three pieces of success; Courage, wisdom, and friendship. In fact, this triangle is so powerful, they can actually beat up police officers.

Depth: 10

Your tutorial guide gives you a task to carry out before his end, which is to go to eight different locations and record music. Sounds easy enough, right? Nope. This is a pretty long game we have here. You can't just go to your objective, you need to do other things first to advance, help other people, get items, and other stuff. Every character also has his/her own personality and is lovable and memorable in some way.

Difficulty: 5

This game isn't technically 'hard', and it's more where you need to use your skills effectively and accordingly on your opponent. Some enemies cannot be killed simply hammering away with your attacks, sometimes you need to use your skills to your advantage. If you need to learn a certain skill, you can fight enemies on the overworld and earn enough experience. Even if you don't know how to progress through the story line, there's a area to get hints telling you how to progress.

Overall: 9.4

Earthbound has, and always will be a great game in the SNES library. 


Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-28-12
Last Post: 1435 days
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