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is this site ok


09-13-12 07:52 PM
noobpwner59 is Offline
| ID: 652093 | 53 Words

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I lot of people say these sites are against the bible and you are stealing by using them, I see so many kind Christians on  this site, please just say whether its ok to use roms or not, and say why, I've been fighting within myself about this for a while, please help
I lot of people say these sites are against the bible and you are stealing by using them, I see so many kind Christians on  this site, please just say whether its ok to use roms or not, and say why, I've been fighting within myself about this for a while, please help

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09-13-12 07:54 PM
mourinhosgum is Offline
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These games are not stolen because when you play these games you are actually renting a digital copy of the game so it is not illegal to play them.   Did that answer your question
These games are not stolen because when you play these games you are actually renting a digital copy of the game so it is not illegal to play them.   Did that answer your question
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09-13-12 08:03 PM
Eddy88 is Offline
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Yeah, Of course it's OK.

It's okay to use Roms. Those games aren't being sold anymore, so it isn't stealing. Also, as mourinhos said: When you play these games you are renting a digital copy of the game. 

There's no prob.
Yeah, Of course it's OK.

It's okay to use Roms. Those games aren't being sold anymore, so it isn't stealing. Also, as mourinhos said: When you play these games you are renting a digital copy of the game. 

There's no prob.
Vizzed Elite
[7:43 PM]mlb789:Quote me

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09-13-12 08:07 PM
tRIUNE is Offline
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All games in the RGR are no longer being sold but Davideo7 will remove any copyright violations upon request, this means playing any of the games in the RGR is not hurting any company financially in anyway. Also as mourinhosgum says, when you play these games, you're legally "renting" a digital copy of a physical game we really own - this might not apply to all of the games, but it does to a lot of them.
All games in the RGR are no longer being sold but Davideo7 will remove any copyright violations upon request, this means playing any of the games in the RGR is not hurting any company financially in anyway. Also as mourinhosgum says, when you play these games, you're legally "renting" a digital copy of a physical game we really own - this might not apply to all of the games, but it does to a lot of them.
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09-13-12 08:12 PM
noobpwner59 is Offline
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alright thank you all, I can play this fine now.
alright thank you all, I can play this fine now.

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09-13-12 08:17 PM
AuraBlaze is Offline
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I have been wrestling with questions like this one myself, especially when I took Ethics and Diversity this past Spring semester in college. There was a time this year when I would download emulators, roms, .mp3s, and videos for my own use. Often the mentality was "everyone does it, I am just one person, they (the companies who own the rights) are not losing much from me." I eventually understood this to be a terrible fallacy.

I should mention that my perspective is not nearly as simple as it firsts sounds. I still download .mp3s, videos, and other content for free. I could go long explanation of the kinds of choices I make, but I am not capable of ever finding true innocence. I do not say this to mitigate my actions --especially when knowing that there are no "degrees of sin"-- nor do I say this to try to throw the discussion by the wayside. I can tell you that I am think twice before making the wrong decision.

In the legal sense, the legality of roms depends on who owns the games (Nintendo, Atari, etc.). In the Christian sense, only God has the final judgement.
I have been wrestling with questions like this one myself, especially when I took Ethics and Diversity this past Spring semester in college. There was a time this year when I would download emulators, roms, .mp3s, and videos for my own use. Often the mentality was "everyone does it, I am just one person, they (the companies who own the rights) are not losing much from me." I eventually understood this to be a terrible fallacy.

I should mention that my perspective is not nearly as simple as it firsts sounds. I still download .mp3s, videos, and other content for free. I could go long explanation of the kinds of choices I make, but I am not capable of ever finding true innocence. I do not say this to mitigate my actions --especially when knowing that there are no "degrees of sin"-- nor do I say this to try to throw the discussion by the wayside. I can tell you that I am think twice before making the wrong decision.

In the legal sense, the legality of roms depends on who owns the games (Nintendo, Atari, etc.). In the Christian sense, only God has the final judgement.
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09-13-12 08:24 PM
blade1235 is Offline
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This site is perfectly legal and not against the bible as you have heard. You are legally renting a digital copy of a game that they own so it's their games just digitized. it's perfectly safe and free
This site is perfectly legal and not against the bible as you have heard. You are legally renting a digital copy of a game that they own so it's their games just digitized. it's perfectly safe and free
lord of the backflip!

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09-13-12 08:41 PM
Mobouis1 is Offline
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Dude it is okay to go on this website and play the roms. Like other people say when you playing the game you ;egally renting the game. You could play the game as long you have vizzed.
Dude it is okay to go on this website and play the roms. Like other people say when you playing the game you ;egally renting the game. You could play the game as long you have vizzed.
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10-03-12 02:06 PM
Mother3fan5 is Offline
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Yes, this site is ok, because....
1. You don't steal the games, you rent them
2. The games in the Retro Game Room are, well.... retro. and they don't sell Retro games anymore.
Need I say more? This Site is A- Ok!
Yes, this site is ok, because....
1. You don't steal the games, you rent them
2. The games in the Retro Game Room are, well.... retro. and they don't sell Retro games anymore.
Need I say more? This Site is A- Ok!
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the mothcan

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10-03-12 02:15 PM
Deadman9001 is Offline
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I'm just glad that this site even exists! I actually never thought of this dilemma until you posted it, and if I had thought of it well I'd be in the same spot as you! It's good to know we have such good people on here who will answer any questions, and its good to see people actually asking good questions regarding a life choice. I never really understood the Viz aspect, but its like getting tokens to play these games, its almost like being at an arcade really, you're given some sort of token to play on a system for a period of time.  The only difference is you aren't restrained by time. 
I'm just glad that this site even exists! I actually never thought of this dilemma until you posted it, and if I had thought of it well I'd be in the same spot as you! It's good to know we have such good people on here who will answer any questions, and its good to see people actually asking good questions regarding a life choice. I never really understood the Viz aspect, but its like getting tokens to play these games, its almost like being at an arcade really, you're given some sort of token to play on a system for a period of time.  The only difference is you aren't restrained by time. 
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