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Avatar: the last air-bender Or Avatar: the legend of Korra?


08-03-12 09:07 PM
werehogman is Offline
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The last air bender was a epic show, and The legend of Korra was a impressive show as well (even though it is not over). Which one is it you prefer? I personally am in love with both and can't choose. Comment about which one is your favorite and why. 
The last air bender was a epic show, and The legend of Korra was a impressive show as well (even though it is not over). Which one is it you prefer? I personally am in love with both and can't choose. Comment about which one is your favorite and why. 

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08-04-12 01:08 AM
SamB is Offline
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I am a fan of the last air bender, I like legend of Kora don't get me wrong, but it is not the same as the original series. I used to watch the last air bender almost everyday just because the show had a great plot and some humorous scenes. I think if legend of kora had someone like saka in it the show would be a lot better. I like a show that can make me laugh when the story gets serious, and unfortunately legend of korra doesn't provide that like avatar did.  
I am a fan of the last air bender, I like legend of Kora don't get me wrong, but it is not the same as the original series. I used to watch the last air bender almost everyday just because the show had a great plot and some humorous scenes. I think if legend of kora had someone like saka in it the show would be a lot better. I like a show that can make me laugh when the story gets serious, and unfortunately legend of korra doesn't provide that like avatar did.  
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08-04-12 04:24 AM
RavusRat is Offline
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This belongs in the Cartoon/Anime Forum... Let me just move this for you...
This belongs in the Cartoon/Anime Forum... Let me just move this for you...
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08-06-12 01:23 PM
Shaedo K is Offline
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They're entirely different shows.

Avatar was a show about traveling and magic and learning about the geopolitical socio-economic differences between nations and peoples in various locations and dynamics. We go through the South Pole, the Desert, the swamps, the cities, the plains, the sky, underground, you name it. We learn about history and blah blah blah so much stuff.

Legend of Korra is a show about conspiracies and diplomacy. It's a show about double crosses and sneaky schemes. It all takes place in one city and the characters, especially Amon and Tarlok, are incredibly complex and carefully constructed. The show is short and to the point, and presented amazingly.

They're not even SORT OF the same and barely comparable at all. They are both perfect and wonderful shows that complement each other's differences. I love both of them.
They're entirely different shows.

Avatar was a show about traveling and magic and learning about the geopolitical socio-economic differences between nations and peoples in various locations and dynamics. We go through the South Pole, the Desert, the swamps, the cities, the plains, the sky, underground, you name it. We learn about history and blah blah blah so much stuff.

Legend of Korra is a show about conspiracies and diplomacy. It's a show about double crosses and sneaky schemes. It all takes place in one city and the characters, especially Amon and Tarlok, are incredibly complex and carefully constructed. The show is short and to the point, and presented amazingly.

They're not even SORT OF the same and barely comparable at all. They are both perfect and wonderful shows that complement each other's differences. I love both of them.
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08-21-12 07:33 PM
jouhn4 is Offline
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Legend of Kora felt a little too rushed. That might be because it was a mini series but it lost that feel of an epic journey that the original had. Plus Kora was certainly a interesting character but she didn't have the same lovable quality that Aang had. That is just my thoughts. And for the record the Legend of Kora was a great show, I just think they could have done better.
Legend of Kora felt a little too rushed. That might be because it was a mini series but it lost that feel of an epic journey that the original had. Plus Kora was certainly a interesting character but she didn't have the same lovable quality that Aang had. That is just my thoughts. And for the record the Legend of Kora was a great show, I just think they could have done better.

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