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Fire Emblem Photo Journey.(Part one)

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07-29-12 01:26 AM
mjabcd1234 is Offline
| ID: 625627 | 307 Words

Level: 28

POSTS: 37/146
POST EXP: 11253
LVL EXP: 119199
CP: 295.9
VIZ: 20109

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Hey there. This is a photo album of this group journey narrated by them.

 Sain : Welcome! Please,look here

Our journey began soon after saving M'lady from a group of bandits. More await.
Kent: Yes. More.

Sain : . Continue on Kent.

Lyn: I hit the leader of one of them right in the chest!

Sain : Would you like some lance with that? Ha!
Kent:Very funny. Continue with the pictures.

We continued on our journey making many friends. Here is some.
Lyn:This is Serra,who wields a staff that can heal people. It amazes me

Sain : Nils, a young lad who's music makes you have more energy to move. It's truly amazing!
Also in this picture is Lucius,a mage who uses Lightning to expel dark magic.

This is Erk, a fire mage ho burns bandits until they fall.

Lyn:This is my old friend,Florina. She is a Pegasus Knight in training and is skilled riding and with a lance.

This is Will, a archer we encountered. He is very skilled with a bow. This isn't a very flattering picture. Don't worry, he wasn't badly injured.

Kent: This is Dorcas. He is a skilled axe man,as this picture proves.

This is Rath, a archer who serves they same Heritage of M'lady. He is very dangerous with a bow, landing killing blows often.

Last to Introduce is Matthew. He is a thief but really use full. He swordsman skills are amazing.

Our journey has been long but we are succeeding in our trek..

Lyn: Here is some proof that we are becoming stronger.

 We are all stronger now. We will prevail! Hope we see you on our journey again.

Bye. See you soon.
From all of us on our mission.

Play this game above.

How did you all like my Photo album? I'll do more later ok? Rate it on how you liked my photos and story.

Hey there. This is a photo album of this group journey narrated by them.

 Sain : Welcome! Please,look here

Our journey began soon after saving M'lady from a group of bandits. More await.
Kent: Yes. More.

Sain : . Continue on Kent.

Lyn: I hit the leader of one of them right in the chest!

Sain : Would you like some lance with that? Ha!
Kent:Very funny. Continue with the pictures.

We continued on our journey making many friends. Here is some.
Lyn:This is Serra,who wields a staff that can heal people. It amazes me

Sain : Nils, a young lad who's music makes you have more energy to move. It's truly amazing!
Also in this picture is Lucius,a mage who uses Lightning to expel dark magic.

This is Erk, a fire mage ho burns bandits until they fall.

Lyn:This is my old friend,Florina. She is a Pegasus Knight in training and is skilled riding and with a lance.

This is Will, a archer we encountered. He is very skilled with a bow. This isn't a very flattering picture. Don't worry, he wasn't badly injured.

Kent: This is Dorcas. He is a skilled axe man,as this picture proves.

This is Rath, a archer who serves they same Heritage of M'lady. He is very dangerous with a bow, landing killing blows often.

Last to Introduce is Matthew. He is a thief but really use full. He swordsman skills are amazing.

Our journey has been long but we are succeeding in our trek..

Lyn: Here is some proof that we are becoming stronger.

 We are all stronger now. We will prevail! Hope we see you on our journey again.

Bye. See you soon.
From all of us on our mission.

Play this game above.

How did you all like my Photo album? I'll do more later ok? Rate it on how you liked my photos and story.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-16-12
Location: Mars.
Last Post: 3981 days
Last Active: 3603 days

10-04-12 09:59 PM
JustSambino is Offline
| ID: 665006 | 26 Words

Level: 6

POSTS: 2/5
LVL EXP: 750
CP: 3.0
VIZ: 3035

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 0
mjabcd1234 :

I liked it, was fun to read the captions you put and it's always good to look at pictures :p

Keep up the good work.
mjabcd1234 :

I liked it, was fun to read the captions you put and it's always good to look at pictures :p

Keep up the good work.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-10-12
Last Post: 4485 days
Last Active: 4396 days


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