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How Can I Earn Trust Points


06-05-12 09:56 PM
lugiaboy is Offline
| ID: 596884 | 44 Words

Level: 30

POSTS: 30/179
POST EXP: 6487
LVL EXP: 162605
CP: 239.6
VIZ: 370

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Hello, everyone! I need some help from some people. This is most likely for the Trusted Members and above them-self's. Can you give some tips on how to earn Trust Points. I want to get Trust Points to make different Layouts for my user.
Hello, everyone! I need some help from some people. This is most likely for the Trusted Members and above them-self's. Can you give some tips on how to earn Trust Points. I want to get Trust Points to make different Layouts for my user.
:O I think I have no life.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-22-12
Last Post: 4211 days
Last Active: 1774 days

06-06-12 07:29 PM
RequiemHaunt is Offline
| ID: 597546 | 47 Words

Level: 77

POSTS: 1080/1503
POST EXP: 138087
LVL EXP: 4139212
CP: 2085.4
VIZ: 89269

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Well following the rules and have plenty of good quality posts really helps. The more you post and the better the quality your posts are makes you looked favored upon. Also being friendly and helpful (without telling mods what to do) will help you gain trust points.
Well following the rules and have plenty of good quality posts really helps. The more you post and the better the quality your posts are makes you looked favored upon. Also being friendly and helpful (without telling mods what to do) will help you gain trust points.
Vizzed Elite
Vizzed #1 Galerians fan!

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06-07-12 09:47 AM
BNuge is Offline
| ID: 597883 | 206 Words

Level: 139

POSTS: 5030/5719
POST EXP: 366194
LVL EXP: 31672432
CP: 14568.1
VIZ: 1519419

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Easiest way.... post a lot and make sure all of the posts are good. If you make good posts and people notice them, they may give you Trust Points. If you post a lot, but the posts are short or off-topic, then people may take away points. It is possible to have negative Trust Points.

My personal policy is if I notice someone has 4 or 5 really good posts while I'm just doing my daily posting, then I may give them one or two Points. That can take more than a day. If I find those 4 or 5 in a week, then I may still give the Points, but I might also not make the connection that all of the posts are from the same person. Also, if I find one bad one, then I probably won't give any for a little while.

The biggest rule is to NEVER ask for Trust Points. 99% of the time you'll lose Points just for asking. There was also an issue a while ago where a user was saying that he would give someone Trust Points if they gave him some. He got caught and banned.

Good posts, stay on topic, try to be active, don't ask.
Easiest way.... post a lot and make sure all of the posts are good. If you make good posts and people notice them, they may give you Trust Points. If you post a lot, but the posts are short or off-topic, then people may take away points. It is possible to have negative Trust Points.

My personal policy is if I notice someone has 4 or 5 really good posts while I'm just doing my daily posting, then I may give them one or two Points. That can take more than a day. If I find those 4 or 5 in a week, then I may still give the Points, but I might also not make the connection that all of the posts are from the same person. Also, if I find one bad one, then I probably won't give any for a little while.

The biggest rule is to NEVER ask for Trust Points. 99% of the time you'll lose Points just for asking. There was also an issue a while ago where a user was saying that he would give someone Trust Points if they gave him some. He got caught and banned.

Good posts, stay on topic, try to be active, don't ask.
Vizzed Elite
Third Place in Feb 2011 VCS Achieved Ravering Syndrome + on Jan 6, 2012

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06-07-12 05:54 PM
lugiaboy is Offline
| ID: 598153 | 5 Words

Level: 30

POSTS: 34/179
POST EXP: 6487
LVL EXP: 162605
CP: 239.6
VIZ: 370

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RequiemHaunt : Thank you for your help!
RequiemHaunt : Thank you for your help!
:O I think I have no life.

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 05-22-12
Last Post: 4211 days
Last Active: 1774 days

06-07-12 06:54 PM
catfight09 is Offline
| ID: 598216 | 25 Words

Level: 94

POSTS: 1862/2328
POST EXP: 74403
LVL EXP: 8261775
CP: 395.7
VIZ: 44950

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Another easy tip is to help people out as much as possible either through the Help-Comment- Suggestion forum, or through the use of Vizzed Market.
Another easy tip is to help people out as much as possible either through the Help-Comment- Suggestion forum, or through the use of Vizzed Market.
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Registered: 03-14-10
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06-07-12 07:01 PM
starwars293 is Offline
| ID: 598224 | 37 Words

Level: 110

POSTS: 2069/3425
POST EXP: 104399
LVL EXP: 14052275
CP: 3107.7
VIZ: 140237

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You just need to post a lot, follow the rules and be nice to people. They'll give you trust points if you do. However, you cannot ask for trust points. If you do, you'll just lose them
You just need to post a lot, follow the rules and be nice to people. They'll give you trust points if you do. However, you cannot ask for trust points. If you do, you'll just lose them
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Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-22-11
Location: Canada
Last Post: 3062 days
Last Active: 188 days


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